God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Best Side Quests (Favors) to Complete

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There are more than a dozen different favors to complete for God of War, each with its different and unique rewards. This page will detail all of the best favors to complete. Read on to find out which favors give you the best rewards!

What are Favors?

Favors are optional quests you can choose to take on as you journey around the realms. Usually, they are given by the friendly Dwarves Brok and Sindri, but there will be times that spirits and situations themselves will cause a favor to be initiated. Completing a favor unlocks rewards that you otherwise would be unable to access in-game.

Best Side Quests (Favors)

Dead Freight

GoW - Dead Freight Favor Walkthrough.png
A quest that you can begin early on as soon as you get to the Lake of Nine, this Favor will earn you the recipe to Tyr's Cuirass, one of the three pieces of Tyr's Armor Set, an incredible early game armor.

Dead Freight Favor Walkthrough

The Anatomy of Hope

GoW - The Anatomy of Hope Favor Walkthrough.png
Similar to Dead Freight, this side quest can be done early on in the game when you must go to Thamur's Corpse. The reward for completing this favor is another piece of Tyr's Armor Set – the recipe for Tyr's Waist Armor.
The Anatomy of Hope Favor Walkthrough

Hammer Fall

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Although its better if you accomplish this quest the second time the waters of the Lake of Nine go down, it is still entirely possible to accomplish this side quest beforehand. Accomplishing it will net you the recipe to the final piece of Tyr's Armor Set – Tyr's Lost Unity Gautlets.

Hammer Fall Favor Walkthrough

In addition to getting Tyr's Lost Unity Gauntlets as a reward, you can also claim the Grip of Tanngiost at the base of Thor's statue, which is the main focus of this Favor.

How to Get the Grip of Tanngiost

The Realm of Fire

GoW - The Realm of Fire Favor Walkthrough.png

Unlocking the realm of Muspelheim will also unlock numerous possibilities for you that can see your level jump from 3 to 5 if you can manage to beat at least 5 of the challenges in the realm. This realm has various rewards in store for the player in every challenge arena you encounter, including rare resources that you can use to build new armors and upgrade older ones.

The Realm of Fire Favor Walkthrough

The Realm of Fog

GoW - The Realm of Fog Favor Walkthrough.png

Similar to The Realm of Fire, unlocking Niflheim provides you with an avenue to farm resources from the shifting arena it provides you. Completing the subsequent quests after unlocking the realm will also provide you with the ability to craft three sets of armor from the Ivaldi's Armor set at Sindri's workshop in the realm.

The Realm of Fog Favor Walkthrough

Prove Your Valor

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While defeating some of the Valkyries will be difficult and require near end-game skills and gear, there are those that you can defeat at around Level 5-6. Knocking out at least four Valkyries will earn you Epic rarity Enchantments and armor that will prove extremely useful when stat building.

How to Beat the Valkyries | Valkyrie Locations

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