God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Controls and Best Settings

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This is a guide on Controls and Settings for God of War (2018) for both the PS4 and PC. Learn the complete list of actions and button functions, as well as each Setting available for the game!

List of Controls


Click the image above for the full mapping of controls.

Action Button
Move L stick.png
Sprint down L stick.png
Camera R stick.png
Lock-on (Camera) down R.png
Sheathe/Unsheathe R pad.png
Quick Turn D pad.png
Block/Parry L1.png
Aim L2.png
Heavy Attack R2.png
Light Attack R1.png
Son Action square.png
Axe Recall triangle.png
Interact O.png
Evade X.png
Pause Menu Options
Photo Mode Left touchpad.png
Map Right touchpad.png


Action Button
Sprint Shift + WASD
Camera Mouse Movement
Lock-on (Camera) Scroll Button
Sheathe/Unsheathe 1
Quick Turn X
Block/Parry Q
Aim Left Ctrl
Heavy Attack Right-Click
Light Attack Left-Click
Son Action F
Axe Recall R
Interact E
Evade Space Bar
Pause Menu Esc
Photo Mode P
Map M
Weapons I
Skills K
Goals J



Difficulty Determines how easy or difficult the game will be set as.
Controller Vibration Adjust the intensity of controller vibration.
Interact/Evade Choose button configuration for Interact and Evade.
Combat Choose button configuration for combat.
Quick Turn Choose button configuration for Quick Turn.
Lock-on Camera Enable the lock-on camera..
Tutorial Mode Adjust the amount of tutorials that get shown.


HUD Mode Setting that determines which in-game HUD will be displayed.
Compass Display the compass.
Enemy Health Bars Display Enemy Health Bars.
Boss Health Bars Display Boss Health Bars.
Enemy Off-Screen Indicators Display Enemy Off-Screen Indicators.
Combat HUD Display Kratos and Atreus Combat Information.
Gameplay Notifications Display Journal, Area Announce, and Resource Updates.



Horizontal Rotation Speed Set the horizontal speed of the camera.
Vertical Rotation Speed Set the vertical speed of the camera.
Invert Horizontal Control Set normal or inverted horizontal camera movement.
Invert Vertical Control Set normal or inverted vertical camera movement.
Ambient Camera Sway Set amount of handheld movement on the camera. Does not affect cinematic moments.
Camera Shake Set amount of camera shake in gameplay. Does not affect cinematic moments.

Aim Camera

Horizontal Rotation Speed Set the horizontal speed of the aim camera.
Vertical Rotation Speed Set the vertical speed of the aim camera.
Aim Assist Toggle assist for the aim camera.

Combat Camera

Recenter Camera on Attack Camera will automatically orient behind Kratos if hitting enemies to his left or right.
Strafe Assist Camera will automatically track groups of enemies when strafing.


Music Volume Adjust Music Volume.
Dialogue Volume Adjust Dialogue Volume.
SFX Volume Adjust SFX Volume.
Subtitles Set subtitle display based on selected Text Language.
Headphone Mode (Stereo Only) Select "on" to enable Headphone Mode (Stereo Only) and "off" for stereo speakers.


Screen Calibration Enable HDR and Adjust Brightness.
Motion Blur Set the motion blur strength.
Film Grain Set the film gran.
Graphics Mode Determine Image Quality.

Photo Mode

Photo Mode Quick Access Toggle On/Off. Press the left half of the Touch Pade to enter Photo Mode.


Horizontal Rotation Speed Set the horizontal speed of the camera.
Vertical Rotation Speed Set the vertical speed of the camera.


Repeated Button Presses Complete certain in-game actions by either tapping the prompt button rapidly or holding it down.
Chisel Doors Complete chisel door gameplay with either precise direction input with vibrational feedback or a single button press.
Sprint Choose button configuration for sprinting.
Stun Grab Choose button configuration for Stun Grab.
Rage Mode Choose button configuration for Rage Mode.
Subtitle Background Adjust the Subtitle Background.
Subtitle Speaker Display the Subtitle Speaker when subtitles are turned on..
Ambient Camera Sway Set amount of handheld movement on the camera. Does not affect cinematic moments.
Camera Shake Set amount of camera shake in gameplay. Does not affect cinematic moments.
Text Size Increase Where possible, increase the size of text and menu elements for easier reading.

Best Settings to Choose

As a few Settings options may vary among platforms, likewise accounting players' preference and visual and auditory capabilities, there is no exact way of determining the best Settings for God of War. It's good news that the Settings for the game are adjustable and customizable like those in Accessibility.

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