Dragon Age: The Veilguard

All Fen'Harel Altar Locations

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Fen

Fen'Harel Altars are the wolf statues found in Dragon Age: The Veilguard that provide valuable Skill Points when their puzzles are completed. Discover all altar locations, steps to complete them, and the rewards you can earn.

All Fen'Harel Altar Locations

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Attention Page is WIP This page is a work in progress. If you have locations to share, leave them in the comments!
Fen'Harel Altars by Area
Crossroads Dock Town
Hossberg Wetlands Rivain Coast
Arlathan Forest Treviso

Use the table above to jump to an area.

Crossroads Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
Converged City - On the path near the large blight.

Converged City - Continue the path north of the altar and jump to the high-ground ledge.
Converged City - Up a small flight of stairs behind a gate.

Converged City - Interact with a Veil Instability to summon floating rocks that you can jump on to access the treasure.
Beside a wooden shack near a ledge at Heights of Athim

Go down the elevator after getting the Wolf Statuette at Heights of Atim.
Near a blight tree near some barrels with skulls at Heights of Athim.

Go up a ladder near the statue of a warrior holding an axe at Heights of Athim.
Complete the Gate of Faded Glories to access this part of the Elvhenan's Haven. The altar is below the broken bridge.

The altar's treasue is at the end of this area where the owl statues are.

Dock Town Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
Andraste's Watch - Enter the area from the Temple Courtyard and then walk around the circular ledge.

Lost Company Mine - Destroy a Blight Cyst and then defeat Quyn the Sparkwielder.
Activate a large door at the Seclusion to access the Altar.

Go up the stairs next to the Altar, pick up the Power Crystal, and place it at the socket outside to create a bridge and cross it.

Hossberg Wetlands Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
Southwest of the beacon in Lost Village.

Lost Village - Clear the nearby blighted boils to reach the treasure.
Next to a wooden shack near the Flooded Farmlands beacon.

Climb a nearby wooden shack and the reward will be on top.

Rivain Coast Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
Up the stairs of the abandoned structure east of the Winding Shores beacon.

Winding Shoreline - Head to the southwest corner of the area.
Up a series of ledges in Clifftops.

Clifftops - In the water beside a small waterfall northwest of the altar's location.

Arlathan Forest Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
Inside the Mystical Tower.

On a ledge behind the large statue's head in Jagged Ruins.
Attack the red barrels on top of the wall to destroy it and reveal the altar.

The altar's treasure can be found at the end of a narrow path south of the altar.
In the hallway between the Shadowy Grove and Shoreside Courtyard. Progress through the Main Quest to access this area.

On top of nearby broken ruins at the Shoreside Courtyard.

Treviso Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
East of Heart and Central.

How to Complete Fen'Harel Altars

Steps on Completing Fen'Harel Altars

Activate the Fen'Harel Altar

To complete a Fen'Harel Altar puzzle, you must first interact with the wolf statue to activate it. Once activated, it will point in the direction of its hidden treasure.

Follow the Altar's Direction and Search for its Treasure

Follow the altar’s directional indicator to the treasure. Its particles will help guide you, indicating both direction and elevation. Upon getting close to the treasure's location, a small blue wolf statue will appear, and will complete the puzzle once you pick it up.

Fen'Harel Altar Rewards

1 Skill Point

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Fen

Each completed Fen'Harel Altar puzzle rewards 1 Skill Point, which you can use to enhance your character’s power with new Skills, Passives, or perhaps an upgrade from your Specialization.

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1 Anonymous4 months

This is missing two of the altars in Arlathan Forest, and one that's in Treviso.


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