
Speed Tuning Guide


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Speed Tuning Guide - MementoMori

Want to make sure that your main attacker is buffed as much as possible to make sure she wipes out the enemy party in a single turn? Read our speed tuning guide to learn what speed tuning is, how to do it, and a few examples.

Speed Tuning Guide

Speed Tune Your Units to Gather as Many Buffs as Possible Before Attacking

Rune Setup - MementoMori

In MementoMori, the SPD (Speed) stat determines what order your witches will (probably) act in during a turn. For example, if your Cordie has a higher SPD than the enemy's Florence, then Cordie will most likely be able to pop off with her The Quick and The Dead active skill first before Florence uses her own skill. We say 'most likely' because action order in battles is not fixed; higher SPD only increases your unit's probability of moving first.

But generally speaking, the unit with the highest SPD will most likely move first, and it doesn't have to be your main attacker all the time. Why? Because there are units in MementoMori whose active skills give really great buffs to your main attackers, and they will deal a lot more damage if they receive these buffs before their turn to move. To ensure this happens, you will have to 'tune' the SPD stats of your witches.

For example, the most basic situation you'll want to speed tune your units is when you have Cordie/Florence and Merlyn. Merlyn's first active skill, 'Like Master Would Do', can give your main attacker a 30% ATK stat boost, which lets them deal more damage to enemies.

But your main attacker to get it, Merlyn will have to move before they do. So you'll have to tune Merlyn and your main attacker's SPD stats in a way for that to happen.

This also has the added benefit of dispelling 1 debuff your main attacker got before Merlyn's time to move. So if Florence (or Cordie if she doesn't have her second passive skill yet) keeps getting silenced, fainted, or sent to sleep, Merlyn will be able to remove those debuffs and ensure your main attacker will still do their job within the turn.

Buffs and Debuffs Guide

Use Runes to Speed Tune Your Units

SPD Runes at the Shop - MementoMori

Often, the most reliable way to speed tune your witches is by using runes. Placing runes on your witch's equipment gives you a degree of control over her stats, so SPD runes will be perfect for our purposes. Once you have enough Rune Tickets (and have already bought enough PM. Def Break runes for your main attacker), then buy SPD Runes at two different levels, with three runes for each level.

For example, we bought three Level 9 and three Level 6 runes. Each Level 9 SPD rune gives 240 SPD, while each Level 6 rune gives 110 SPD. We gave the three Level 9 SPD runes to Merlyn, while we gave the Level 6 runes to Florence. More often than not, Merlyn is the first to move within the battle, giving her ATK buff to Florence, who usually moves right afterward.

Speed tuning for Florence is easy because she is one of MementoMori's slower units, so simply giving her a lower level SPD rune and making sure everyone else on the team doesn't have any is more than enough to ensure she moves after Merlyn.


If you have the resources, you can speed tune three units. Let's say you happened to pull Sivi, an Azure limited SR unit whose 'Fortified Blade' active skill gives a good damage buff to the two slowest (lowest SPD) witches in your party.

You want Florence to have that buff, so Merlyn can keep her level 9 runes, give Sivi your level 6 runes, and either leave no runes for Florence or give her level 1/2/3 SPD runes (so she's second-to-the-last to move in your party rather than dead last AND will still move faster than the opposing party).

The example we have here is a very basic speed tuning setup, and you can come up with your own speed tuning setups by reading your witch's skill descriptions and working out which skills give the most number of beneficial buffs to your main attacker while still ensuring that all witches involved move faster than anyone on the opposing team.

Rune Guide

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