Dragon Age: The Veilguard

All Treasure Chest Locations

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Treasure Chest

Here are all the Treasure Chest locations in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See how to get all treasure chests with maps of all areas!

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All Treasure Chest Locations

These treasure chests count towards the DISCOVERED completion rate and will reward you with valuable loot. Many of these treasure chests requires you to solve a puzzle or backtrack to a previously explored area with new Companions or quest items to reach.

All Treasure Chests by Area
Elven Ruins Ritual Site
Crossroads Dock Town
The Ossuary Rivain Coast
Griffon Aerie Hossberg Wetlands
Necropolis Halls Treviso
Weisshaupt Tearstone Island
Arlathan Crater Thalsian's Forum
Arlathan Forest Profane City
Lighthouse Deep Roads
Isana Negat -

Use the table above to jump to an area.

Elven Ruins Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Jumper's Deft Leathers (Light Armor)
Large Truffle
Inside of the Elven Temple after defeating the waves of Shades on the bridge.
2 Twist of the Veil (Mageknife)
Ocularum Pedestal
Found along the way after you move the crystal to open the door to the Cliff Wolf Temple.
3 Veilsong (Arcane Orb)
Construct Plating
Fine Silverwork
Found in the same area as the Frenzied Sentinel mini-boss in the Broken Stairway.
4 Flamebranch (Elemental Stave)
Blacksmith's Tools
Use the ballista to destroy a wall and find the second crystal to open the gate to Floating Archive Temple where you can find this chest.
5 Storm (Longbow)

Found in the room after you defeat the boss of the Elven Ruins.

All Elven Ruins Chests

Ritual Site Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Forest Guardian's Veil (Medium Helm)
Oil Lamp
After defeating the Darkspawn in the Back Passage, open the gate with the Beam Generator to access the hallway where this chest lies.
2 Crown of Leaves (Heavy Helm)
Fine Silverwork
After passing through the gate in the Ancient Bridge, you can jump on to the left wall to reach the top of the tower and the chest.
3 Firebrand (Elemental Orb)
Clay Jar
In the Cliffside Passage bridge that's blocked by a large Blight, destroy the one below the bridge, the one on the wall west of the obstacle, then the large one blocking the way.
4 Frostbranch (Elemental Stave)
Oil Lamp
Use the two Beam Generators in the Cliffside Passage to open the gate that leads to this chest. You can access the second beam generator by destroying the planks blocking you path in the area with a lot of crates.
5 Time-Tested Trappings (Medium Armor)
Blacksmith's Tools
Follow the river in the Old Quarry upstream and the chest would be under the waterfall.

All Ritual Site Treasure Chests

Crossroads Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Veilsong (Arcane Orb)

Obtained at the end of the The Labs Below quest which you can start by heading east of the Converged City.
2 The Warden's Peer (Medium Armor)
Large Metal Chunk
Imperial Weave
Head southeast from the center of the Converged City and this chest will be at the end of the path to your left.
3 Wanderer's Long Coat (Light Armor)
Imperial Weave
Found in the West side of the Converged City. Interact with a Veil Instability to summon floating rocks that you can jump on to access the treasure.
4 Arlathan's Splendor (Medium Armor)
Clay Jar
Imperial Weave
Interact with a Veil Instability in the far west section of the Converged City to summon a floating platform that you can jump on to access the treasure.
5 Twist of the Veil (Mageknife)
Flawless Crystal
Next to a Wolf Statuette found after fighting two Flame Cloaked Magisters in the west section of the Converged City.
6 Glacial Rod (Elemental Stave)
Etheric Remnant
Turn right after picking up the Wolf Statuette at Elvhenan's Haven.
7 Stormsphere (Arcane Orb)
Large Metal Chunk
To the left of a campfire near a rock formation at Elvhenan's Haven.
8 Wings of Antiva (Medium Armor)
Silver Stand
Up two flights of stairs at Elvhenan's Haven.
9 Utility Dress (Medium Armor)
Oil Lamp
In the same area as the Evanuris Altar at Elvhenan's Haven.
10 Scout's Compassion (Harding Medium Armor)
Skein of Yarn
At an outside balcony at Elvhenan's Haven.
11 Wintersbreath (Elemental Orb)
Etheric Remnant
After returning to the present at Heights of Athim, the chest is right next to a Wolf Statuette.
12 Trevisan Poignard (Dagger)
Snapped Chain
Pure Ore
North of Elhenan's Haven, between two owl statue
13 Antivan Parade Helm (Heavy Helm)

Enter the cave Northwest of the Crossroad's market.

All Crossroads Treasure Chests

Dock Town Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Helm of Light and Shadow (Medium Helm)

In Razikale Walk, Jump from the large Debris to the scaffold, then into this small room's window.
2 Crystalline Shard (Spellblade)
Flawless Crystal
Found in one of the corners of the Temple Courtyard's interiors.
3 Defiant Plate (Heavy Armor)
Silver Stand
After unfreezing the lever mechanism to open the door to a building in the Central Market, head right.
4 Thunderclap (Arcane Orb)
Silver Stand
Imperial Weave
After reaching The Warrens, jump into the next building's roof top then into the next one up north.
5 Corvid Calling Mask (Medium Helm)
Jewelry Box
Flawless Crystal
In the Vacant Path in front of the locked door, jump into the cliff then pause with the Skills menu. Look back in to the locked door and have Neve Unbind the wards beneth the spot you jumped from.
6 Shockbranch (Arcane Stave)
Fashionable Scarf
Imperial Weave
After using the zipline and dropping into Smuggler's Docks, this chest will be in front of you.
7 Carastes Double-hat (Light Helm)
Imperial Weave
At a dead end inside an area with enemies at the Anvallenim.
8 Helm of Light and Shadow (Medium Helm)
Rusty Tongs
Imperial Weave
In the same area where you battle a Bound Hurlock at the Warehouse.
9 Carastes Double-hat (Light Helm)
Jewelry Box
Fade-Touched Crystal
At a boat next to the stairs at the Parthenius Main Docks.
10 Winged Locus (Scepter)
Jeweled Brooch
Jump two gaps near the stalls at Razikale Walk.
11 Gabardine Overcoat (Light Armor)
Fashionable Scarf
Imperial Weave
Go up an elevator at Andraste's Watch.
12 Thunderclap (Arcane Orb)
Jewelry Box
Lower the wooden boards with the help of your companions, and climb the ladder to get to the second floor in Glandivalis Square. Be ready to run back once you open it.
13 Snake's Eye (Scepter)
Fine Silverwork
Make the Gaatlok Barrel explode, pull down the lever, then use frostbinding on the mechanism behind the hole in the wall.
14 Shockbranch
Large Metal Clunk
Imperial Weave
Detroy the wooden boards blocking your way, use the veil of instability to create a solid path with the help of your companions. Keep going forward until you reach the hidden room. Be ready to run back once you open it.
15 Scepter of Shadows (Scepter)
Original Poetry
Fade-Touched Crystal
Head down to the wooden platform, ignite the Gaatlok Barrel with the help of your companions. Go inside the hole you created.
16 Defiant Plate (Heavy Armor)
Metal Plate
Lower the wooden boards with the help of your companions, hit the mechanism on top, then climb the ladder.
17 Helm of Light and Shadow (Appearance)
Imperial Weave
Hop over the wooden fence. Lower the wooden beam, and cross it.
18 Winged Locus
Jeweled Brooch
Destroy the Blight, use the elevator to go up, then defeat the enemies.
19 The Relentless Sleuth (Neve Light Armor)
Rusty Tongs
Up the stairs to your right after entering Sanctum Lusacan.
20 Quickstart Leathers (Light Armor)
Snapped Chain
Imperial Weave
Behind a wall in the room full of demons in Sanctum Lusacan.
21 Dragon's War Bow (Longbow)
Royal Elfroot
Go up the stairs to Arcane Bridge after speaking with Rana and Elek in Sanctum Lusacan.
22 Gabardine Overcoat

