
Beginner Mistakes to Avoid


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Beginner Mistakes to Avoid - MementoMori

It would be best if you watched out for a few things while starting your game of MementoMori. Read on to learn how to properly use the Level Link feature, where to buy copies of powerful characters for free, and other valuable tips.

Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

MementoMori Beginner Mistakes to Avoid

Spreading Out Your Leveling Resources Too Thinly

Item Box - MementoMori

A common mistake beginners encounter that they need to avoid is using their EXP Orbs (and, later, their Kindling Orbs) to level up all their units. Leveling resources can get very scarce very quickly, especially Kindling Orbs. That's why we recommend leveling up only five characters at a time and always prioritize leveling up the main DPS character that will carry you through the game.

Otherwise, you risk spreading your resources too thinly, which will make you have difficulty getting through the main campaign.

Not Using the Level Link Properly

Level Link - MementoMori

There is an exception to what we said above, however. Suppose you can't Awaken your main DPS character because you don't have copies of her. In that case, you'll have to re-allocate your leveling resources to other Awakened witches with a higher rarity.

As you go along and play the game, you'll inevitably have many character copies - especially R-rarity ones. If you Awaken them instead, you'll see that they have a higher level cap (even unawakened SR characters can only go up to Lv. 100). If you have five of these characters, level them all up and use the Level Link feature to bring your powerful characters past their level cap.

For example, if you have SR+ Illya, Iris, Charlotte, Petra, and Skuld, bring them all up to Lv. 120 and Level Link your SR Florence. You'll see her at Lv. 120, too (even if her Level Cap is only at Lv. 100). This is a quick way to keep your powerful characters leveled adequately if you don't have the resources to awaken them.

Remember that you can reset these characters once you awaken your main ones. Resetting allows you to take back all the resources you spent in exchange for 50 diamonds to re-invest them in other witches.

Giving Your Equipment and Runes to the Wrong Units

Equipment - MementoMori

As with your leveling resources, don't try to give equipment to all your witches. Just keep five of them fully equipped and smelt the rest of the pieces of dark equipment for weapon augments. Augments give your equipment additional stat bonuses, making the witch wearing them more powerful.

Another thing you should watch out for is distributing Runes. Runes are gems you attach to your equipment for even more stat bonuses. STR runes should be given to Warrior-class witches, while DEX runes should go to Sniper-type witches. MAG runes, of course, would benefit Sorcerer-type witches greatly.

However, in the late game, PM DEF Break and SPD runes (and maybe ACC runes) become increasingly important as battles determine which party kills which party in one turn first. Always make sure to give these runes to your main attacker.

Taking Too Long To Progress Through the Main Quest

Main Quest - MementoMori

There's a lot of content that's gated behind the Main Quest. First, there's the Cave of Space-Time, an essential source of resources, along with the Tower of Infinity. The Fountain of Prayers, Battle League, and Temple of Illusions are also locked behind the main quest, giving you access to even more resources. There's also the Elemental Towers and the gacha banner for equipment.

The most significant source of resources locked behind the Main Quest is the Invocation of Chance, an invocation banner that can give you characters, Kindling Orbs, and other valuable items. You can only access it by upgrading your VIP level in-game or beating Quest 11-28.

Not Buying Character Copies With Space-Time Coins

Character Dupes - MementoMori

If you clear the Cave of Space-Time consistently for a month, you will probably have enough Space-Time Coins to buy an SR character. Powerful characters like Cordie, Merlyn, and Amleth can be yours once you have enough coins to buy their shards. If you already have them, this is also a great way to get their copies and awaken them without pulling on invocation banners too much.

Ignoring The Elemental System

Elemental System - MementoMori

MementoMori has an elemental system in the form of 'Souls.' All characters in-game will have 1 of 6 Souls - Azure, Crimson, Emerald, Amber, Radiance, and Chaos - and they work like rock-paper-scissors.

Azure beats Crimson, Crimson beats Emerald, Emerald beats Amber, and Amber beats Azure. Meanwhile, Radiance and Chaos Souls are vital against each other. If you're having a tough time clearing a particular quest, check which Souls the enemies in there have and use witches that can counter them.

Another thing to keep track of is Soul Bonuses. You can get higher HP and ATK stats if you have 3 or more witches of the same Soul type. Radiance Souls are also counted toward Soul Bonuses. Meanwhile, Chaos Soul bonuses give stat buffs in DEF, HP Drain, DEF Break, Counter, and CRIT DMG. A good mix of soul types in your party can make it much more powerful.

Not Taking Full Advantage of the Awakening Feature

Awakening Characters - MementoMori

Don't blindly use the Awaken All function. Awakening strengthens characters. It requires a duplicate or another character with a matching soul of a specific rarity. You might already have the necessary characters to awaken your chosen characters.

Carefully awaken your R characters to know which can be used to Awaken your SR characters. Utilize the Awaken feature so you don't spend so many diamonds or Tickets of the Cursed in getting fodder characters to awaken.

Another point to remember is that if your roster is full, you can't claim the character presents you should be getting. Awakening characters can save you space in your roster.

Forgetting To Use Your Consumable Items

Kindling Orbs  - MementoMori

Last but not least, remember to use up your consumable items, especially your Boss Tickets, Tickets of Infinity, and EXP or Kindling Orbs. You'll also get Witch's Shards, Mystery Runes, and chest keys regularly, giving you a brand-new witch or the resources you need to level up and get past a challenging quest.

However, we recommend doing this only up to a certain point. For example, once you've reached Chapter 6 in the Main Quest or 1 million BP. From here on out, it would be better to save consumable items such as the EXP Orb (2/6/8 hrs)", Kindling Orb (2/6/8 hrs)", and Boss/Tower tickets instead of using them. This maximizes the orbs you'll get once you open them later in the game when you'll need much more resources to level up.

Not Reaping Past Levels

Reap - MementoMori.jpg

Every day, you can reap the rewards of a previous Main Quest level or Tower of Infinity floor for up to 3 times in each game mode. Doing so will help boost your daily resource generation, and there's no reason for you to not do it. This is something that a lot of new players miss, so make sure you take advantage of this feature.

MementoMori Related Guides

Tips and Tricks Partial  Banner - MementoMori

List of All Tips and Tricks

Beginners' Guide
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Level Link System Guide What Is the Invocation of Chance?
Which Gacha Gear Set Should You Build? Unique Weapons Guide
Gold Farming Guide Tree of Life's Dew Explained
Other Beginner's Guides
Mistakes to Avoid Daily Tasks Checklist
How to Make Your Characters Stronger How to Overcome the Main Quest
How to Enjoy the Game to the Fullest What to Do After the Start Dash Missions
How to Fix Slow Progress Fast Progression Guide
When Should You Start Playing PvP PvP Team Building Guide
How to Unlock All Game Modes and Features How to Add Friends
Account Link Guide Glossary For Beginners


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