
Nina Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Nina is a witch who was abandoned by her parents and found a new home by the side of other witches. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories!

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Nina Profile and Memories

Nina Profile

"Master, please stay with me...forever and ever, 'kay?"
- Nina

An abandoned girl who is convinced she is just lost, wandering around looking for her home. After being framed as a thief, Nina is filled with loneliness and despair when no one believes her. Thinking bad children are not allowed a home, she refuses to steal food no matter how hungry she is.

Soul MementoMori - Emerald Icon Type MementoMori - Sniper Icon
Height 137 cm Weight 30 kg
Bloodtype AB Birthday 14-Apr
Lament Trip on Planet Confuzzled
Japanese VA Yu Serizawa

Nina Story

A Lost Child

Do you...know where my home is?
- Nina

Abandoned as a child for being a witch, Nina spent much of her time wandering in denial. She convinced herself that being thrown out was simply a punishment for being a bad child. So, in an effort to return to her home, she drifted from place to place while keeping herself from anything she thought would make her a "bad kid."

As she continued her journey without any money or food, she gradually became weaker. In her starved state, she became unable to refuse the offer of food from a stranger, not knowing it was a trap so she could get blamed for stealing food. During the wake of it, she was hit with rocks, kicks, and punches. But for Nina, what really hurt wasn't the physical abuse but rather the realization that the world wasn't fair.

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Master is my home. Yup, I'll never get lost again, 'cause... you'll stay with me forever, right?
- Nina

After losing her home and her beliefs, Nina continued to wander aimlessly. But regardless of where she went, she was mistreated for being a witch. It was during one of those incidents where she met the Duke, who had stepped up to protect her from the people.

Understandably, Nina initially viewed him as another liar. She had stopped believing in others, knowing that she would only get hurt in the end. But the Duke, entirely on her case, proved her otherwise. He stood by her side all the way and never stopped believing in her.

It was then that Nina realized she had finally found a home.

Nina Personality

Nina is a girl with a childlike nature despite her pained view of the world. She is eager to please, loves getting compliments, and sticks to the Duke like glue. Nina considers wherever he is as home, fully disconnecting the concept from a physical structure. To that end, to not become homeless again, she does whatever she can to meet his expectations and make him happy.

To Nina, mutual trust is her most valued treasure. Her belief in the Duke was met with mutual faith, so she feels obligated to keep the relationship as best she can. Simply the idea of disappointing him or causing him sadness terrifies her. Hence, she always tries to validate her worth the only way she knows how; by asking.

Nina Relationships

  • The Duke - Her Home

Nina Memories

Chapter 1
"Please...believe me..."

Grown ups are liars.
They tell me Mommy and Daddy left me.
No...I'm just...lost.
Yeah...that's all...

Bad kids have to stay outside.
I must've been bad...that's why
they won't let me inside, right?

If I can be a good kid...
then Mommy and Daddy will
let me back home...

"I'm so cold...
I gotta hurry and go home."
Chapter 2
Hmm... That's weird...
My home's not here either...

Lemme go look over there next.
I'm sure it's there...

...Wait, what's "home" again?

Mmm... It's warm...and cozy...and shiny...
That's what home is.

I'm hungry...and cold.
But, it's okay.
If I can just find my home,
I'll be so happy.

Parents don't let bad kids come home.
Not liars or thieves, either.

I'm okay, I can still walk.
I'll try that town next.
Chapter 3
It's gotta be here...
Hm? Who...are you?

You' first friend.
I was so lonely, but you spoke to me.
You're so nice...
Can you stay with me forever?
Thank you! I'm so happy!

I'm so hungry...
but stealing is what bad kids do,
so I won't do that.

What's this...?
An apple? For me? Thank you!

...It's so yummy!
Wait, who are you guys...?

I' apple thief?
No way! I got this apple from my friend!
Chapter 4
I'm not lying! It's the truth!
Hey, you tell them, too!
You gave me this apple, right? Right?

Wait... Wh-Why...are you laughing at me?
Did you...trick me?

You lied to me...from the start...?
About being friends...?
About staying with me forever...?

It's not me!
Stealing is what bad kids do.
I'm not...bad...
so why does everyone hate me?

Nobody...believes me...
Everyone hurts me...
They're so mean...
Chapter 5
Is it because I'm a witch?
Because...I'm bad?
Is that why...nobody believes me?

Then, what about everyone?
They lie, they throw rocks, hit, and kick...
I think they're the bad ones.

Parents don't let bad kids come home...
So then...why does everyone else have a home,
even though they're bad...?

It's only me...with no home...
Nobody believes me...
Nobody listens to me...

Is it because...I'm a witch?
If I wasn't...would people believe me...?
Chapter 6
I came to this new town...
but it's the same here, too.
Nobody believes me...
because...I'm a witch.

I met a strange guy.
He protected me from
the grown ups in this town.
But, I know better...
This guy is just like...

Liar! You're trying to trick me!

I hate you! Go away!
If you're that nice to me, I...
might start believing you.

Maybe...I'll give "believing" another try.
This guy's...different...
Chapter 7
Uuu... You're petting me too much.

Hey Master, gimme a hug.

Master makes me all warm and fuzzy...
I've always wanted this.

Hey Master, can I sleep with you tonight...?

Master, please stay with me...
forever and ever, 'kay?
Hehehe. Promise?
I love you, Master!

Nina Media

Nina Voice Lines

Login 1 Welcome home, Master.
Login 2 Welcome home, Master! I was waiting like a good kid... Are you proud of me?
Home 1 Master, if you need help, tell me, 'kay? You can count on me!
Home 2 I'm not sleepy...just a bit tired... 'Cause Master's lap is so comfy...
Home 3 I'm so happy... I have a home...!
Home 4 Master, you okay? Is it nap time?
Home 5 Master believes me... I believe Master, too.
Home 6 Master, happy birthday! I picked some flowers for you. Can I give them to you?
Home 7 Master is my home. What's "home" mean? Oh, I know! Umm, a warm place! Huh? It's not?
Home 8 I looked for my home for a realllyy long time. Then I met Master, so...I'm not sad anymore... Gimme a hug, please?
Home 9 Master believed me. I believe Master too. Forever and ever... 'cause Master is my... uhh...'s a secret~
Home 10 If Master gets lost, I'll go find you, 'kay? Uuuu… Why are you petting my head?
Home 11 You know, home is where you end each day at. Master is my home, and I'm Master's home. So please, come home to me every day my... N-Never mind!
Home 12 Master believed me, so I was able to get really strong. Now it's my turn. I'm always gonna protect Master. So please, always be my home, 'kay...? You know, "home" also means family.
Awakening 1 stronger. Are you proud of me...?
Awakening 2 Look, I'm stronger! Master, gimme a hug. Please...?
Awakening 3 Master believed in me, so I tried really hard.
Awakening 4 Master is my home. Yup, I'll never get lost again, 'cause... you'll stay with me forever, right?
Awakening 5 Master believed me. I believe Master too. So I won't get lost anymore.
Awakening 6 This time, I'll become Master's home, so make sure to come back to me every day, 'kay?
Victory Now we can go home.
Defeat Master's gonna be mad...
Skill 1 Yah!
Skill 2 You need a time out!

Nina Lament Song and Lyrics

Nina Lament and Lyrics

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Nina Title Card

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