God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

List of Treasure Maps and Treasure Locations | Treasure Hunter Trophy Guide

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Treasure Maps are items that you can pick up and Atreus translate to receive a hint of a buried treasure's location in God of War (2018). Learn about the locations of all Treasure Maps as well as each buried treasure below!

All Treasure Maps and Treasure Locations

Jump to Section
The Boat Captain's Key Creation Island Dead and Bloated
Don't Blink Finder's Fee Island of Light
The Historian Hunter's Kingdom Kneel Before Thor!
The Turtle's Tribute Njord's Oarsmen The Last Place They'd Look

The Boat Captain's Key

Map Location

You can find the treasure map for The Captain's Key east of Tyr's Temple, on the shores of Stone Falls. From where you can talk to the NPC to get the Favor Hammer Fall, jump across the waterfall. You'll reach an open area where you can dig for the map.

Treasure Location

Map Location

After gaining the map, head towards the Isle of Death. Head to the very top of the island – the treasure will be just inside of the half of the boat that is stuck there.

Creation Island

Map Location

Head towards Iron Cove on your boat (you can also zipline down from the Island of Death, but you will not need to do so for this map). You can find the map placed beside several crates and barrels on the beach.

Treasure Location

Map Location

The map will take you to Buri's Storeroom. From the beach there, proceed left and around the main feature of the island until you reach a small nook facing the large double gates – it is here that you can collect the treasure.

Dead and Bloated

Map Location

The treasure map can be found in Volunder Mines, which you can visit during the Favor Second Hand Soul. When you enter the mines and reach the large chasm behind the Soul Eater, stick to the path leading right until you reach a chain you can drop down.

Slide down it and dig for the map beside the red chest.

Treasure Location

Map Location

The location for the treasure will be in the Cliffs of the Raven. In the area, you will find the corpse of a dead Troll on the ground – dig for the Treasure near the stomach of the Troll.

Don't Blink Location

Map Location

The map can be found in Fafnir's Storeroom. You can find the map next to a corpse inside of the large, circular room near the end of the area.

Treasure Location

Map Location

Head towards The Mountain. Near its entrance, you can find the treasure to the side of the stairs leading down the path.

Finder's Fee

Map Location

Proceed to the Forgotten Caverns. At the beach, move forwards and into the corridor near the center of the area – you'll get the map near the end of the corridor to the left.

Treasure Location

Head to the Northri Stronghold next – take your boat and paddle all the way inside until you can see a tower. Climb atop it to find the Treasure a the very top.

Island of Light

Map Location

At a beach east of the Light Elf Outpost (right beside the Realm Tower), you can fine the map near the Mystic Gateway there.

Treasure Location

Map Location

Now, directly in the Light Elf Outpost, you can find the treasure near where the Nornir Chest in that areas is. From the chest, turn around and move down the path until you encounter a gate – beyond this gate is the treasure, which is situated on a ledge overlooking the waterfalls in the distance.

The Historian

Map Location

You can find the map for The Historian in the Ruins of the Ancient. After defeating the Primordial here, you can find the treasure map near the rocks in front of the waterfalls.

Treasure Location

Map Location

In Fafnir's Storeroom, you can find the treasure just outside of the door of where you enter the circular area near the end. It is beside of the pyre with a horse bust built beside it.

To be updated!

Treasure Hunter Trophy

Silver Trophy Treasure Hunter
Use treasure maps to find all of the dig spots

You will obtain the Treasure Hunter trophy for finding all 12 buried treasures pointed by the treasure maps.

Trophy List and Guide | How to Unlock All Trophies

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