Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Best Faction for All Classes

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Dragon Age The Veilguard -  Best Factions for All Classes
Dragon Age: The Veilguard has six unique factions with their own bonus traits. See the best factions for mage, warrior, and rogue and the best faction overall.

Best Faction for Mage

Shadow Dragons

Trait Description
Light in the Dark Increased reputation gain with the Shadow Dragons
Never to Rise Increased damage vs. Venatori
Resourceful Class resources generate slightly faster

As stated above, the Shadow Dragons faction helps with mana generation for Mages, allowing them to use abilities frequently. The Mourn Watch is also a decent choice for addtional stacks of afflictions.

Shadow Dragons Guide

Best Faction for Warrior

Grey Wardens

Trait Description
Bonded in Blood Increased reputation gain with the Grey Wardens
Blight Killer Increased damage vs. Darkspawn
Vigilant Training Base defense and Health slightly increased

Warriors tend to fight up close, so being able to take more hits is appreciated with the Grey Wardens' extra health and defense. Other factions Warriors can explore are the Antivan Crows for their extra potion or the Lords of Fortune for easier takedowns.

Grey Wardens Guide

Best Faction for Rogue

Veil Jumpers

Trait Description
Close to the Veil Increased reputation gain with the Veil Jumpers
Attuned Strikes Increased damage vs. Fade-Touched
Keen Eye Slightly increased critical and weakpoint damage

The Veil Jumpers faction is a good choice for Rogues to deal more critical and weakpoint damage. For Rogues that want better survivability, the Grey Wardens and Antivan Crows factions can also work.

Veil Jumpers Guide

Best Faction Overall

Shadow Dragons

Trait Description
Light in the Dark Increased reputation gain with the Shadow Dragons
Never to Rise Increased damage vs. Venatori
Resourceful Class resources generate slightly faster

The Resourceful perk from Shadow Dragons slightly increases the Rage, Momentum, or Mana generation for its respective classes. This perk is the most useful out of all the faction bonuses, as it allows the player to use their abilities slightly more often.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides

Factions Partial

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Factions

List of All Factions

All Factions
Grey Wardens IconGrey Wardens Veil Jumpers IconVeil Jumpers Shadow Dragons IconShadow Dragons
Lords of Fortune IconLords of Fortune The Mourn Watch IconThe Mourn Watch Antivan Crows IconAntivan Crows


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