Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Best Rogue Specialization Tier List

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The best specialization for the Rogue class in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See the best specialization for the Rogue and how to play it!

Best Rogue Specialization

Duelist is the Best Rogue Specialization

The Duelist is the best specialization for Rogues in Dragon Age: Veilguard. This specialization offers the top class in melee combat, dishing out blade after blade like a proper assassin.

Running a melee-focused, parrying build like the Duelist ensures a steady supply of Momentum, the resource required for Rogues to cast their skills.

Best Classes and Specialization Tier List

Best Rogue Specialization Tier List

Rogue Specialization Ranking


1st - Duelist

Duelists deal amazing melee damage when fighting any enemy that comes their way. They rely heavily on perfect dodging and parrying, and considering they operate on melee distance they can reliably refresh their momentum every time.

However, they are susceptible to overwhelm when fighting hordes of enemies but they are used best against single-target enemies like bosses.

Duelist Build and Guide

2nd - Veil Ranger

The Veil Ranger is the ranged counterpart of the Duelist, boasting amazing ranged damage from behind the lines. It is safe, but they are still susceptible to overwhelm because a lot of enemies tend to target them for some reason.

Since they don't operate from the melee range, it is quite hard to generate and manage Momentum for their skills. Not enough opportunities are given to them, so if you can get skills that eliminate Momentum usage for cooldowns only, take that.

Veil Ranger Build and Best Skills

3rd - Saboteur

Saboteur is the tool and contraption specialist of the Rogue class, relying on setting traps and throwing bombs to deal damage against enemies. Considering their playstyle is skill-reliant, you will have to manage Momentum and cooldowns effectively!

Saboteur Build and Best Skills

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