God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Thiazi's Talon Location and Effects | Is Thiazi's Talon Worth It?

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This is a page for Thiazi's Talon Heavy Runic Attack in God of War (2018) for the PS4. Learn about the effects of Thiazi's Talon, how to obtain Thiazi's Talon, and its upgrades!

Thiazi's Talon Basic Information

Thiazi's Talon
Weapon Leviathan Axe
Slot Heavy Runic Attack
Type Line
Description A propulsive slice attack that launches a small, vertical wave that inflicts medium FROST damage.

Thiazi's Talon Upgrades and Effects

Upgrades and Effects

Level 1
Stats DAMAGE: 3/5
FROST: 2/5
STUN: 0/5
Level 2
Stats DAMAGE: 3/5
FROST: 3/5
STUN: 0/5
Effect Hold R2 to charge up to 3 FROST damage waves.
Upgrade Cost 1500 XP
Level 3
Stats DAMAGE: 4/5
FROST: 4/5
STUN: 0/5
Effect Greatly increases the FROST damage of all waves.
Upgrade Cost 6000 XP

How to Obtain Thiazi's Talon

Thiazi's Talon Location

Thiazi's Talon Location
Coming soon!

Should You Upgrade Thiazi's Talon?

Thiazi's Talon Rank

Runic Ranking B Rank Icon

Excellent for a ranged heavy attack.

God of War Related Links

All Runic Attacks

All Leviathan Axe Light Runic Attacks

Hel's Touch Charge of the White Bear
Njord's Tempest Strike of the Utgard
Wrath of the Frost Ancient Leviathan's Wake
Tyr's Revenge Fury of the Ice Troll

All Leviathan Axe Heavy Runic Attacks

Breath of Thamur Ivaldi's Anvil
Thiazi's Talon The River of Knives
Mists of Helheim Frost Giant's Frenzy
Blessings of the Frost


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