The first chest you'll encounter by following the quest, "The Snake Nest Deal", in Dock Town. It can be found in the area where you drop into after heading down the lift.
23 Helm of Light and Shadow

The second chest you'll encounter by following the quest, "The Snake Nest Deal", in Dock Town. It can be found at the top of the room with the chest locked in the middle, climb up to find another chest.
24 Brawler's Decorated Leathers

The third chest you'll encounter by following the quest, "The Snake Nest Deal", in Dock Town. The chest can be seen behind iron gates which you can open by pulling a lever.
25 Battlehorn (Taash)

Behind locked doors that can be opened by following and completing the quest, "A Hidden Hoard" in Dock Town.
26 Mercenary's Blade (Rogue Saber)

Behind locked doors that can be opened by following and completing the quest, "A Hidden Hoard" in Dock Town.
27 Veilsong (Mage Orb)

A chest in the Thread Market area that you can access by unfreezing a mechanism in the chest room from a high platform.
28 Crystalline Shard (Mage Spellblade)

Solve a gate puzzle with Neve's exploration ability and frozen mechanisms to open the gate and get inside the room with the chest.
29 Defiant Plate

Found in the room at the upper level of the Thread Market area.
30 Cold Steel

A chest that can be found in the Undercity during the "The Soul of a City" quest in Dock Town.

All Dock Town Treasure Chests

The Ossuary Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Stormsphere (Arcane Orb)
Jewelry Box
Imperial Weave
There's a room in the Outer Cells with an Elven crystal you can bring here to conjure a bridge and reach this chest.
2 Split-Hilt Dirk (Spellblade)
Skein of Yarn
Flawless Crystal
Found in the Upper Inner Cells right after you leave the room where you defeated Mini-Boss in the Overlook.
3 Thorn of Misfortune (Mageknife)
Cheater's Deck
Imperial Weave
Find the crystal at the opposite side of the large chest in the Upper Inner Cells to open the gate that leads to this chest.
4 Defiant Silence (Medium Helm)
Blacksmith's Tools
Found at the southeast corner of the Lower Inner Cells.
5 Veilseeker (Arcane Stave)
Fine Silverwork
Pure Ore
After defeating the Boss in The Ossuary, head to the back of the room where there's an office table.

All The Ossuary Treasure Chests

Rivain Coast Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Spawn Blood (Heavy Vitaar)
Gold Bead
Fade-Touched Crystal
Solve the statue puzzle and climb up the ladder at Rivain Coast.
2 Sharpened Dragonbone (Mageknife)
Jeweled Brooch
Go inside the abandoned building, and go right
3 Griffon Great Helm (Heavy Helm)
Gold Bead
Fade-Touched Crystal
Solve the statue puzzle inside the abandoned building by Clifftops, then climb the golden ladder.
4 Casings of Fortune (Heavy Armor)
Fade-Touched Crystal
After defeating the Antaam, go to the right door and keep going inside.
5 Dwarven Key
Polished Plate
Pure Ore
Set the nearby brazier on fire with the help of your companions to open the wooden door that's blocking the small cave by the Clifftops.
6 Smiling Visage (Light Helm)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Climb the rocky formation at Clifftops
7 Sharpened Dragonbone (Mageknife)
Fine Silverwork
Inside the Warden Castle, climb up the ladder and open dungeon door using the switch below the three torches.
8 Enchanted Athame
Large Metal Clunk
Head down the ladder and jump off the wooden floor.
9 Shadowbreath (Arcane Stave)
Oil Lamp
Vhenadahl's Tears
Go deep into the Warden Castle and open the wooden door next to a hole in a wall.
10 Trussed Finery
Fine Silverwork
Open the Warden Vault.
11 Stormcaller (Arcane Stave)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Open the Warden Vault.
12 Insightful Covering (Light Helm)
Clay Jar
Go down the ladders and stairs in Ravine Descent and defeat the group of Antaam.
13 Brawler's Decorated Leathers (Medium Armor)
Oil Lamp
Climb a tower in Cliff Climb using wooden planks.
14 Mercenary's Blade (Saber)
Oil Lamp
In Cliff Climb near the entrance to Cave Descent.
15 Banded Mage Brim (Light Helm)
Clay Jar
4 Flawless Crystal
Between the stairs and Drakestones in Lava Caves where you fought Cutter.
16 Seafarer's Cutlass (Broadsword)
Jewelry Box
Just past the sealed gate after defeating Cutter in Lava Caves.
17 Casings of Fortune (Heavy Armor)
Cheese Wedge
9 heartwood
Outside the room with the square hole in the center in Lava Caves
18 Insightful Covering (Light Helm)
Jewelry Box
In Lava Caves, just outside the entrance to Lair of the Dragon King.
19 Fortune's Favor (Taash Medium Armor)
Oil Lamp
Open the bone gate by lighting four braziers scattered around Tide Flats in order.
20 Keen with a Twist (Saber)
Colorful Gems
10 Heartwood
Use Lucanis' field ability in Lava Caves to reach this chest.
21 Azure Bow (Shortbow)
Gilded Urn
Vhenadahl's Tears
Solve the statue puzzle for the Treasure of Sharksmouth Mountain.
22 Brawler's Decorated Leathers (Medium Armor)
Snapped Chain
8 Pure Ore
Solve the statue puzzle for the Treasure of Sharksmouth Mountain.
23 Banded Mage Brim (Light Helm)
Metal Plate
8 Pure Ore
Complete the Dead Men Tell Some Tales quest.
24 Azure Bow (Shortbow)
Fine Silverwork
Complete the Dead Men Tell Some Tales quest.
25 Keen with a Twist (Saber)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Blow up the Gaatlok by targeting it through a crack in the wall then travel around the room to enter.
26 Treasure (Taash Axe)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Use Lucanis' field ability to reach a cave in Clifftops.

All Rivain Coast Treasure Chests

Griffon Aerie Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Urthemiel's Ash (Elemental Orb)
Jewelry Box
Imperial Weave
Cross a narrow bridge and climb the rocky stairs.
2 Griffon Great Helm (Heavy Helm)
Silver Bar
Imperial Weave
Climb the ladder and keep going straight to get behind the rocky formation. It is next to a campfire.
3 Pursuant's Implements (Medium Armor)
Skein of Yarn
Flawless Crystal
Climb the ladder and a bunch of rocky stairs. Go right.
4 Chilled Grasp (Elemental Orb)
Pure Ore
Go inside the cave you'll pass by in the mission, A Warden's Best Friend.
5 Blight Killer (Longsword)

Defeat the darkspawn, Frenzied Ogre.

