God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Lost and Found Artifacts Locations

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GoW Lost and Found Artifacts.png

This page will list all the artifacts to be found for Lost and Found in God of War. Read on to learn the locations of each collectible and where they're hidden!

Lost and Found Artifacts

The Lost and Found Artifacts are spread out over the game's opening area near your home and in the woods you explore as you hunt with Atreus. They're pretty easy to miss due to how well detailed the environments are in the opening section of the game and due to how the game doesn't explicitly tell you that these items can be found.

Lost and Found Artifacts Locations

Artifact 1

No. Directions
As soon as you exit your house to hunt with Atreus, head towards the gate you have to pass through and turn right.
You'll find the artifact on the ground next to the rock face.

Artifact 2

No. Directions
Once you're past the gate, follow the path until you reach the stairs.
The artifact is right next to the stairs.

Artifact 3

No. Directions
After your first encounter with Draugr, you'll come up to a path that moves in four directions.
Turn right and follow the path to a climbable mound.
Follow the path here and head down the chain.
You'll find the artifact near where you get off the chain.
Get rid of the wolves in the area first before picking up the artifact.

Artifact 4

No. Directions
1 GoW Lost and Found Artifact 4 - S1.png
Defeat the Draugr in the room where you have to pull up a chain and lock it in place with the Leviathan Axe
2 GoW Lost and Found Artifact 4 - S2.png
Opposite of the gate, enter through the door which will lead you into a clearing.
The artifact will be right next to a bush near where you exit the door.

God of War Related Links

All Artifacts and Locations

Artifacts Guides
Lost and Found Abandon Ship
The Faces of Magic Spoils of War
Horns of Veithurgard Family Heirlooms
Bottoms Up


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