God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Family Business Favor Walkthrough

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GoW - Family Business Favor Walkthrough
This is a walkthrough for Family Business in God of War (2018) for the PS4. Learn more about the objectives of this side quest and quest rewards.

Family Business Basic Information

How to Unlock Family Business

After completing A New Destination, you have the option to explore the surrounding area.

Head to Sindri's Shop and talk to him to start the favor. Note that you need to complete Fafnir's Hoard first to gain access to this side quest.

Family Business Quest Rewards

3290 XP Legendary Pommel -

Family Business Quest Walkthrough

Head to the Northri Gorge

GoW - Northri Gorge Entrance

Talk to Sindri to start the favor.
Head northwest of the Forgotten Caverns and sail through the ruins.
Head in the Northri Gorge and dock at the beach.
Use the entry stone on the pedestal to unlock the door.
Return to your boat and head through the passageway.
Continue sailing across the passageway until you find a dock behind two large gates.

Open the Gate

GoW - Northri Stronghold Open the Gate

Dock at the port and jump across the ledge. Defeat the Reavers and the Revenant on the other side.
Jump across the ledges leading to the wheel and turn around to find a chain on the wheel. Hit it to open the gate.
Defeat the Reavers that appear from both sides.
10 GoW - Family Business Favor Head through the gate
Return to your boat and head through the gate.

Explore the Stronghold

GoW - Family Business Favor Explore the Stronghold

Dock at the beach and defeat the Ogre and the Reaver nearby. More Reavers will drop down to join the fight.
Look for the hanging platform with a pallet. Hit the chain to use it as a platform leading to the next area.
Climb up the ledge and head right to find a World Tree Sap. Have Atreus fire a Shock Arrow to reveal the area.
Hit the Scorn Pole with your axe and drop down from the ledge.

Destroy the World Tree Sap with a Shock Arrow and loot the chest. Climb up the ledge to return to the previous area.
Take the opposite path and defeat the Nightmares and the Wolf.
Head left near the cliff and loot the chest containing some Hacksilver and World Serpent Scales.
Head down the path and hit the scratched board with your axe to lower the bridge.

Investigate the Reaver Ship

GoW - Family Business Favor Investigate the Reaver Ship

Head down the ledge and watch the cutscene.
Defeat the large Traveler that appears. Use light attacks and Runic Attacks to chip away his armor.

Watch out for the two Reavers that appear on the bridge behind you.
Defeating the Traveler rewards you with the following loot:
    ・Traveler's Armor Shard
    ・Traveler's Grisly Trophy
    ・Shattered Gauntlet of Ages
Destroy the World Tree Sap behind a gate to loot the chest.

Return to Sindri

GoW - Family Business Favor Return to Sindri

Head to where the Traveler first appeared and follow the path. Defeat the Nightmares and Reavers that appear.
Head back near the ship to find a hole on the hull. Inside is a treasure map, a lore location, and a chest containing Hamingja Essence.
Destroy the World Tree Sap to create a path for your boat.

Turn left to destroy another sap. Open the gate and head along the path.
Be sure to pick up the scroll along the way, as it is a quest item for the Time Heals All favor.
Open the second gate and return to your boat.
Head to the gate leading to the Reaver ship. Pick up the Aegir's Gold along the way and dock your boat at the port with the locked gate.
28 GoW - Family Business Favor Open Gate Near Chain, model:scale
Open the gate near the chain and pick up some Hacksilver next to the two skeletons.
Turn around and climb make your way towards the ledges. Destroy the wooden barricade at the end of the path and open the chest.
Head back to the port and pull the chain to open the gate.
Return to your boat and follow the path.
Talk to Sindri to receive a Hraezla Farmadr's Grip and to complete the favor.

God of War Related Links

All Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Rec. Level
Unfinished Business 2
Second Hand Soul 2
Fafnir's Hoard 4
Hammer Fall 3
Otr's Imprisonment 3
Family Business 4
Time Heals All 4
Deus Ex Malachite 4
Dead Freight 4
The Anatomy of Hope 4
The Flight of Fafnir 4
The Realm of Fire 4
The Realm of Fog 4
The Fire of Reginn 4
Hail to the King 4
Ivaldi's Workshop 6
Ivaldi's Protection 6
Ivaldi's Curse 7
Prove Your Valor 7
The High Council 7
God vs. Queen 8

Quest Walkthroughs

Quest Types
Story Favors


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