All Griffon Aerie Treasure Chests

Hossberg Wetlands Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Frostbranch (Elemental Stave)
Dwarven Coin
Clear the Blight to climb the ladder. Climb over the rocky formations until you reach the top.
2 Recruit's Simple Tunic
Ceramic Vase
Go inside the old and broken house.
3 Mage's Gambit
Skein of Yarn
Unbind the Magical Ward with the help of your companions
4 Griffon's Talon (Longsword Davrin)
Fade-Touched Ore
Destroy the Crystals, and dispel the Magical Ward with the help of your companions. Activate the stone wall to reveal a hidden room, then defeat the nearby enemies.
5 Battlehorn (Axe)
Dwarven Coin
Go upstairs in the Gaspin Manor and jump over the gap between the two wooden platforms.
6 The Griffon's Tail (Heavy Armor)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Break the wooden boards and go inside the tiny room.
7 Winged Wall (Heater)
Fade-Touched Ore
Dwarven Coin
Clear all the nearby Blight. Once cleared, go inside the small shelter in Solitude's Edge covered in Blight. Attack the wooden boards to go outside. Go to the edge of the cliff.
8 Tevinter Longcloak (Light Armor)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Ceramic Vase
Go to the back and clear the Blight to open a hole.
9 Monster Leathers (Heavy Armor Davrin)
Fade-Touched Silk
Clear the Blight Abscess and all the surrounding Blight to climb up the ladder. Afterwards, solve the statue puzzle to open the door.
10 Pursuant's Implements (Medium Armor)
Silver Bar
Solve the trapped wisp puzzle to climb the ladder.
11 Warden's Shell (Heater)
Stone Polyhedron
Go to the edge of the Castle Gates by crossing the wooden beam.
12 Ensign's Helm (Medium Helm)
Ceramic Vase
Pure Ore
On a ledge next to the an abandoned shack full of blight in Blighted Shallows.
13 Cold Steel (Longsword)
Skein of Yarn
Use Bellara's field ability in Cavernous Tunnels.
14 Frontline Plated Mail (Heavy Armor)
Fine Silverwork
Imperial Weave
Accessible after completing the quest, Something's Coming.
15 Azure Bow (Shortbow)
Dwarven Coin
The blight blocking the path here is cleared after completing Something's Coming.
16 Recruit's War Hat (Light Helm)
Fade-Touched Silk
Behind a ballista in Inner Courtyard.
17 Dark Shard (Longsword)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Inside the tower in Inner Courtyard.
18 Griffon Great Helm (Heavy Helm)
Fade-Touched Silk
Covered by blight at the end of a hall inside The Cauldron.

All Hossberg Wetlands Treasure Chests

Necropolis Halls Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Spiritcaller (Arcane Stave)
Oil Lamp
Enter Hollow Belfry, Lower. Defeat the nearby enemies. Go left.
2 Timeworn Mageknife (Spellblade)
The Divine's Hat
Open the huge doors in the Vault of the Beloved by collecting the three wisps nearby.
3 Smiling Visage (Light Helm)
Skein of Yarn
Open the gates to reach The Path of Sighs. Defeat the nearby enemies. Be ready to step back once you open it.
4 The Iron Cast (Heavy Armor)
Fade-Touched Ore
Attack the floating red crystals nearby, including the one in the magical red wall.
5 The Dying Wish (Arcane Stave Emmrich)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Defeat the nearby enemies.
6 Jade Cleaver (Axe Taash)
Fade-Touched Ore
Solve the puzzle in the Path of Sighs by interacting and investigating the nearby purple-flamed torches.
7 Researcher's Robes (Light Armor Emmrich)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Solve the puzzle in the Path of Sighs by interacting and investigating the nearby purple-flamed torches.
8 Funeral Finery (Light Armor Emmrich)
Fine Silverwork
Fade-Touched Ore
Defeat nearby enemies, and pull the golden lever. Afterwards, light the braziers in the main hall of the Vault of the Beloved.
9 Preserved Gurn Hide (Light Armor Emmrich)
Misplaced Skull
Activate the Veil of Instability with the help of your companions. Climb up the ladder, then hop across the purple skulls and wooden beams.
10 Fadelight (Arcane Orb)
Fade-Touched Ore
Placate the Mischief and light the braziers with the help of your companions in The Spectral Court. Afterwards, lead the glowing blue orb on the gates by the Cascades.
11 The Dying Wish (Arcane Stave Emmrich)
Fade-Touched Ore
Go outside of Hollow Beifry, Upper and run until you reach the end of the hall.
12 Striking Misfortune (Light Armor)
Colorful Gems
In one of the treasure rooms after defeating the Formless One in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
13 Fadelight (Arcane Orb)
Compendium of the Dead
At the platform along with another chest at the end of the arena after defeating the Formless One in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
14 My Regards (Shortbow Harding)
Fade-Touched Ore
At the platform along with another chest at the end of the arena after defeating the Formless One in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
15 The Boundless Scholar (Light Armor Emmrich)
Vhendahl's Tears
Large Metal Chunk
Enter the myterious gate at the east of the hallway to get teleported to the top of the room where this chest is.
16 Strong Arm (Medium Armor Taash)
Fade-Touched Ore
Oil Lamp
Obtained on the restored stairway during the Hauntings: From Beyond quest.
17 Plumed Platemail (Medium Armor Taash)
Bundle of Herbs
Enter the fog-covered gate to get teleported to the top of the Memorial Gardens where you can get this chest.
18 Golden Locus (Axe Taash)
Fine Silverwork
Use Placate Mischief on a nearby altar and guide the wisp to the pedestal to unlock the room that contains this chest.

All Necropolis Halls Treasure Chests

Treviso Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Recruit's Simple Tunic (Light Armor)
Large Metal Chunk
Open door beside the Streets of Coin Financials beacon.
2 Ensign's Helm (Medium Helm)
Silver Music Box
To the right of the Fallen Chantry entrance.
3 Bloodletter's Twinblade (Longsword)
Silver Music Box
Fade-Touched Ore
Interact with a bookshelf and go down the ladder at Fallen Chantry
4 Azure Bow (Shortbow)
Oil Lamp
Fade-Touched Crystal
On a terrace in Fallen Chantry.
5 Crows Bill (Light Helm)
Silver Music Box
Imperial Weave
The chest can be located in a room in the east after you entered the Timelost Gateway.
6 Reinforced Longbow
Silver Music Box
Imperial Weave
On the south part of Streets of Coin Financials, go inside the room to locate this chest
7 Corvid Calling Mask (Medium Helm)
Silver Music Box
Green Bottle
Southwest of Streets of Coin Financials, interact with the stone to get to the chest on the other side.
8 Antivian Rapier (Longsword)
Silver Music Box
South of the Streets of Coin Financials, go next to the Gold Nug Statue where you can activate the stones and then go inside the room
9 Ochestrator's Long Coat (Light Armor)
Imperial Weave
Climb the trellis ladder beside the nearby Beacon and drop down from the rooftops to reach this chest.
10 Antivan Parade Helm (Heavy Helm)
Blacksmith's Tools
Use the ledge beside the nearby statue to shimmy across and drop down to this room.
11 Rialto (Rapier Lucanis)
Jeweled Brooch
Imperial Weave
Break the wooden planks blocking the path leading to this room in the Drowned District to reach a ladder that brings you to this chest.
12 Butcher's Screw (Rapier Lucanis)
Skein of Yarn
Open the door in this corner of the Drowned District to reach this chest.
13 Tusk of Glory (Axe Taash)
Jewelry Box
Flawless Crystal
Light up all four braziers in this area to open the locked gate. You will have to climb the nearby ladder and break planks and crates that block your path to find all of them.
14 Crow's Bill (Light Helm)
Oil Lamp
From the rooftop to the east, use Spite's Reach on the Veil Instability to access this chest from via a hole on the rooftop.
15 Balanced Epee (Lucanis Rapier)
Silver Music box
8 Pure Ore
Inside a building in Crow's Road Rooftops
16 Covert Leathers (Lucanis Medium Armor)
Snapped Chain
Behind a piece of furniture covered with cloth in Dellamorte Estates.
17 Butcher's Screw (Rapier Lucanis)
Chipped Mug
Inside the room with the piano in Dellamorte Estates.
18 Corvid Calling Mask (Medium Helm)
The Divine's Hat
14 Imperial Weave
On a balcony on the second floor of Dellamorte Estates.
19 Duelist's Coat (Medium Armor)
2 Royal Elfroot
Spawns next to Lucanis at the end of A Murder of Crows
20 The Mage-Killer (Lucanis Medium Armor)
Chipped Mug
9 Imperial Weave
Use Harding's field ability on the stone wall behind Mistress Trella in Heart and Central.
21 Orchestrator's Long Coat (Light Armor)
6 Imperial Weave
At the end of a terrace reached by climbing up a ladder and and hopping down rooftops in Heart and Central.

