God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Council of Valkyries Region Summary and List of Collectibles

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Council of Valkyrie

Track your completion rate and all collectibles in the Council of Valkyries with the Council of Valkyries Region Summary for God of War (2018). Find out what items are still undiscovered and their location in the Council of Valkyries region!

Council of Valkyries Region Summary

The Council of Valkyries is an explorable area in the north of Lake of Nine. Situated next to the two oarsmen statues, this region can be accessed via The Mason's Channel Boat Dock.

Council of Valkyries Summary
Favors 1
Mystic Gateways 1
Shops 1
Lore Markers 1
Odin's Ravens 1
Valkyrie Queen 1
Realm Tear Encounters 1

Realm and Region Summaries and List of Collectibles

Council of Valkyries Favors Locations

Flight of Fafnir

Behind the large wooden door located at the top of The Mason's Channel shore near Alfheim Tower is Fafnir. This Favor can be accepted after completing A New Destination.

Dock at The Mason's Channel shore near Alfheim Tower.
Destroy the crystals and climb the mountain wall.
Climb to the top and open the door.

The Flight of Fafnir Favor Walkthrough

Council of Valkyries Mystic Gateways Locations

Mystic Gateway #1

This Mystic Gateway can be found underneath the waterfalls in the High Council area that has the 8 thrones for the 8 Valkyrie helms. The High Council area is placed at the top of the mountain rocks in the region.

Council of Valkyries Shops Locations

Shop #1

Sindri's Shop is located at the top of the mountain wall near the shore. Climb up the yellow-marked mountain wall from the shore and scale the wall inside the cave at the top to get to this shop.

Council of Valkyries Lore Marker Locations

Lore Marker #1

This lore marker is located inside Fafnir's arena on top of The Mason's Channel shore near the Alfheim Tower. From the entrance door of the arena, turn left to the cave to find the lore marker placed near the tomb.

Council of Valkyries Odin's Ravens Locations

Raven #1

The raven is perched on the bow of the right-hand side of the oarsmen statue. Dock at The Mason's Channel Boat Dock near the Alfheim Tower, and then throw your axe at the raven from the shore.

Council of Valkyries Valkyrie Queen Locations

Queen Sigrun

After the defeating the 8 Valkyries, head to the throne room at the top of the Council of Valkyries and then place the 8 Valkyrie Helms on the thrones. This opens up a portal that enables the battle against Queen Sigrun.

How to Beat Valkyrie Queen Sigrun

Council of Valkyries Realm Tear Locations

Realm Tear #1

Get off at The Mason's Channel Boat Dock near the Alfheim Tower and climb up the rocky mountain wall to reach the realm tear up ahead.

God of War Related Guides

Midgard Regions
Wildwoods The River Pass Shores of Nine
Veithurgard Foothills The Mountain
The Mason's Channel Thamur's Corpse Lookout Tower
Landsuther Mines Cliffs of the Raven Volunder Mines
Buri's Storeroom Stone Falls Light Elf Outpost
Northri Stronghold Konunsgard Forgotten Caverns
Fafnir's Storeroom Isle of Death Iron Cove
Tyr's Temple Council of Valkyries
Other Realms and Regions
Alfheim (Lake of Light)


5 Anonymous11 months

I could not get the Raven from the beach. Here is what worked for me. Climb up towards the council place, turn right into the cave and walk to the opening next to the statues. Aim high.


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