
Elfriede Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Elfriede is one of the Witches of Qlipha and the notorious Pope of the Church of Longinus. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories!

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Elfriede Profile and Memories

Elfriede Profile

"I fell into despair, but the one who saved me was Her Holiness, the Pope."
- Illya

The Pope of the Church of Longinus. She was tasked with the mission of sealing demons that were attempting to destroy the world. However, one demon used the weakness inside Elfriede's heart to usurp control of her body, bringing destruction upon the world.

Soul MementoMori - Radiance Icon Type MementoMori - Warrior Icon
Height 158 cm Weight 50 kg
Bloodtype O Birthday 25-Dec
Japanese VA Yukari Tamura

Elfriede Story

Elfriede, the Candidate

I may have been brainwashed, but I cannot forgive myself for serving the Pope of all people...

- Florence

Being one of the candidates for the position of Pope for the Church of Longinus, Elfriede's upbringing was very strict. She was educated in a suffocating environment and treated sternly by both her parents and the priests. But Elfriede didn't mind. She looked up to the previous Popes and wanted to become a beacon of light like them.

However, it took Elfriede a long time to come to terms with her role. The pressure that came with her inevitable ascension made her doubt herself. It wouldn’t be until she had a chance meeting with a certain boy that she was able to come to terms with what the position entailed. The boy looked up to Elfriede and adoringly called her "Big Sis." It made her realize that what she needed to protect was not the world itself, but the people living in it.

This zealousness that gave her strength also held a weakness. She became so desperate to protect others that she became blind to her own path.

After becoming the Pope of Longinus, Elfriede went to a demon sealing altar up north, where she was led to believe that she could end the suffering in the world by destroying the demons herself. But instead of receiving the power to do so, her body was taken over by a demon, starting the events that would lead to the decimation of the entire Adrian continent.

Elfriede, The Pope

My sins shall never, ever be forgiven.

- Elfriede

After the demon usurped control over Elfriede's body, it began to break the last vestiges of her resistance by taking the lives of those she loved. It started with her parents, then her friends and close associates. Yet, Elfriede's soul never wavered, leaving only a red-hot rage that permeated through what was left of her consciousness. However, her resolve could not outlast the demon’s cruelty as the boy who looked up to her as a big sister, the one who helped her understand what protecting the world meant, was murdered before her eyes.

This utterly broke her. No matter the atrocities assailed under her guise, from the countless innocent girls executed because of the Witch Hunts “she” started, to the Witches of Qlipha “she” created, to the countries “she” destroyed as a result, she felt nothing in her heart.

Elfriede's tribulations eventually ended when she faced the Successor of the Staff, who successfully subdued the demon controlling her. She had hoped to repent by dying and finding peace from her wrongdoings, but the Duke instead told her that the world needs her now more than ever.

Seeing this as part of her atonement, she agreed and committed her entire being to it—as long as she would be allowed to die the most gruesome death at the end of it all.

Elfriede Personality

Elfriede is a pious and kind young woman who believes her remaining life's purpose is to atone for the atrocities she committed as a result of her possession. While she still desires to protect people, she is also firmly convinced that she no longer has the right to live as if nothing happened. So, instead, Elfriede steadfastly supports the Duke and his mission to rescue witches.

Due to Elfriede's self-loathing nature, she is hesitant to pursue anything she likes. She also often subjects herself to self-deprecating thoughts regardless of her noble intentions.
In one instance, it seems the demon that possessed her is not truly gone. While it remains trapped within her, unable to leave her body, it still relishes the anguish and conflicted feelings she has whenever she finds joy in her life, having robbed many others of the ability to feel that joy as well. The demon likely won’t leave her until she dies.

Elfriede also has an infatuation with cat ears and cats in general, though she’s embarrassed to admit that this is the case.

Elfriede Relationships


  • Alexandra - One of Elfriede's Guardian Knights. Alexandra is extremely loyal to Elfriede and performs unspeakable acts for the Witch Hunt despite not wanting to.
  • Loki - Invited to work for the Church of Longinus because of her fortune-telling powers.
  • Florence - Elfriede brainwashed Florence and installed her as the Grand Master of the Knights of Longinus.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Mentioned throughout Alexandra’s memories and her voice lines. Elfriede plays a major role in Alexandra’s story.
  • Mentioned throughout Loki’s memories and Home 8, 9, and 11 voice lines. Elfriede plays a major role in Loki’s story.
  • Mentioned in a few chapters of Florence’s memories as well as her Home 3 voice line. Elfriede plays a significant role in Florence’s story.
  • Plays an antagonistic role in A.A.’s memories. She’s responsible for turning A.A. into a Witch of Qlipha.
  • Responsible for turning Ophelia into a Witch of Qlipha.
  • Responsible for turning Armstrong into a Witch of Qlipha.
  • Visited Mertillier’s lab. Mertillier joined the Qlipha project and was also responsible for turning A.A. into a Witch of Qlipha.
  • Mentioned in a chapter of Winter Tropon’s memories. Here, Tropon tries to get an audience with the Pope.
  • Mentioned in Paladea’s Home 8 voice line. Here, Paladea says Elfriede was also tempted by a demon, and that she almost destroyed the world.
  • Mentioned in Morgana’s Home 10 voice line. Here, Morgana talks about Elfriede’s lance and how by using one’s emotions, the lance can take down demons.
  • Mentioned in Apostle Rosalie’s Home 9 voice line. Here, Rosalie says she caught Elfriede staring at her ears, and says she can give her special permission to pet it once.

