God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Path to the Mountain Quest Walkthrough

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GoW Path to the Mountain Top.png

This is a walkthrough for Path to the Mountain in God of War (2018) for the PS4. Learn more about the objectives of this quest, quest rewards, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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The Marked Trees Path to the Mountain A Realm Beyond

Path to the Mountain Basic Information

How to Unlock Path to the Mountain

Soon after returning home after defeating The Stranger, a short cutscene will play. Afterwards, you and Atreus will decide to travel up the highest mountain in the lands and thus beginning Path to the Mountain.

Path to the Mountain Quest Rewards

2000 XP - -

Path to the Mountain Quest Walkthrough

Journey to the Mountain

GoW Path to the Mountain - Journey to the Mountain.png

Follow Atreus outside the house towards the fissure in the ground.
Enter the fissure and follow it until you have to climb up the side of a cliff.
In the cave, assist Atreus in getting up a platform.

Use the large wheel to lower the bridge – lock the bridge in place by throwing the Leviathan Axe towards the wheel.
Have Atreus drop the chain.

Climb up the platform and then ascend the side of the cave wall.
Continue up the path until you get to a clearing where you fight Draugrs.

Continue Towards the Mountain

GoW Continue Towards the Mountain.png

After defeating the Draugrs in the clearing, ascend the cliffside.

NOTE: You'll encounter a chest containing Hel's Touch, a Light Runic Attack, along the path.
Continue along the path until you come across a pair of wooden bridges – help Atreus up.
Clear the area of Draugr.

Escape the Ruins

GoW Path to the Mountain - Escape the Ruins.png

After defeating the Draugr, have Atreus read the large stone slab.

Heavy Draugrs will come to the cavern soon after. Defeat them.
Climb up the stone wall.

Make your way along the path until you encounter a Revenant you must defeat.
Head forwards along the path until you come across a rock face you will have to ascend.

NOTE: There is a chest guarded by a Heavy Draugr if you head down the wall. There is also a chest at the top of the rock face.
Jump across the broken bridge at the top. Bring down the two suspended bridges by destroying the wheels keeping them in place.

NOTE: There is another chest you can break open for an Idunn Apple. The runes to break open the chest are behind the chest, on a rock face facing the bridges, and across the bridge.
Defeat the Draugrs across the bridge.

Lower the bridge – lock it in place by throwing the Leviathan Axe into the wheel below the bridge.
Follow the path until you get to a gate you have to open by hand.

Fight off the Reavers

GoW Path to the Mountain - Fight off the Reavers.png

Defeat the Reavers that attempt to ambush you after opening the gate.

NOTE: Atreus will not be able to aid you in the fight.
Get the dead body off of Atreus.
Defeat the dead Reavers that have turned into Draugrs.
Push Atreus to the second floor.

Keep pressing the button prompts until Atreus lowers a chain for you to climb up with.
Climb up the chain, and continue on the path.

Continue Towards the Mountain

GoW Path to the Mountain - Continue.png

After ascending to the second floor, move towards the clearing until you can hear someone arguing with an animal.
Throw the Leviathan Axe into the white trees on the other side of the bridge.
Enlist Brok's help in upgrading your equipment.
Once you're done exploring the area, use the chain to lift the gate up from the ground.

Lock the gate in place by throwing the Leviathan Axe to the wheel on top of the gate.
Use the Leviathan Axe to hit the scratched boards and move the gates/floors. You will have to move quickly to move the wall on the other side.

NOTE: There is a chest at the top of the spiked ceiling. The runes to open the chest are nearby.
Exit the ruins by heading to a clearing up top.
Follow the path until you encounter a circular doorway.

Head to a path on the left of the door until you reach a control panel that controls the circular door.
Engage the control panel and head back to Atreus.

Use your Leviathan's Axe to align the runes of the door together until it stops.
Follow the opened path forwards until you exit the cave.

Hunt with Atreus, Follow the Witch

GoW Path to the Mountain - Hunt.png

Defeat Brenna Daudi.

Do not forget to pick up Ivaldi's Anvil once you're finished with the battle.
Proceed along the path.

NOTE: There is a chest here that you can open by destroying the required runes. You can find the runes around the area.
Continue along the path until you have to guide Atreus with hitting the boar.

Chase down the boar and shoot it a second time – find Atreus.
Follow Atreus and the Witch deeper into the woods until you reach her home.
Fetch some White-Petaled Flowers from outside.