All Treviso Treasure Chests

Weisshaupt Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Recruit's War Hat
Skein of Yarn
Above the blighted door, you should be able to spot this chest. To obtain it, head to the left side of the door and strike the ladder.
2 Trueflight Bow (Long Bow)
Griffon ornament
Vhenadahl's Tears
On the front gate courtyard, while going to the library, clear out all the blight including the two surrounding the portcullis gate.
3 Griffon Great Helm (Heavy Helm)
Chess Piece
Vhenadahl's Tears
After seeing the second torch being thrown for Rook to follow, clear all the boxes to the right where the chest is.
4 Proving Steel (Broadsword)
Fade-Touched Crystal
After following the second torch and before clearing the blight, bring down the heavy stacks of logs to get to the scaffolding and the chest
5 Rialto Sunsetter (Longsword)
Clay jar
Vhenadahl's Tears
After talking to Evka and hearing the horn blast, go up to the second floor of the broken building. You should see the blighted chest. Hit the floor until the blight is remove to obtain items from the chest.
6 Garb of Kinship (Medium Armor)
Large Metal Chunk
Vhenadahl's Tears
After being saved by Mila and before going up the stairs, turn left and enter the house. Go upstairs, and you should see this chest on the balcony
7 Champion's Brilliant Regalia (Heavy Armor)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Upon entering the West Wing of the library clear all the blight and enter the room made out of bookshelves and clear all the blight to locate the chest.
8 Weisshaupt's Wail
Worn Hand-Pick
Vhenadahl's Tears
You should see another portcullis gate on the right side of the room, clear out the blights to obtain the chest

All Weisshaupt Treasure Chests

Tearstone Island Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Focal Blade (Reaper)

After your second encounter with the Antaam and Mercenaries, go northwest and enter the cave with a campfire
2 Crown of Leaves (Heavy Helm)

Before entering the infastracture in the Stronghold Approach, follow the path down to the shore to locate this chest.
3 Dark Shard (Longsword)
Fade-Touched Crystal
On the Stronghold Entrance, this chest is located at the fountain nearest to the elevator.
4 Forest Guardian Veil (Medium Helm)

After entering the area Elven Ruins, go down on the rocks, entering the Waterfall area below the bridge. Hop on the rocks and towards below the bridge and climb up the ladder.
5 Jumper's Deft Leathers (Light Armor)

Instead of returning to the top and heading toward the bridge, use the blight bridge to go east. At the end, head north to another blight bridge. Move the two rocks, then jump to the cave to access the chest.
6 Glory Hunter's Bow (Shortbow)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Northeast of the tree, above the ruins.

All Tearstone Island Treasure Chests

Arlathan Crater Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Glory Hunter's Bow (Shortbow)
Bundle of Herbs
In the area with the waterfall after taking the zipline to Temple of the Sun.
2 Jumper's Deft Leathers (Light Armor)
Skein of Yarn
Climb over a broken wall in Temple of the Sun.
3 Focal Blade (Rapier)
Ocularum Pedestal
5 Flawless Crystal
Next to the big hole on the roof of the room blocked off by a barrier in Temple Gardens
4 Veil's Edge (Shortbow)
Gilded Urn
4 Flawless Crystal
Next to the stairs after escaping Elgar'nan's trap.
5 Enlighted Helm
Jeweled Brooch
Hit the locked ladder on the north side of Sanctum Halls with a ranged attack to access the upper area.
6 Explorer's Suit (Heavy Armor)
3 Royal Elfroot
Beside where the Dalish are being held captive.

All Arlathan Crater Treasure Chests

Thalsian's Forum Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Elven Rockbreaker
Veil's Bough

Under the wooden bridge in the area where Solas defeats a horde of enemies by himself.
2 Proving Steel
Twin-Edged Pick
In the room with the Shadow Dragons when you are making final preparations.

All Thalsian's Forum Treasure Chests

Arlathan Forest Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Forest Guardian's Veil (Medium Helm)
Bundle of Herbs
Use the Stone Song on the Resonant Stone with the help of your companions to hop over the river. Reach the building by walking on the log, then unbind the wards at the back of the building to open its doors.
2 Spelunker's Gear (Medium Armor)
Blacksmith's Tools
Flawless Crystal
Reach the floating platform by moving the nearby Resonant Stones with the help of your companions.
3 Camping Gear (Medium Armor Bellara)
Blacksmith's Tools
Solve the Beam Generator puzzle at the west side of the Tattered Bridge.
4 Bronze Branch (Longbow Bellara)
Fine Silverwork
Flawless Crystal
In the same platform as the last Malfunctioning Device to complete the Jagged Ruins puzzle.
5 Firebrand (Elemental Orb)
Bundle of Herbs
Flawless Crystal
Found in the southeast corner of the Shadowy Grove.
6 Split-Hilt Dirk (Spellblade)
Jewelry Box
Break the west wall to get the Power Crystal and slot it in the receptacle. Then use the path to the left of the now-closed gate and reach the chest.
7 Defiant Silence (Medium Helm)
Brass Medallion
Imperial Weave
Interact with the Owl Statue in the Ancient Aqueduct to reveal a rift to break the wall.
8 Split-Hilt Dirk (Spellblade)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Jump the gap above the waterfall to reach this area to reach this chest.
9 Frostbranch (Elemental Stave)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Found in a small cave at the end of the uphill path in the Waterfront Glades.
10 Jumper's Deft Leathers (Light Armor)
Jeweled Brooch
Use the zipline to reach the Power Crystal beside the Ancient Aqueduct Beacon and slot it in the receptacle on the bridge to activate the Beam Generator to activate the other receptacle and reach this chest.
11 Mayhem (Harding Shortbow)
Snapped Chain
Fade-Touched Ore
Right after entering the hole in the ground made after disabling the crystal in the Great Hall during Through the Shadows.
12 The Ready Explorer (Bellara Medium Armor)
Jewelry Box
In the hallway after disabling the barrier in Lower Chamber.
13 Focal Blade
Large Metal Chunk
5 Flawless Crystal
Read the journal next to a statue that's emitting pink energy in Shadowy Grove and solve the nearby statue puzzle. Note that a Raging Demon will spawn right after solving the puzzle.