Elfriede Memories

Chapter 1
I was born as the candidate
to be the next Pope.
To me, all the great Popes of
the past were my inspirations.
The people respect them for
their overflowing love and kindness.
It was my dream to be that kind of person.

So, I disciplined myself
harder than anyone else.

The Pope of the Church of Longinus is
tasked with a crucial mission.
The sealing of demons.
Those unable to carry out this mission
cannot become the Pope.

But, I did not have that power.
All I had was a longing to shine
as brightly as the Popes before me,
not understanding what protecting
the world truly meant.

There are only a few days left before
my ascension as the new Pope.
But, I panic as my efforts are only met
with failure after failure.
At this rate, I...

It was then that I met that boy.
Chapter 2
As candidate for the Pope,
my parents were strict,
as were the silent priests around me.
They were not bad people,
but my days with them
did feel slightly suffocating...
During this time, I met a young boy
who had just been baptized.

Perhaps he had no idea who I was.
But, hearing him lovingly call me "Big Sis"
made it feel like I had a new younger brother.
When I was with him,
I was no longer just a candidate for the Pope.
I was just Elfriede.

It was then that I finally understood.
What I must protect is not the world.
It is the people who live in it,
and the precious moments I have
with this boy, that I must protect.

That is what it truly means
to protect the world.
The instant I understood that,
my power finally awakened.
Chapter 3
In the northern part of the continent
lies a large altar—the place meant
for sealing demons.

But... we were too late.
The seal was already on
the verge of breaking.

200 years ago, it took but one demon
to bring the world to the brink of ruin.
At this rate, history will repeat itself.
I... I must do something...!

Then, I heard it—"the voice of God."

"...Wouldn't it be best to destroy the demons
before they make their return?"

...Ahh, what a wonderful idea that is.

Eradicating the demons would not only
do away with the need for a seal,
but also bring true peace to the world.
This is what my power was for.
Chapter 4
I must protect the world.
Before I knew it, I had grown arrogant,
believing I was the only one
who could fulfill this mission.

I naively approached the altar—the place
closest to where the demons lay in wait.
But, I did not destroy a single one.
Instead, a demon stole my body away from me...

Ahh... How could I be so foolish...
But, even with my body stolen away,
my soul still belongs to me.
If I refuse to submit...
If I firmly hold on to my heart,
I should be able to take my body back...!

Sensing my determination,
the demon inside my body sneered.

"It's time you know what true hell is."

Then, he used my hands,
and began ripping my
loved ones away from me...
Chapter 5
At first, it was my parents.

"Why... are... you...?"

As she lay on the floor,
my mother cried until her very last breath...
"This is all a dream. My child would never
do something so vile... It's just a dream..."

Mother... I've always loved you...
But, to say goodbye like this...
No—I mustn't cry...
This demon is trying to crush my heart...
I must stay strong...

As I resist, more and more lives are lost.

"Your Holiness, why...?"
"No, I don't want to die...! Save me..."

How cruel... These people are innocent, yet...

... Unforgivable.
Nothing you do will ever make me give up!
I'll keep fighting until I've stopped you!

You can crush my heart as much as you like,
but my rage will never die out!

Something like you can never destroy my soul!!

"Big Sis..."

... A-Ahh...

"Big Sis... why...?"

Ahh, aaahh... Stop, I beg you... NOOOOO!!

Then, "I" was no more.
Chapter 6
"I" became the demon that
commenced the Witch Hunt.
Innocent girls throughout the world
were executed one after another.

Even as I created the Witches of Qlipha,
and unleashed their Curses upon the world,
my shattered heart felt nothing.
Then, a small glimmer of light
shines through the darkness,
putting the pieces of my heart back together.

... Ahh.
This light is proof that the
Successor of the Staff has come.
Now is the time to use
the little life I have left.

Summoning every ounce of my strength will
only subdue the demon's power for a moment.
When the time comes,
please... put an end to me...

Forgive me for forcing
this difficult task upon you.
But, I beg you—protect this world...
Chapter 7
I wanted death to bring me peace.
But, this weak sinner's wish was not granted.

"The world needs the Pope
now more than ever."
His words were cruel,
but filled with kindness and hope.

