Dragon Age: The Veilguard

How to Convince Mythal: All Mythal Answers

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Dragon Age The Veilguard How to Convince Mythal - All Mythal Answers

This guide explains how to convince Mythal during Rook's conversation with them to obtain Mythal's Essence in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See the best answers to Mythal's questions here!

Should You Convince Mythal?

Convince Mythal for Mythal's Essence

Obtaining Mythal

We recommend convincing Mythal to get the item called Mythal's Essence much faster. Mythal's Essence will open up a special option during a pivotal conversation with Solas later in the story. Using it when prompted will change the ending for the playthrough.

Should You Fight, Trick, or Save Solas?

You Can Still Obtain Mythal's Essence After Fighting Mythal

Do note that you can still get Mythal's Essence after defeating Mythal in her dragon form. This method poses a more significant challenge, so it is not recommended.

All Mythal Answers

Answers to Convince Mythal

How to Convince Mythal

We Must Stop the Blight

We Must Stop The Blight Answers
Mythal: And?
All Possible Answers
You stood against it. (Best Answer)
People will die. (Okay)

The blight is your fault. (Bad)

We Must Stop the Gods

Mythal Answer
Mythal: Yet the world needs rulers. So set the blight aside and tell me why I should help you topple them.
All Possible Answers
They wronged you. (Best Answer)
Put the blight aside? (Okay)

We need no gods. (Bad)
We stopped Anaris
(Will immediately convince Mythal. Available only if you've done all of Bellara's companion quests.)

Solas is Helping Me

Mythal: Tell me this: What should I have done when Solas turned against me after all we had been to one another?
All Possible Answers
Respected him. (Best Answer)
Forgotten him. (Okay)

I'm sorry that happened. (Bad)

We are Worthy

Mythal: What is a protector to you?
All Possible Answers
Building a safe place. (Best Answer)
Fighting monsters. (Okay)

I'm following your example. (Bad)

To convince Mythal, you should ideally pick all the best answers listed above or at least two of the best answers and okay choices.

Make sure not to pick the bad answers since you will instantly start the fight against Mythal!

Defeat Anaris Before Finding Mythal

Telling Mythal About Anaris

If you've completed Bellara's Companion Quest chain, and defeated Anaris in Through the Shadows, Rook can choose to say “We've stopped Anaris.”, as a follow-up to the “We must stop the gods.” prompt.

This will instantly convince Mythal to grant you her help, cutting the rest of the questioning short.

Through the Shadows Quest Guide

Mythal Conversation Outcomes

Summary of Choice Outcomes


Mythal: Or do you simply think yourself ready to fight a god?
Choice Consequence
I want your help. ・Rook attempts to convince Mythal to lend her aid.
・Mythal will present the player with four prompts to answer.
You're not going to help us. ・Rook does not attempt to talk it out with Mythal.
・Mythal transforms into a dragon boss fight.

Say You Want Mythal's Help

Prompts for Convincing Mythal

During the conversation, choosing to convince Mythal by stating you need her help will lead to a wheel of dialogue choices, one of which is an option to quit convincing her and just fight.

The other four options are statements that Mythal will question Rook about, and players will have to answer with something that she finds agreeable to win her over and obtain her essense. Otherwise, failing to convince her will lead to a fairly difficult boss fight.

Prepare to Fight Mythal

Mythal Warning Rook

The other option is to fight Mythal immediately. Choosing this option leads into a boss fight, with Mythal turning into a dragon. Players must defear her in her dragon form to get Mythal's Essence.

When Does the Choice Appear?

In the Regrets of the Dread Wolf Quest

Meeting Mythal

The choice to convince or fight Mythal appears during the Regrets of the Dread Wolf quest.

Obtaining this quest requires several prior steps, such as collecting six wolf statuettes, placing these inside the Lighthouse, and learning more about Solas' past.

Regrets of the Dread Wolf Quest Guide

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8 Anonymous17 days

Elf: finish Bellara's quest - Anaris: choose "We must stop the Gods" then the special dialogue Human: finish Neve's quest - Aelia: choose "We are worthy" then the special dialogue Qunari: finish Taash's quest - Dragon King: choose "Solas is helping me" then the special dialogue Dwarf: finish Harding's quest - Titan's Heart: choose "We must stop the blight" then the special dialogue

7 Anonymousabout 2 months

The option you get is based on what race you are - Elf get Bellara choice if her quest is done, Human get Neve if her quest is done….etc. If you are a human, having Bellara’s quest done will get you nothing as you need Neve’s quest done. Nothing to do with faction either; all about what race you are.


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