Dragon Age: The Veilguard

A Warden's Best Friend Quest Guide

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard A Wardens Best Friend Quest Guide

This is a complete walkthrough for the main quest A Warden's Best Friend of Dragon Age: The Veilguard's campaign. See this guide for quest information, objectives, and major decisions!

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Shadows of Minrathous On Deadly Wings
On Blighted Wings

A Warden's Best Friend Overview

A Warden's Best Friend
Location High Anderfels
Rewards ・100+ Grey Wardens Strength
・Davrin recruited
With the threat of darkspawn and blight brought on by the gods, the team must seek out Grey Wardens who are more sympathetic to their cause

A Warden's Best Friend Objectives

Finish 'In Peace, Vigilance'

In Peace, Vigilance - Meet The First Warden
To start 'A Warden's Best Friend', you must first finish a short intermission quest to elicit the help of the Grey Wardens. This is mostly a conversation mission, so simply pick the dialogue that best matches your playstyle.

Meet Harding's Warden Contact

A Warden
After speaking to the Grey Wardens earlier, you'll head back to The Lighthouse and talk with Varric and Lace Harding. Harding then mentions that you might find an ally in the wardens through someone she knows.

Travel to the High Anderfels using the Eluvian in the Crossroads in the Heights of Athim. Shortly after arriving, you will meet Warden Davrin after speaking with 2 NPCs.

Find Missing Warden

A Warden
Davrin will ask for your help to locate missing wardens. Assan, the Griffon will lead you around the Grey Warden Camp. Navigate the stronghold and defeat the Darkspawn enemies you encounter, until you reach a path blocked by a large Blight Boil.

Confront The Gloom Howler

A Warden

Defeat The Frenzied Ogre

Clear the path and head inwards to confront the Gloom Howler, whom Davrin wants to cutdown as vengeance for his fallen warden comrades. You'll have to defeat some elite Darkspawn enemies, before having to take down a Frenzied Ogre to save the Griffons.

Confront The Gloom Howler

A Warden
Upon reaching the Howler, you are met with a decision instead of a boss fight. You don't really get to fight regardless of your choice, but it may affect Davrin's approval.

A Warden

Gloom Howler: On both of you.
Choice Consequence
Let them go! TBD
No need to be nasty. TBD
Try it. Davrin approves.

Fend Off The Blighted Dragons

A Warden

Choose Which City to Help

Harding: What's our move, Rook?
Choice Consequence
We help Minrathous. Help Neve and the Shadows stop the blighted dragon in Minrathous and prevent a Venatori coup.
We help Treviso. Help Lucanis and the Crows protect Treviso civilians from the blighted dragon and resultang blight poisoning.

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The End of The Beginning In Entropy's Grasp Shadows Crossing
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1 Anonymous3 months

Can confirm that 'Let them go!' also results in 'Davrin approves'


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