The Pope I longed to be when
I was a child is no more.
All that remains is a foolish sinner
whose hands are stained with blood.

The demon defiled my soul.
Even now, it is slowly rotting away.

If my time is limited, then I shall
save as many lives as I can.
I shall devote my heart,
my body, my soul—
every single piece of me.
Then, my reward shall be
a death so revolting that
everyone will turn their eyes
away from me. the only thing this foolish sinner
is allowed to have. My final wish.

Elfriede Media

Elfriede Voice Lines

Login 1 May God watch over you and keep you safe in His arms.
Login 2 Oh my, it has been a long time, has it not? How have you been? Were you hurt, perhaps? It is fine if you are in good health, but...since you left without so much as saying a word, I could not help but worry. At any rate, welcome home.
Home 1 In truth, if the Church of Longinus had but one simple lesson to teach, that would be more than enough. Live every day from the goodness of your heart. That is all we need to do.
Home 2 I was praying to God just now. Unto Him I said, "I shall devote every last piece of myself to the world, and to everyone's well-being. So us towards the future the Duke wishes for..."
Home 3 Cat ears are so wonderful.. How softly they move up and down, how fluffy their fur is—everything about them is adorable. Well of course the same goes for dog ears, fox ears...! W-Would anyone become angry with me if I were to pet them...?
Home 4 Oh my, your face is overwhelmed with exhaustion. You have been overworking yourself, have you not? Nothing good shall come from attempting everything on one's own. If you ask for help, everyone will be more than happy to lend a hand. You still have many people here who adore you...whereas I lost all my loved ones long ago...
Home 5 I am no longer the Pope of the Church of Longinus—only a foolish sinner whose body fell into the hands of a demon, nearly bringing about the end of the world. But, you accept me as I am. You are kind, and...believe in "humanity" from the bottom of your heart.
Home 6 I heard that today is the day you were born. Every life brought into this world is a miracle from God. I pray that He shall continue to light your way... Now, let us stop here with the formalities, for today is a precious day to me as well.
Home 7 I was an only child but, I met a boy who was as dear to me as a real younger brother... Our time together was filled with... priceless memories that taught me many important lessons... I shall keep them forever in my heart...
Home 8 Meow, meooow... Meow mew-mew meeeooow! ♪..Ah! N-No... this... isn't...! I-I heard that cat ears are easy for cat-like people to I thought, if I became a cat myself... then perhaps...Uuu.. How embarrassing...!
Home 9 Demons thrive on negative emotions and are masters at seducing people's hearts. One demon's power stole my body, the minds of countless people, and the sanity of the Witches of Qlipha. But, if he merely wanted to destroy the world, this lance should have been all that he needed... Just what was he planning...?
Home 10 When my body fell into the hands of the demon, I subjected the entire world to the most heinous atrocities... countless times over. I was powerless to shut my eyes or turn away, let alone stop... All I could do was continue watching... as that demon incited tragedy after tragedy... It was too much for my heart to bear...
Home 11 Hmm... so you've noticed me... Well, don't you worry—I can't leave this body. This girl's tears have yet to stop flowing. Oh, whenever she experiences days of joy, the ones she robbed the world of, her sins fill her cries with both anguish and ecstasy. Aah! How lovely and foolish her screams are. I can't possibly leave her. Hehehe... Ha-hahahaha!
Home 12 You gently refused this weak sinner's foolish wish. Now... I am very grateful that you did. I shall continue atoning for my sins, for the road to my atonement is without end. Then, I shall breathe my last well before my final sin has been atoned for. When the hour of my demise arrives, I want you to witness it with your own eyes.
Awakening 1 After all I have done, do I even deserve to protect the world?
Awakening 2 This is not enough. I must become stronger... so the tragedy shall never happen again.
Awakening 3 The Lance of Longinus is a gift from God himself. When wielded by someone of virtue, its sheer strength vanquishes all that is evil. But, it no longer lends me any of its power. Even so, if I could draw out even a fragment of its power, then it would be thanks to you.
Awakening 4 So, this is the power of bonds... the power to place trust in people and connect with them... It has made me feel so warm and wonderful inside. If only I, too, could've turned to my loved ones for help back then... If I could have done just that, then surely...
Awakening 5 Whenever I feel the sheer amount of warmth here... whenever you show your kindness to me, my heart begins to wrench in the most unsightly of ways, telling me that I am undeserving of happiness... Even so, would you allow this weak sinner at your side to be happy?
Awakening 6 Despite everything I have done, you never stopped supporting me. I must repay all the kindness you have shown me. Until the day this body crumbles unto dust, I vow to stand at your side and protect you... So, please accept that I am here to stay. Hehe.
Victory It would have been best if we had settled this without fighting...
Defeat Once again...I failed to protect...anyone...
Skill 1 Return to the light.
Skill 2 Even if this body turns to dust...!

Elfriede Lament Song and Lyrics

Elfriede Lament and Lyrics

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