
List of All Currency


★ Version Updates: Version 3.4.0 Update
★ New Events: Guild Raid on the Holy Night Event
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters: Winter Lunalynn, Winter Soltina, Asahi, and Apostle Rosalie
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

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MementoMori has different currencies used to trade for items. Read about our list of currency and where to obtain and where to use.

List of All Currency

Item Where to Obtain Description
Gold - Memento Mori Gold Main Quest, Tower of Infinity, Auto-Battles, Cave of Space-Time, Fountain of Prayers, Special Shop (Gold Gift), Daily Missions, Weekly Missions, Main Missions, Start Dash Missions The standard currency used throughout the continent.
Diamonds - Memento Mori Diamonds Missions, Cave of Space-Time, Battle League, Guild Raid, Fountain of Prayers, Login Bonus, Tower of Infinity, Purchase, Start-Dash Missions Scarce gemstones of high value used as currency throughout the continent.
Battle Coins - Memento Mori Battle Coins Battle League Coins gifted only to those who achieve victory. They can be traded for items at the Shop.
Space-Time Coins - Memento Mori Space-Time Coins Cave of Space-Time Coins gifted only to those investigating the unknown. They can be traded for items at the Shop.
Character Coins - Memento Mori Character Coins Releasing a character Coins gifted only to the saviors of the world. They can be traded for items at the Shop.
Scarlet Jewels - Memento Mori Scarlet Jewels Diamond Purchase Bonus Items that can be traded for witch's shards at the Shop.
Legend Coins - Memento Mori Legend Coins Legend League Coin gifted only to those worthy enought to be called champions. They can be traded for items at the Shop.
Guild Coins - Memento Mori Guild Coins Guild Battles, Guild Mission Coins gifted only to one's sworn friend. They can be traded for items at the Shop.
Guild Stock - Memento Mori Guild Stock Participating in Guild events. Used to unlock Guild Raids, as well as participation qualifications for Guild Battles.

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Gold KeyConsumable Items Gear and Gear SetsGear and Gear Sets
ATK RuneRunes item_0064.pngGear Parts
item_0046.pngCurrency item_0036.pngMaterials


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