Arlathan Forest Treasure Chests

Profane City Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Pursuant's Implements (Medium Armor)
Bundle of Herbs
Next to a ballista on a platform in Profane City Approach.
2 Cutthroat's Sword (Broadsword)
Royal Elfroot
At the end of a hall in Profane War Room.
3 Reforged Bulwark (Heater Davrin)
Jewelry Box
Imperial Weave
In the Darkspawn Dungeon cells.
4 Weisshaupt's Wail (Broadsword)
Blacksmith's Tools
Fade-Touched Ore
Inside a destroyed building in Garahel's Point.

Profane City Treasure Chests

Lighthouse Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Cold Steel (Longsword)
Jewel Brooch
Found after entering the second portal during the Lighthouse Puzzle.
2 Focal Blade (Reaper)
Carastes Doublehat (Appearance)
Flawless Crystals
Found in the Wolf's Den, which can be accessed at the end of the Lighthouse puzzle.

Lighthouse Treasure Chests

Deep Roads Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Serpent's Tail (Neve Scepter)
Dwarven Coin
Fade-Touched Crystal
Use Harding's field ability to reach a balcony near the waterfall in Kal-Sharok Outpost.
2 Traveler's Kit (Harding Medium Armor)
Vhenadahl's Tears
On a wooden ledge in Reclamation Site: Halde Vaskar.
3 Crafter's Trappings (Davrin Heavy Armor)
Silver Bar
Fade-Touched Crystal
Inside a small room in Reclamation Site: Halde Vaskar.
4 Mayhem in Gold (Harding Shortbow)
Ceramic Vase
Vhenadahl's Tears
On a wooden platform hanging by some rope in Mining Tunnel.
5 Ensign's Helm (Medium Helm)
Ceramic Vase
Fade-Touched Crystal
On a balcony outside a blight-filled room in Mining Tunnel.

Deep Roads Treasure Chests

Isana Negat Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Old Reliable (Harding Shortbow)
Chess Piece
Beside the rock with the first missing dwarf in Flooded Chamber.
2 Plate of the Paragon Unyielding (Heavy Armor)
Snapped Chain
Imperial Weave
On a ledge in Lyrium Cavern.
3 Frontline Plated Mail (Heavy Armor)
Carved Chest
Pure Ore
Next to the zipline in Lyrium Cavern. Reached by going through Old Shafts.
4 Golden Casque (Heavy Helm)
Brass Lamp
Imperial Weave
On a wooden ledge in Lyrium Cavern

Isana Negat Treasure Chests

Hall of Valor Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Casings of Fortune (Heavy Armor)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Up the ladder hidden behind a bookshelf in The Hilt - Archives and Storage.

Hall of Valor Treasure Chests

Small Treasure Chest Locations

Small treasure chests do not count towards the DISCOVERED completion rate and do not have a chest icon on the map. However, many of these small chests still contain valuable loot, such as Equipment, Appearance items, or Decor.

All Small Treasure Chests by Area
Crossroads Dock Town
The Ossuary Rivain Coast
Griffon Aerie Hossberg Wetlands
Necropolis Halls Treviso
Weisshaupt Tearstone Island
Arlathan Crater Thalsian's Forum
Arlathan Forest

Use the table above to jump to an area.

Crossroads Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Dwarven Key (Harding Trinket)
Anders Vessel
Flawless Crystal
From the center of Converged City, head east and start the The Labs Below quest. This chest is hidden behind a group of blights.
2 Heart of Andraste (Amulet)
Dragon Carving
The gate for this small chest opens once both Beam Generators are hitting both nodes in the Converged City.
3 Flamebranch (Elemental Stave)

After defeating the enemy that spawn after destroying the large Blight, destroy the small Blight that's left to access this chest.
4 Elven Lantern (Decor)
Fine Orlesian Vessel
Found near the fast travel point in the Converging Eluvians.
5 Footsoldier's Armaments
Plush Rug
After breaking the big crystals found in the edges of the area, one of the enemies that spawn in the middle of the area will drop this chest.
6 Kneeling Halla
Venaroti Sigil
Defeat the Smoldering Blood Forge near the gated Evanuris Altar in the west section of the Converged City.
7 Nug Meat
Pure Ore

Near a Fen'Harel Altar in the west section of the Converged City.
8 Raiding Mask (Appearance)
Polished Plate
Flawless Crystal
Upon reaching Elvhenan's Haven you'll find this chest to your left.
9 Light Guard Helm (Appearance)
Venatori Crystal
Imperial Weave
Defeat a group of enemies at the starting area of Elvhenan's Haven.
10 Fine Orlasian Vessel

Next to a Wolf Statue at Elvhenan's Haven.
11 Heart of Andraste (Amulet)
To the right of an Evanuris Altar at Elvhenan's Haven.
12 Brass Root (Ring)
Oil Lamp
Imperial Weave
Near the entryway, to the right of a Blight Boil at Heights of Athim.
13 Orlesian Sovereign (Trinket Harding)
Large Metal Chunk
Next to the Mountainside Eluvians fast travel Beacon.
14 Weaver's Spool

Once you enter the entryway at Heights of Athim, turn left.
15 Dwarven Declaration (Decor)
Flawless Crystal
After listening to the group speech memory of the past at Heights of Athim, go behind the circular wall and turn right. It's near a large staircase.
16 Weaver's Spool

Jump down this ledge after climbing a ladder near a zipline at Heights of Athim.
17 Tincture Kit (Healing Belt)
Worn Hand-Pick
Imperial Weave
Climb up a small staircase and ledge next to the Evanuris Altar then go through a broken gate at Heights of Athim.
18 Glacial Loop (Ring)
Oil Lamp
Imperial Weave
Near some barrels with skulls at the Heights of Athim.
19 Enchanted Athame (Dagger)
Fade-Touched Silk
Etheric Remnant
From the beacon: go up the stairs, drop down to the right area, walk forward and defeat the Skeleton Crew. Done in the "Hauntings: Shadows of Fortune" quest.

All Crossroads Treasure Chests

Dock Town Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Biting Thumb (Ring)
Cheater's Deck
Imperial Weave
Found along the path in Razikale Walk.
2 Ritual Kit
Free Lunch Voucher
After unfreezing the lever mechanism to open the door to a building in the Central Market, head left.
3 Tincture Kit (Healing Belt)
Dragon Carving
In The Warrens, where there are a lot of NPCs, climb one of the ladders in to the scaffolding to find this small chest.
4 Heartwood

On top of some boxes in the Shadowed Courtyard.
5 Magister's Bloodletter (Appearance)
Free Lunch Voucher
Next to a large blight on a wall at the Anvallenim.
6 Band of Smoke (Ring)
Imperial Weave
At the right side of the stairs on the bottom floor of the Warehouse.
7 Quickstart Leathers (Light Armor)
Ritual Pouch
Imperial Weave
Defeat the Bound Hurlock at the Warehouse.
8 Relief: Wealth
Mysterious Coin
Imperial Weave
Near a gate with levers at Wharf Crossing South.
9 Split-Hilt Dirk (Spellblade)
Flawless Crystal
Go up the ladder with the "Charcoal Drawing of the Market" note located at an edge of the Urthemiel Venue.
10 Biting Thumb (Ring)

