Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Fire and Ice Quest Guide

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Fire and Ice Quest Guide

This is a complete walkthrough for the main quest, Fire and Ice, of Dragon Age: The Veilguard's campaign. See this guide for quest information, objectives, and major decisions!

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The Cauldron Unwanted Guests

Fire and Ice Overview

Fire and Ice
Location Hossberg Wetlands
Rewards ・5,000 XP
・+250 Grey Wardens Strength
・+250 Lords of Fortune Strength
・Increased bond with All Companions
・Skullcrusher (Uncommon Maul)
・+600 Gold
The team heads to the Hossberg Wetlands to face the blighted dragon that escaped them before... but the gods have other plans.

Fire and Ice Objectives

Finish A Fighting Chance

A Fighting Chance Meeting
Following the previous quest, The Cauldron, you will be tasked to gather the team and have a meeting. Accomplish the meetings and carry on to Fire and Ice.

When ready, travel back to the Hossberg Wetlands to start the quest.

Go After the Dragon

Get to the Dragon Lair

Rhodrie and Jaynie
Approach the Wardens Rhodrie and Jaynie near the lair, and speak to them when you are ready to start the dragon bossfight.

Defeat Corius the Icetalon

Corius the Icetalon Boss

Corius the Icetalon Weakness
Vulnerable Fire
Resistant Cold

Rook and the party will take an up-close and personal fight with Corius on the ground. Defeat the Icetalon and be ready for the second phase.

Defeat Seartooth Vyrantus and Corius

Seartooth Vyrantus and Corius Duo.png

After the cutscene, Seartooth Vyrantus will join forces with Corius, providing a tough duo bossfight.

Seartooth Vyrantus Weakness
Vulnerable Cold
Resistance Fire
Corius the Icetalon Weakness
Vulnerable Fire
Resistance Cold

Once you have defeated the pair of dragons, speak with the team, and the party will return to the Lighthouse.

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The Cauldron Fire and Ice Unwanted Guests
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