
Recommended Gacha


★ Version Updates: Version 3.6.0 Update
★ New Events: Holy Sword at the Temple Event
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters: Morgana, Aine, and Artoria
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

Recommended Gacha

MementoMori offers gacha banners for characters and items. Discover our top recommended gacha banners, their drops, their cost, and how to unlock them.

Recommended Gacha

Prayer of Friendship

MementoMori - Prayer of Friendship
Prayer of Friendship
Benefits Free N-SR Characters
Currency Friend Points

The Prayer of Friendship is a simple and free gacha system that allows you to obtain N-SR characters using Friend Points. You earn Friend Points by gifting and claiming them from your in-game friends. The more friends you have, the easier it is to collect these points.

This gacha is perfect for social players, but you can still benefit from it even if you're not very social. You don't need to chat with anyone; send friend requests to other players, and you'll likely gather Friend Points without interaction!

Prayer of Friendship Banner Guide

Invocation of Chance

MementoMori - Invocation of Chance
Invocation of Chance
Benefits Player-set characters
Includes Prayer of the Fleeting Characters
EXP and Kindling Orbs
Currency Diamonds

Once you've cleared Quest 11-28 in the Main Quest (or get VIP12), you can access the Invocation of Chance Banner. If you want a specific SR character, this is the gacha we recommend you spend most of your Diamonds on, as you'll be able to get both characters and items that will help you advance in the game.

If you have yet to unlock the Invocation of Chance, save your diamonds and only get your SR characters in either Cave of Space-Time Shop, Character Shop, or Use Tickets you get for the Prayer of The Cursed gacha banner.

In the Invocation of Chance, you can set an SR character as your 'Character of Chance,' they will get a 2.0000% drop rate alongside other items such as Kindling Orbs, EXP Orbs, and Diamonds. On top of that, you'll also get Chests of Chance, which can give you either EXP or Kindling Orbs, depending on your choice.

Invocation of Chance Banner Guide

Invocation of Star's Guidance

MementoMori - Invocation of Stars
Invocation of Stars' Guidance
Benefits Player-set characters
Includes Prayer of the Fleeting Characters
EXP and Kindling Orbs
Currency Diamonds

Much like the Invocation of Chance, this banner offers gear upgrade materials. It's ideal if you're currently less focused on character upgrade materials. Additionally, it features two characters to pull, typically the previously limited characters that have been introduced for some time.

Invocation of The Stars' Guidance Banner Guide

Invocation of the Seraph's Prophecy

MementoMori - Invocation of the Seraph
Invocation of the Seraph's Prophecy
Benefits Relics Bonus Reward
1 free pull daily
Currency Ticket of Prophecy

This gear gacha is where you can get Michael Gear parts (level 240). This ties up to the Relic store. Select the relic you want on Monday before pulling for this gacha. Changing the relic will reset the pity (amount of pulls you already have). Relics can be changed once you get 50 pulls or when the day changes. Focus on one piece first, preferably your carry's Michael set Unique Weapon.

Invocation of the Witches' Secrets

MementoMori - Invocation of the Witches
Invocation of the Witches' Secret
Benefits Magic Crystals
1 Free pull daily for Unique Weapons
Currency Diamonds

Investing your diamonds in this gacha to get Magic Crystals in exchange for Unique weapons from the Magic Crystal Shop is recommended. Getting the Unique weapons gives the character additional combat power and a specific stat boost.

MementoMori Related Guides

Gacha Partial Banner - MementoMori

List of All Gacha Banners

List of Gacha Banners (Invocations)
Recommended Gacha.pngRecommended Gacha Banners
MementoMori - InvokePrayer of The Fleeting MementoMori - InvokePrayer of The Cursed
MementoMori - InvokePrayer of Friendship MementoMori - InvokePrayer of Soul
MementoMori - InvokePrayer of Beginnings MementoMori - InvokeInvocation of Chance
Stars Guidance Banner Icon.pngInvocation of The Stars' Guidance
List of Gacha Simulators
Prayer of the Cursed Banner - MementoMoriPrayer of the Cursed Simulator


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