Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Blood of Arlathan Quest Guide

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Blood of Arlathan Quest Guide

This is a complete walkthrough for the main quest, Blood of Arlathan, of Dragon Age: The Veilguard's campaign. See this guide for quest information, objectives, and major decisions!

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Blood of Arlathan Overview

Blood of Arlathan
Location Arlathan Crater
Rewards ・6,250 XP
・+250 Veil Jumpers Strength
・Increased bond with All Companions
・The Sturdy Recruit (Common Appearance)
The team must race to save a group of Dalish elves the Venatori plan to sacrifice to their risen gods.
Required Companion

Blood of Arlathan Objectives

Reconvene With the Veil Jumpers

Strife and Irelin in the Library
Strife and Irelin will be at the Lighthouse library, speak to them and the crew and get ready to travel back to Arlathan to rescue the Dalish elves.

Neve is required to be in the party for this quest.

Save the Kidnapped Dalish

The Party in Disguise

Arriving back at the Arlathan forest, Strife will give you and the party disguises to blend in and infiltrate the Venatori gathering.

Move Along the Venatori Gathering

Neve Tricking a Venatori Cultist
Get to the gathering place, and keep going through the plenty of cultists. The Venatori crowd will be none the wiser to your party's presence.

You will eventually arrive where Elgar'nan is, and a cutscene ensues.

Fight Through the Venatori

Fight Through The Venatori
After escaping from Elgar'nan's spell, the party will leave behind the disguises, ready to fight. The Venatori are warned that there are now unwanted guests and will hunt you down.

Keep moving through the Ruined Aqueduct, fighting off Venatori and arrive at the quest marker leading to the Temple Gardens.

Here, fight through more Venatori, who now have darkspawn backup and other Blighted Venatori soldiers.

Disable the Barrier

Step Location
At the beginning of the bridge, turn left to find a broken one and jump over towards the hole.
Drop down the hole and destroy the first crystal and pick up the battery.
Exit the room and go straight, hugging the wall on the right. You will find the battery dock which will unlock the door leading to the second crystal.
Right in front of the barrier, peak through the broken wall past the two protected crystals, and use a ranged attack to destroy the final crystal.

The four red crystals on the bridge will be protected, and you must destroy the unprotected crystals around the area to nullify them.

The red crystals on the bridge should be open to destroy after, opening the path.

Head Towards the Court of Tribute

Destroy The Protective Red Crystal

Press onwards past the Remnant Isles towards the Court of Tribute, where the Venatori will defend their sacrifices.

The Venatori soldiers will be protected by the red crystal barriers, destroy the crystal at the center of the court to defeat them.

Open the Gate

After defeating the Venatori in the court, make your way to the gate and attempt to use the lever. However, the gate is locked from the other side, and the party will have to find another way through.

Climb the scaffolding on the wall, and the rest of your companions will try to get the gate open from the other side.

Survive the Court of Tribute

Court of Tribute Companions Above

More Venatori will attack as the rest of the companions try to open the gate. Continue fighting off the waves of Venatori enemies.

Defeat the Blood Forge Boss

Blood Forge Boss

Eventually, the statue in the middle will rise, starting the Blood Forge bossfight. Defeat the boss, and the team should have the gate open by then.

Head Inside the Sanctum Halls

Sanctum Halls Mist

Get past the gate, into the halls and head up the stairs, and you will come across a mist.

You will have to walk into the mist that will send you and the party to a fade-like dimension, and will now have to escape.

Escape Elgar'nan's Trap


Make your way forward through the dimension, the path mostly being linear. The diverging paths all lead towards the same exit, with Venatori and darkspawn resistance in the paths, as well as blight patches on the floor that deal damage.

Further forward will be blight boil connections that will need to be destroyed to advance.

Escape the Spell

Exit from the Spell

Keep moving forward, defeating the darkspawn in the path. The foggy exit will not be too far off, where you and the party will be free from the nightmare.

Free the Dalish Elves

First Floor

The Last of the Venatori Cultists

Now outside the spell, head out the door where you will be greeted by the last line of Venatori resistance.

Destroy the unprotected red crystal at the back of the arena first, to remove the protective barrier of the soliders and the other red crystals.

With all the Venatori cultists and red crystals destroyed, break the barrier and move to the second floor.

Second Floor

Second Floor Red Crystal

Defeat the resistance on the second floor. Start by destroying the red crystal behind a rock at the back wall, to nullify the Venatori defenses. Destroy the last of the Venatori and their second Blood Forge statue.

Destroy the Barrier to Free the Elves

Escaping Elgar

With all the remaining Venatori resistance defeated, destroy the barrier leading up the stairs towards the prisoners. Destroy the prison barrier and the Dalish elves will finally be free.

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1 Anonymous2 months

I’m pretty sure my game is bugged. I get to the part where I’m in Elgar’nan’s trap and I put the crystal in the holder thing that makes the little bridge appear, I get past the blight boil things and then I get to the next section that has blight boils and I can’t get anywhere, because they aren’t glowing red. I hit them and nothing. And I can’t move on in the quest, and I can’t transfer to another area for another quest because I’m “in an active quest”. Anyone experiencing this? Pls HELP!


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