Cross a ledge near the chest at Razikale Walk and then climb a ladder.
11 Bleeding Shard (Ring)
Flawless Crystal
Above a Blight Cyst found at the Lost Company Mine; the chest is at Andraste's Watch.
12 All-Mother's Copse (Amulet)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Destroy a Blight Cyst and then defeat Quyn the Sparkwielder at the Lost Company Mine.
13 Token of True Flight (Amulet)
Jewelry Box
Near a gate after jumping a ledge near the zipline at Andraste's Watch.
14 Fortify (Rune)
Basic Rugs
Imperial Weave
Defeat the enemies and go to the side
15 Warping Wrap (Utility Belt)
Rusty Tongs
Go underground and solve the rock puzzles. Keep going until you reach a room.
16 Spiritcaller (Arcane Stave)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Defeat the Formless One in Spillway.
17 Empty Coin Purse
Imperial Weave

Go inside the room with the altar. The chest should be behind the altar.
18 Band of Smoke (Ring)
Minrathous Wine
Flawless Crystal
At the abandoned campsite in Aula's Lookout.
19 Paragon's Knuckle (Ring)
Dragon Carving
Imperial Weave
In the area underneath The Garden that is accessed during the Out of Tune quest.
20 Dominate (Rune)
Fine Silverwork
On a wooden ledge in Thread Market.
21 Soothing Spices (Taash Trinket)
Carved Urn
Next to the lever after lowering the bridge in Condemned Warehouse
22 Smith's Hammer (Decor)
Imperial Weave
On a wooden ledge under the zipline in Nocen Corridor.
23 Recruit's War Hat
9 Imperial Weave
At the end of a tunnel in Sanctum Lusacan.
24 Footsoldier's Armaments (Appearance)
3 Flawless Crystal
On a ledge on your way to Aelia in Sanctum Lusacan.
25 Broken Walking Stick

Near the stairs that lead to Arcane Bridge.

All Dock Town Treasure Chests

The Ossuary Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Dalish Nug Sculpture (Decor)
Hearty Potato
Up the stairs to the left after crossing the narrow beam in The Cliffs.
2 Halla's Grace (Amulet)
Imperial Weave
In the southern path after breaking the first set of red crystals in High Security.
3 Tincture Kit (Healing Belt)
Oil Lamp
Imperial Weave
After breaking Lucanis out and defeating the first set of mages, use the key to open the next room and break set of red crystals in the room starting directly above the entrance.
4 Glaciate (Rune)
Venatori Ornament
Imperial Weave
Dropped by the Mini-Boss in the Overlook.
5 Token of True Flight (Amulet)
Carved Urn
Climb the ladder after defeating the Mini-Boss in the Overlook to reach this chest.
6 Graven Opal (Ring)
Stonework Urn
Imperial Weave
Found in one of the cells in the Upper Inner Cells.
7 Warden Wings (Appearance)
Pure Ore
Before crossing the bridge in the Lower Inner Cells, climb the platform to the right.
8 Elven Bass (Decor)
Oil Lamp
Flawless Crystal
Use Lucanis' ability to cross the gap in The Blood Vault to reach this area. The chest will be behind the fallen statue.
9 Twin Buckle Binding (Utility Belt)
Flawless Crystal
From the previous chest, break the group of crates blocking the path to this chest.
10 Warden Wings (Appearance)
Blacksmith's Tools
Imperial Weave
After breaking all the red crystals in The Blood Vault, enter the previously locked room. This chest will be on the left side of the room.
11 God's Foil (Rapier)

Obtained after defeating the Boss in The Ossuary.

All The Ossuary Treasure Chests

Rivain Coast Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Heart of Andraste (Amulet)
Vhenadahl's Tears

Go inside the waterfall
2 Glacial Talus (Mageknife)
Smoked Sausages
Swing across the zipline by Winding Shoreline.
3 Gold

Go down from the abandoned building and walk through the wooden path.
4 Nug Meat

Go down the waterfall in Dragon Beach and head to the used campsite at the side.
5 Hardbitten Belt (Grenade Belt)
Blacksmith's Tool
Go to the edge of the Warden Castle.
6 Paragon's Knuckle (Ring)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Defeat the bosses and the Antaam at Dragon Beach.
7 Rivaini Moonshine

Make the explosive barrel explode and go through the hole in the wall. Head upstairs. It is also near the Fen'harel Altar.
8 Shimmering Sight Charm
Bundle of Herbs
Cross the wooden beams by Castle Bailey.
9 Warden's Key
Weaver's Spool
Flawless Crystal
Run across the narrow path of Castle Bailey and cross through the wooden beams. It is also next to a Mementos.
10 Unburnable Band (Ring)
Polished Plate
Jump across the wooden platforms to get to the other side of the zipline in Ravine Descent
11 Storm Needle (Appearance)
Fade-Touched Ore
Under a mound of sand in Tide Flats. Revealed by using Davrin's field ability.
12 New Casebook (Neve Trinket)
Blacksmith's Tools
Vhenadahl's Tears
Use Harding's field ability to go up the dragon bones and reach a ruined tower in Tide Flats.
13 Dragon's Brace (Belt)
3 Heartwood
Near some stairs in Cave Floor.
14 Weaver's Spool

Use Harding's field ability at the end of a broken bridge in Cave Floor.
15 Rialto Sunsetter (Longsword)
Petrified Dragon Egg
2 Dragonfire Catalyst
Dropped by Cutter after defeating him in Lava Caves.
16 Sage

Under the platform with the mortar used to destroy the sealed gate in Lava Caves.
17 Worn Whittler (Davrin Trinket)
Fire Brandy
3 Heartwood
In an abandoned building in Lava Caves.
18 Corvid Calling Mask (Appearance)
Fade Shard
2 Flawless Crystal
Defeat the Fury of Sharksmouth in Lava Caves.
19 Insightful Covering (Light Helm)
Royal Elfroot
Darkspawn Horn
Dropped by the Pirate Captain during Dead Men Tell Some Tales.

All Rivain Coast Treasure Chests

Griffon Aerie Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Worm Whittler (Trinket Davrin)
Pure Ore
Follow the path in Griffon Aerie until you come across an abandoned Tower. Go to the third floor and destroy the wooden boards.
2 Anders Vessel

Near the statue puzzle, you'll see a small abandoned building with the chest inside.
3 Gold

After solving the statue puzzle, go through the gate and keep walking for a bit.
4 Helm of Light and Shadow (Appearance)
Imperial Weave
Climb the ladder and go left until you reach the castle ground.
5 Chess Piece
Imperial Weave

Go behind the cages. It is also near the Blight

All Griffon Aerie Treasure Chests

Hossberg Wetlands Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Basic Rugs

Climb the wooden stairs, and cross the wooden bridge.
2 Urthemiel's Ash
Fade-Touched Ore
Defeat the darkspawn on Flooded Farmlands
3 Tincture Kit
Imperial Weave
Go inside the dilapidated shelter in the Flooded Farmlands.
4 Chess Piece
Imperial Weave

Go through the trees, and deplete the Blight. Attack the chest to unlock it.
5 Pursuant's Implements (Medium Armor)
Silver Bar
Deplete the Blight surrounding the dilapidated shelter. Go through the shelter, and cross the wooden beam to reach the second shelter. Dispel the magical ward.
6 Unburnable Band
Pure Ore
Fine Orlesian Vessel
Go to the Cavernous Tunnels, go right where you'll find a small cave.
Pure Ore

