God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Horns of Veithurgard Artifacts Locations

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This page will list all the artifacts to be found for the Horns of Veithurgard in God of War. Read on to learn the locations of each collectible and where they're hidden!

Horns of Veithurgard Artifacts

There are 6 total artifacts for Horns of Veithurgard. These are spread all over Veithurgard, an area you go to visit for the Favor Hammer Fall.

Horns of Veithurgard Artifacts Locations

Artifact 1

No. Directions
Get your boat to the beach in Veithurgard.
Head to the end of the pier. The Artifact will be at the end next to a body.

Artifact 2

No. Directions
Head to the right side of the beach from where you left your boat. Pull the chain and freeze it in place.
Head right from the pathway to the chain. Past the boat is a ledge you can climb on to. Climb it, climb up the wall, and drop down on the other side. To your right are breakable planks where the Artifact is.

Artifact 3

No. Directions
When you get to the stone holding the dragon in place, turn left. There is a waterfall up the path. The Artifact is next to a dead body sitting beside the waterfall.

Artifact 4

GoW Horns of Veithurgard - Artifact 4 Map.png

No. Directions
When you reach the other half of the broken bridge, use the fire pot to destroy the rocks.
The Artifact is on the other side of the bridge. Hop over and take it from next to the dead body.

Artifact 5

No. Directions
Enter the castle and proceed up the stairs on the left. The Artifact will be at the end of the short hall.

Artifact 6

No. Directions
Reach the room where you have to lower the water and use the switch.
Head down to the lower section of the room now free of water, clear the enemies, and take the Artifact from the corpse.

God of War Related Links

All Artifacts and Locations

Artifacts Guides
Lost and Found Abandon Ship
The Faces of Magic Spoils of War
Horns of Veithurgard Family Heirlooms
Bottoms Up


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