The First Descendant

Python Build and How to Get

Please note that the First Descendant Team has stopped covering the game as of October 2024. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a Python build in The First Descendant. Read on to learn the Python's best build, how to get Python, its stats, and more!

Best Python Build

Substats Priority
・Firearm ATK
・Rounds per Magazine
・Weak Point Damage
Best Modules for Python
Consume Magazines ImageConsume Magazines Reload Time Modifier +X%, Weak Point Damage +X%
Fixed Shot ImageFixed Shot Recoil -X%, Weak Point Damage +X%
Maximize Weight Balance ImageMaximize Weight Balance Rounds per Magazine +X%, Weak Point Damage +X%
Pinpoint Shot ImagePinpoint Shot Firearm ATK +X%, Weak Point Damage +X%
Have Aiming ImageHave Aiming Weak Point Damage +X%, Accuracy -X%
Weak Point Sight ImageWeak Point Sight Weak Point Damage +X%
Expand Weapon Charge ImageExpand Weapon Charge Rounds per Magazine +X%
Vibration Absorption ImageVibration Absorption Recoil -X%
Fire Rate UP ImageFire Rate UP Fire Rate +X%
Rifling Reinforcement ImageRifling Reinforcement Firearm ATK +X%

The Python is a submachine gun with an extremely high Fire Rate and a powerful Unique Ability that lowers the Non-Attribute resistance of your target by aiming at their Weak Points. Despite its strong Recoil and low base Critical Hit Rate, it remains an excellent weapon because you can equip Modules to compensate for its weaknesses.

By using Recoil modules, you can gain better control of the Python, making it easier to target the enemy's Weak Points and trigger the weapon's unique ability. Additionally, you can equip modules that increase the weapon's Fire Rate and Magazine capacity to improve damage output.

How to Get Python

Collect Research Materials

Item How to Get
Python Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Dead Bride) Amorphous Material Pattern: 025 required
・ Verspers (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Vespers Ruins
・ Fortress (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Fortress Defense Line
・ Sterile Land (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
Python Nano Tube Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Pyromaniac) Amorphous Material Pattern: 039 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Executioner) Amorphous Material Pattern: 059 required
・ Sterile Land (Normal) - Void Fusion Reactor - Sterile Land Repository
・ White-night Gulch (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - White-night Gulch Hatchery
Python Polymer Syncytium Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Devourer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 029 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 044 required
・ Kingston (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Kingston Grand Square
・ Agna Desert (Hard) - Abyssal Void Fusion Reactor - Agna Desert Vermilion Waste
Python Synthetic Fiber Blueprint ・Intercept Battle: (Common) (Grave Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 005 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Common) (Stunning Beauty) Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Swamp Walker) Amorphous Material Pattern: 096 required
・ Intercept Battle: (Hard) (Obstructer) Amorphous Material Pattern: 105 required

Research Cost and Required Mastery Rank

Research Cost 100,000
Required Mastery Rank 10

Go to Anais and Research the Weapon

Once you have the research materials, enough gold, and the required Mastery Rank, talk to Anais at Albion and select “Request Research”.

In the Weapons tab, select the weapon you want to research and select “Research Request” to start researching the weapon.

It will take 4 hours to research one ultimate weapon but you can research up to 5 ultimate weapons simultaneously!

Python Basic Info & Stats

Basic Info

Python Basic Info
The First Descendant - Python.png Python Tier Ultimate
Type Submachine Gun
The First Descendant -General Rounds.png General Rounds
Unique Ability
Python Instinct: On hitting a Weak Point, inflicts the unique ability Prey on the target enemy.


DPS 170 Firearm ATK 21
Magazine Capacity 30 Rate of Fire 923
Crit Damage 1.3x Crit Rate 5%
Reload Time 1.5s Burst 10%
Attribute Trigger Rate 3.45% Weak Point Damage 2x
Hip Fire Accuracy 61.11 Aimed Shot Accuracy 85.55
Range (Start) 23m Range (End) 43m
Max Range 0.3x ATK Drop-off Modifier 0.3x
Charge Gain Speed - Charge Depletion Speed -
Movement Speed 600 Movement Speed (Firing) 520
Movement Speed (Aiming) 520 Sprint Speed 800

The stats here are only at level 1.

Python Recommended Descendants

Descendant Explanation
The First Descendant - Freyna Icon.pngFreyna Unique Ability lowers the Toxic Resistance of your target.
The First Descendant - Gley Icon.pngGley When using Massacre, the Python's fire rate is transferred to your Unique Weapon, but the damage output scales based on your Non-Attribute and Dimension Skill Power stats.

The First Descendant Related Guides

The First Descendant - Weapons

List of All Weapons

Weapon Rounds

General Rounds Weapons Impact Round Weapons
Special Round Weapons High-Power Round Weapons

Weapon Rarities

Ultimate Weapons Rare Weapons
Standard Weapons -

Weapon Types

Machine Guns Assault Rifles SMGs
Beam Rifles Tactical Rifles Hand Cannons
Shotguns Scout Rifles Sniper Rifles
Launchers Handguns

All Weapons Using General Rounds

Starfield -  Cygnus
Starfield -  Ominous Hound
Ominous Hound
Starfield -  Albinism
Starfield -  Hungry Hound
Hungry Hound
Starfield -  Magnus AA
Magnus AA
Starfield -  Red Wolf
Red Wolf
Starfield -  Millenium Frost
Millenium Frost
Starfield -  Rose of Aisha
Rose of Aisha
Starfield -  New Beginning
New Beginning
Starfield -  Devil
Devil's Call
Starfield -  Blue Blood Bloomer
Blue Blood Bloomer
Starfield -  Alter Ego
Alter Ego
Starfield -  Firefly
Starfield -  Rascal V-51
Rascal V-51
Starfield -  Unfinished Study
Unfinished Study
Starfield -  Lion of Blue Mane
Lion of Blue Mane
Starfield -  Tamer
Starfield -  Caligo
Caligo's Horn
Starfield -  Phantom Pain
Phantom Pain
Starfield -  Eternal Willpower
Eternal Willpower
Starfield -  The Last Dagger
The Last Dagger
Starfield -  The Final Masterpiece
The Final Masterpiece
Starfield -  Thunder Cage
Thunder Cage
Starfield -  Python
Starfield -  Enduring Legacy
Enduring Legacy
Starfield -  Albion Cavalry Gun
Albion Cavalry Gun
Starfield -  Fallen Hope
Fallen Hope
Starfield -  Divine Punishment
Divine Punishment


1 Anonymous6 months

You could explain what is the unique ability prey and what it does.


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