Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Top 5 Best Runes in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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Here are the best runes to equip in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Read on to learn the best runes, synergies, and more!

Best Runes in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

1st Besiege
2nd Defy
3rd Ravage
4th Shatter
5th Upend

There are a lot of runes that the Rook can freely use in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. We have listed down the top 5 Runes that you should run in this game, and is generally a cut above the rest!

1st: Besiege

Active Bonus Light and Heavy attacks are no longer penalized vs. Barrier for 20 seconds
Passive Bonus +10% damage vs. Barrier

Besiege works great against enemies with blue barrier meter, allowing you to shred through the enemy's shield easily. Use the active bonus of this rune to deplete their barrier once all of your cooldowns are up. This rune can be slotted on all builds, so it is very flexible.

2nd: Defy

Active Bonus You take no damage from your current target for 10 seconds.
Passive Bonus Take 10% less damage while at Low Health

Defy is probably the best survivability-focused rune that anyone can slot in. This rune is extremely clutch against hard enemies, and can save your run every time. Just activate it when you are out of potions but not options.

This rune is also extremely useful for melee-type classes like the Warrior as it straight up gives you invincibility for 10 seconds.

Best Warrior Builds

3rd: Upend

Active Bonus All of your defensive Resistances become offensive damage bonuses of the same type for 10 seconds
Passive Bonus +5% all Resistances

Upend increases your resistances, and converts them into damage through its active bonus. This is suited to the Warrior class for them to build tank items and still do significant damage.

Best Warrior Builds

4th: Ravage

Active Bonus Deal 50% more damage vs. health for 20 seconds
Passive Bonus +10% damage vs. health

Ravage synergizes with Besiege and Upend. Use Besiege to whittle down the enemy's barrier meter, before activating Upend and Ravage to gain a massive boost to your damage output.

5th: Shatter

Active Bonus Ranged attacks break through enemies' guard for 10 seconds
Passive Bonus +10% Ranged attack damage

Shatter is more suited to the Rogue class for its bonuses to ranged attacks. Activate its passive to penetrate the enemy's guard.

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