Walk up the wooden stairs and hop to the wooden boards that are on the edge of the rocky cliffs.
8 Viridian Tusk (Axe)
Fade-Touched Ore
Destroy the Crystals, and dispel the Magical Ward with the help of your companions. Activate the stone wall to reveal a hidden room, then defeat the nearby enemies.
9 Fade-Touched Ore

Go upstairs in the Gaspin Manor and jump over the gap between the two wooden platforms. Afterwards, walk up the narrow wooden beam to reach the upper floor.
10 Vhenadahl's Tears
Nug Carving

Go to the edge and outside of Gaspin Manor. It is near the altar.
11 Jumper's Binding (Grenade Belt)
Fine Orlesian Vessel
Go inside the room.
12 3 Pure Ore

Clear all the nearby Blight. Once cleared, go inside the small shelter in Solitude's Edge covered in Blight.
13 Warden's Key (Trinket)
Large Metal Clunk
Climb the stairs, and the ladder til you reach the top.
14 Dalish Wraps (Light Armor)
Fade-Touched Silk
Defeat the Formless One in Solitude's Edge.
15 Glacial Talus (Ring)
Imperial Weave
Walk to the top of the rock formation in the Swamp Road.
16 Footsoldier's Armaments (Appearance)
Go through the stairs, and drop down.
17 Crow's Bandolier (Belt)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Solve the Resonant Stone puzzle.
18 Reinforced Binding (Belt)
Dwarven Stout
Go to the small cave.
19 Pure Ore

Go to the open area and into the elevated stone-platform.
20 Heartwood

Go through the hole in the wall to get inside the dark room. Go right.
21 Creator's Chisel (Trinket Davrin)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Dragon Carving
Pull out the Resonant Stone with the help of your companions to go up the cliffs.
22 Carastes Double-hat (Appearance)
Imperial Weave
Carved Urn
Go through the doorway.
23 Recruit's War Hat
Fade-Touched Silk
Dwarven Coin
Solve the Resonant Stone puzzle.
24 Hemorrhage
Anderfels Silk
Kick down a wooden post and walk across it to reach a ruined building in Castle Grounds.
25 Warden's Key (Amulet)
Large Metal Chunk
In a ruined tower in Solitude's Edge.
26 2 Pure Ore

Inside the house covered in blight in Solitude's Edge.

All Hossberg Wetlands Treasure Chests

Necropolis Halls Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Abyssal Helm (Appearance)
Fade-Touched Ore
Demonic Bezoar
Defeat the Despair Demon in the Lost Watcher's Wing.
2 Shatter (Rune)
Misplaced Skull
Go outside and turn left.
3 Precious Decay (Ring)
Jeweled Brooch
Head to the huge gates, and climb to the rocky cliffs at the left.
4 Sightless Skull (Amulet)
Blacksmith's Tool
Open the huge doors in the Cascades and go straight.
5 Necrotic Jade (Ring)
2 Vhenadahl's Tears
Go to the opposite side, and climb up. Cross the wooden beam as well as the stairs. Cross another beam and jump on the elevated platforms.
6 Minrathous Citizen's Outfit
Flawless Crystal
Fine Orlesian Vessel
Cross the gap with the Resonant Slab. Cross the wooden beam then follow the path.
7 Chittering Signet
Flawless Crystal
Open the huge doors and go to the far left.
8 Overflow (Rune)
Venatori Crystal
Imperial Weave
Defeat the enemies that spawn as soon as you reach The Path of Sighs.
9 Gold

In front of the huge skull statue in The Path of Sighs.
10 Fresh Breadstick
Fade-Touched Ore

Behind some tents and barrels in The Path of Sighs.
11 Flawless Crystal

Go to the end of the hall in Hollow Belfry, Upper.
12 Guardian of the Abyss (Arcane Stave Emmrich)
Fade-Touched Ore
Survive until the bell rings in Hollow Belfry, Lower.
13 Gold

Attack the boxes and barrels.
14 Token of True Flight (Amulet)
Blacksmith's Tools
Go behind the table.
15 Deathworn Wraps (Grenade Belt)
Stonework Urn
Go to Cascades. Defeat the enemies and attack the floating red crystal. Then, light up the candles and placate the mischief with the help of your companions. Afterwards, place the glowing blue orb on the metal gate to open it.
16 Researcher's Coat (Medium Armor)
Fade-Touched Ore

Defeat the Burgeoning Malice on The Spectral Court

All Necropolis Halls Treasure Chests

Treviso Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Snapped Chain

Between stacks of boxes in Grande Markets.
2 Amaranthine Loop (Ring)
Imperial Weave
Break boxes blocking an exit at Grande Markets.
3 Crush (Rune)
Vhenadahl's Tears
On a balcony in Streets of Coin Financials.
4 Duelist's Coat
Colorful Gems
At the end of the terrace near the zipline that leads to the Fallen Chantry.
5 Recruit's War Hat (Appearance)
Bear Carving
4 Pure Ore
Inside a small room just outside the Fallen Chantry.
6 Wanderer's Long Coat (Light Armor)
Venatori Crystal
Porcelain Flask
Etheric Remnant
Dropped by Porcia after defeating her in the Fallen Chantry.
7 Death Mask (Appearance)
Empty Coin Purse
Fade-Touched Crystal
In the southest corner of the room where you fight Porcia.
8 Nug Carving

Behind a door with curtains inside the chapel at Fallen Chantry
9 Reinforced Longbow (Longbow)
Cracked Lockbox
Venatori Ornament
Etheric Remnant
Defeat Nonus and Decimus at the Fallen Chantry
10 Bleeding Corvus (Ring)
Fade-Touched Ore
In front of a barricaded gate in Fallen Chantry.
11 Reinforced Longbow (Appearance)
Worn Hand-Pick
On the second floor of one of the buildings in Fallen Chantry.
12 Nevarran Vase

Open the Timelost Gateway in Streets of Coin Financial and go east. The chest is in front of the room
13 Crow's Perch Medallion (Amulet)
Antivan Basket
Imperial Weave
On the yard of the Dellamorte Estate, solve the puzzle and on the west side, a porticulli door should open where this chest is located.
14 All Mother's Corpse (Amulet)
Antivan Basket
Fade-Touched Crystal
Go inside a broken window in the Crow's Road Rooftops, where you'll see a few Venatori.
15 Grey Emblem (Amulet)
Bear Carving
Imperial Weave
On the south part of the Streets of Coin Financials, interact with the magenta light so Spite could create a brigde to get to this chest.
16 Crow's Perch Medallion (Amulet)
Empty Coin Purse
Southwest of Streets of Coins Financials, there is a door you can open north of the bar where this one out of two chest is located
17 Gold

Southwest of Streets of Coins Financials, there is a door you can open north of the bar where this one out of two chest is located
18 Amaranthine Loop (Ring)
On the rooftop of the Streets of Coins Financials.

All Treviso Treasure Chests

Weisshaupt Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Grey Emblem (Amulet)
Dragon Carving

Once you enter the secret passage instead of turning left, go straight ahead and break all the boxes on the stair to enter the room above.
2 Light Guard Helm (Appearance)
Pure ore
After the cutscene with the wardens, clear all the boxes on your right to see the chest.
3 Worn handpick
Raiding Mask (Appearance)
Before jumping over the wooden fence on the way to the library, walk towards the scaffolding in front of it to obtain the chest.
4 Warden's Straps (Grenade Belt)
Woven Cloth
Vhenadahl's Tears
North east of the room made out of bookshelves and right side of where you'll suppose to go, clear the blight arround the portcullis.
5 Forest Guardian's Veil (Appearance)
Imperial Weave
Left side of the second part of the library's west wing is a stairs to a room - clear out the blight to enter the room.