Talk to Atreus on the other side of the house before coming back inside to talk to the Wtich.
Head beneath the house and follow the path to a boat.

NOTE: You'll encounter a chest filled with a Talisman of Concentrated Vitality along the way.

Investigate the Temple and the Bridge

GoW Path to the Mountain - Jormungandr.png

Take the boat and follow the water all the way to the Lake of Nine.

Head to the quest marker and meet the World Serpent.
Dock with the bridge.

Talk to Brok inside his shop.
Head back outside and move to the other end of the bridge to get into the tower.

You'll encounter some enemies you'll need to dispatch to proceed.
Enter the tower where you'll fight more enemies.

After dispatching them, turn to your right and throw your Leviathan Axe to the burning pyre to get rid of the barriers.
Continue along the path until you arrive at a point where you must climb the side of the cave walls.

NOTE: There is a chest in the area you fall into behind a barrier containing one of the stones that unlocks Muspelheim.
Break the barrier and ascend the side of the cave wall.

Head through the doors to get to the Foothills and meet Sindri.

Continue Towards the Mountain

GoW Path to the Mountain - End.png

Proceed up the path.

NOTE: You can find a chest locked by runes atop a hill off to the right side of where you exit from. The runes you need surround the hill of the chest.
Climb atop the cliff face at the end of the path. Break the barrier at the top.

NOTE: There is a chest towards the left of the split path once you pass the barrier containing Arcane Bracers.
Continue along the path until you fight a Revenant. Once defeated, continue on the left path and climb the wall at the end.
Clear the area of enemies.

NOTE: There is a chest containing Arcane Shoulder Wraps hidden behind some rocks to the left of the door you need to get through. A second chest is hidden behind the two barriers on the left containing Charge of the White Bear.
Move the fallen pillar blocking the doorway. Clear the area of enemies.

NOTE: Pick up the Frozen Flame and the Symbol of Truth that drops after the fight.
Step through the red doors and head up the mountain pass to finish the quest.

Tips and Strategies

The Path to the Mountain questline, and the sections of the game it pushes you through in particular, is where you'll find the world of God of War really open up into an open world. Thus, there are plenty of places and collectibles to look around for. Make sure to explore everywhere you can to collect everything!

Boss Strategy: Brenna Daudi

GoW Brenna Daudi.png

Like Daudi Kaupmadr, Brenna use its basic attacks against you. Unlike Daudi however, Brenna has a flame attack that arches into a wide, ranged arc. In addition to this, Draugrs will come up to aid Brenna in its fight against you – be wary that they don't swarm you while you fight off Brenna.

How to Beat Brenna Daudi | Boss Fight Guide

Nornir Chest Locations

Escape the Ruins

Map Location
Seal Locations
GoW - Idunn Apple IconIdunn Apple

After killing the Revenant, head towards the ruins' exit to find the Nornir Chest.

You can find the N rune above the chest. Head to the cliffs and find the R rune on the cliffside. Unlock the bridge and head further to find the C rune behind a gate.

Continue to the Mountain

Map Location
Seal Locations
GoW - Horn of Blood Mead IconHorn of Blood Mead

After passing through the spiked platform, turn around to find a small ledge. Jump towards it and find the Nornir Chest on the east corner.

Turn around and find the N rune above you near the exit. Find a small cave opposite of the chest to find the C rune inside. Turn left from the chest to find the R rune hidden behind the wooden beams. Hit the scratched board with an axe to raise the platform to reveal it.

Hunt with Atreus

Map Location
Seal Locations
GoW - Idunn Apple IconIdunn Apple

You can find this chest near a waterfall on the west side of the area after defeating Brenna Daudi.

The N rune is right behind the chest and the R rune is on the left above the waterfall. The C rune is located behind one of the giant ribs. Hit all the bells quickly to unlock the chest.

Continue Towards the Mountain

Map Location
Seal Locations
GoW - Horn of Blood Mead IconHorn of Blood Mead

After meeting Sindri at the Foothills, head up the hill where the rune mechanism is and turn right to find a Nornir Chest.

Hit the rune mechanisms to match the runes found on the chest. The ᛊ rune is found above the chest. Head back down the hill and hit the ᚦ rune.

Head right to find a Scorn Pole and the inverted ᛒ rune. Hit the pole first to get rid of the poison gas and then hit the mechanism.

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