Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Where the Dead Must Go Quest Guide

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Where the Dead Must Go Quest Guide

This is a complete walkthrough for the main quest, Where the Dead Must Go, of Dragon Age: The Veilguard's campaign. See this guide for quest information, objectives, and major decisions!

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On Deadly Wings
On Blighted Wings
Something Wrong

Where the Dead Must Go Overview

Where the Dead Must Go
Location Necropolis Halls
Rewards ・100+ The Mourn Watch Strength
Emmrich recruited
・Guardian of the Abyss (Rare Arcane Stave for Emmrich)
・Increased bond with current companion
The team enters the mysterious Grand Necropolis to recruit Fade expert Emmrich Volkarin, but evil mages have plans of their own.

Where the Dead Must Go Objectives

Investigate the Disturbance in the Shrouded Halls

Investigate the Disturbance in the Shrouded Halls
After meeting Emmrich, you will hear a scream in the distance, which he says you must investigate. Follow him down the halls until you reach a Despair Demon surrounded by ice. Defeat the demon and progress onwards.

Upon reaching the center room, Emmrich will comment that they must free the chained Sunken Star. Weak Undead will spawn in soon after you enter, so take them down quickly. They should pose no threat to you.

Once all of the undead are defeated, Emmrich will lead you toward a locked door. Find the wisp in the nearby area to unlock the door.

Discover What's Happened to the Bell

Discover What
Emmrich suggests that your party pass by his consultant on the way to the Sunken Star. Your path to him, however, will be filled with dormant Despair Demons. Make your way to the locked door while avoiding the ice AoEs so that the Despair Demons do not become hostile.

Upon reaching the door, Emmrich will summon wisps to open it. You will, however, have to fetch the wisps yourself and bring them to the door. Enemies will hinder you as you do so, so take them out as you go.

After fetching all of the wisps and going through the door, you will again have to fight your way through undead enemies, including a Deathchill Mage. After defeating them and reaching the hall with Emmrich's consultant, light up the braziers to bring the consultant to life.

Drive out the Venatori

Drive out the Venatori
After consulting, you and Emmrich must go through the door and face the Venatori scattered in the area. Clear the halls of Venatori as you progress forward until you reach a slave. Past the slave is the pathway to the Upper Belfry, near the Sunken Star.

Destroy all of the crystals chaining the Sunken Star down, as well as the Venatori guarding them. There are a total of four crystals that need to be destroyed. These crystals also heal nearby Venatori, so take them out first before fighting other enemies.

Once you have destroyed the crystals, Emmrich will start channeling the Sunken Star to activate it. You will have to defend him for three minutes from waves of Venatori and undead enemies. Once the three minutes are up, any despair demons still standing will disappear, ending the challenge.

Recruit Emmrich

Recruit Emmrich
After ringing the bell, you will have a small talk with Emmrich, Vorgoth, Myrna, and Emmrich's assistant Manfred.

Emmrich: At the least! The implications of what Rook's witnessed are - ah, thank you Mandred!
Choice Consequence
Hello? Does not affect Approval.
Tea! That's so nice. Does not affect Approval.
No thanks. Does not affect Approval.
He's precious.
(Mourn Watch option)
Emmrich approves.

After the conversation, you are able to convince Emmrich to join your cause.

Emmrich: I've spent my life exploring the Fade and speaking to spirits. If Rook needs an expert, non are better qualified than I.
Choice Consequence
Jut keep the necromancy safe. Does not affect Approval.
Glad to have you in a fight. Does not affect Approval.
Promise you'll bring Manfred. Emmrich approves.
Nice to have another Watcher.
(Mourn Watch option)
Emmrich approves.

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