All Weisshaupt Treasure Chests

Tearstone Island Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Hurlock Hunter's Helm (Appearance)

North of the boat in the Inner Bay.
2 Vhenadahl's Tears
Flawless Crystal
On the Outer Shorline Camp, past the Antaam camp, jump down and walk towards the broken infastracture, Southeast of the camp to obtain the chest.
3 Shimmering Sight Charm (Amulet)

After getting the first chest below the Outer Shorline Camp, you should be able to locate this second chest if you looked where you jumped earlier.
4 Flawless Crystal

Entering the infastracture on the Outer Shorline Camp, you should be able to locate the chest behind the broken altar
5 Gold

After entering the Cliffside Ruins, go east and enter the cave.
6 Paragon's Knuckle (Ring)
Pure Ore
Crossing the bridge and entering the infastracture in Cliffside Ruins, turn right to obtain this chest. It is next to a campfire
7 Footsoldier's Armaments (Appearance)
Fade-Touched Crystal
After encountering the Archdemon in the Cliffside Ruins, this chest is southwest from the stairs
8 Gold
Fade-Touched Crystal

After your companion opened the porticullis, you should be able to locate the chest on the west side
9 Antivan Parade Helm (Appearance)
Vhenadahl's Tears
From the chest earlier, jump to the rocks towards the blight brigde to get towards the cave up north.
10 Banded Mage Brim (Appearance)
Entering the Stronghold, walk towards northwest to locate this chest
11 Gold
Vhenadahl's Tears

You should be able to locate this after entering the Inner Sactum

All Tearstone Island Treasure Chests

Arlathan Crater Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Death's Disciple (Appearance)
Jeweled Brooch
2 Fade-Touched Ore
Near the abandoned campsite in Forest Overlook.
2 Bundle of Herbs

In an abandoned camp on the west side of Temple of the Sun.
3 Focus of the Veil (Ring)
Ocularum Pedestal
2 Vhenadahl's Tears
Under the ledge you drop down from after the Venatori sacrifice a halla.
4 Exacting Shard (Ring)
Snapped Chain
Inside the room in Temple Gardens that is accessed by placing a crystal on the socket.
5 Daze (Rune)
Imperial Gembox
Venatori Crystal
Dropped by the Blood Forge after defeating it in the Court of Tribute.
6 Heavy Nevarran Tome (Decor)
3 Heartwood
Behind some breakable crates and barrels in a room inside Sanctum Halls.

All Arlathan Crater Treasure Chests

Thalsian's Forum Small Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Gold

Near a broken pillar in the area where you started at Thalsian's Forum.
2 Gold

Right behind a statue of a huge frog in a room just in the area where you started at Thalsian's Forum.
3 Fade-Touched Ore

Climb the ruins just before the wooden bridge to reach a room in the upper level with a small chest.
4 Gold

Right next to the spot where you start in after saving your companion and making final preparations.

All Thalsian's Forum Treasure Chests

Arlathan Forest Treasure Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Skein of Yarn

Remove the Power Crystal from the socket to disable the blue barrier.
2 Nug Carving

Walk up the mountain til you see a small wooden table.
3 Nug Carving

Climb the ladder
4 Fadelight (Arcane Orb)
Fade-Touched Crystal

Dropped by Nocturnix in Ruins Reach.
5 Sage

Jump the gap after the second Power Crystal puzzle.
6 Hummin Curiosity (Trinket Bellara)
Fade-Touched Crystal
Found outside of the windows befor the third Power Crystal puzzle.
7 Pursuant's Implements (Appearance)
Break the lock on the door at the top of the ladder and break the surrounding barrels to reveal this chest in this small room.
8 Brass Bandage (Ring)
Found in on of the floating platforms beside the Tattered Bridge.
9 Rosemary

Drop down to the lowest floating platform in the middle of the Jagged Ruins.
10 Carved Urn

Reach the Mystical Tower at the top of the Jagged Ruins.
11 Anders Vessel
Flawless Crystal

Interact with the Owl Statue to reveal the chest.
12 Shockbranch (Appearance)
Pure Ore
Found in an alcove in north of Ruins Reach.
13 Thrumming Rock (Ring)
Flawless Crystal
Get near the rift to destroy the rocks blocking this small cave containing this chest.
14 Calibration Crystal (Trinket Bellara)
Ocularum Pedestal
Get near the rift to destroy the wall then use Spite's Reach to get to the other side of the broken bridge.
15 Hummin Curiosity (Trinket Bellara)
Glazed Vase
On the edge of the steps that you climb when reaching the Ancient Aqueduct from the Riverside Ruins.
16 Magister's Bargain (Amulet)
Bear Carving
Jump through the rocks in the river and get to the shipwreck to reach this chest.
17 Timeworn Mageknife (Spellblade)
Fade-Touched Silk
Defeat the Formless One as part of the Pinnacle of Its Kind side quest.
18 Smoked Sausages
Flawless Crystal

Found in a balcony in the Ancient Aqueducts.
19 Rosemary

Use Stone Song to raise the nearby Resonant Stone to reach this chest.
20 Light Guard Helm (Appearance)
Glazed Vase
Use Eternal Hymn to move the Resonant Slabs and cross the river and reach this area with the chest.
21 Ocularum Pedestal

Beside the Waterfront Glades Beacon.
22 Corvid Calling Mask (Appearance)
Vhenadahl's Tears
Nug Meat
Between the blue locked gate and the deactivated Beam Generator in the Waterfront Glades.
23 All-Mother's Copse (Amulet)
Fine Silverwork
Beside the large Blight Cyst which can only be opened upon defeating Entarus the Rekindled in the Tainted Woods.
24 Miner's Talisman (Amulet)
Bear Carving
Flawless Crystal
Hidden inside a small Blight Cyst.
25 Deep Roads Shaper (Decor)
Flawless Crystal
At the end of a short path in the Tainted Woods beside a stone slab on the floor.
26 Sharpened Hook Knife (Trinket Davrin)
Worn Hand-Pick
Flawless Crystal
Behind the hidden Fen'Harel Altar that you can access by blowing up the barrels on top of the wall.
27 Crystalline Shard (Appearance)
Jewelry Box
Flawless Crystal
Climb the stairs from the northwest and you'll find this chest beside a Power Crystal.
28 Exacting Shard (Ring)
Jeweled Brooch
Flawless Crystal
In front of two wolf statues in Cliffside Boardwalk.
29 Watcher's Hold (Belt)
Skein of Yarn
Behind a wolf statue in Cliffside Boardwalk.
30 Carastes Double-hat (Appearance)
Jewelry Box
To the left of the Ancient Capital entrance.
31 Graven Opal (Ring)
Flawless Crystal
To the left after entering the doorway between two wolf statues in Ancient Capital.
32 Shimmering Sight Charm (Amulet)
Blacksmith's Tools
On a floating platform in Ancient Capital.

Arlathan Forest Treasure Chests

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4 Anonymous4 months

When it clearly says "this is a work in progress", don't lie and say it's "all". You have 20 chests noted in Dock Town, the game clearly shows it's 25+2.

3 Keely4 months


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