
Rune Guide


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Rune Guide

MementoMori's runes are powerful items that enhance the stats of your witch's gear. Learn more about how to obtain runes, what runes to buy, how to synthesize runes, and the parameters of each Rune.

Rune Guide

Where to Buy Runes

Rune Shop

Rune Tickets.png
The Rune Shop is the easiest place to find Runes. You can unlock this shop at Main Quest 4-16. To obtain Runes, you will need Rune Tickets to buy Runes starting from Level 1 Rune for 2 Rune Tickets.

You can get Rune tickets from every type of Sealed Chests and Invocation of the Witches' Secrets unlockable after Main Quest 13-22.

Mystery Runes

Fountain of Prayer Mystery Runes.png
You can also obtain Rune randomly using Mystery Runes, which you get as a reward from the Fountain of Prayers.

You can purchase Mystery Runes at the Guild Shop using Guild Coins, Scalet Jewel Shop using Scarlet Jewels, and Grand Battle Shop using Grand Coins.

What Runes to Buy

Speed and PM Def Break Runes

Runes to Buy from the Rune Shop
PM Def Break Rune Icon PM DEF Break Rune SPD Rune Icon SPD Rune

Runes can be bought from the Rune Shop using Rune Tickets. However, you should invest your Rune Tickets in purchasing Speed and PM Def Break Runes.

It is best to concentrate on one carry character in the early-middle stage of the game. Regarding rune allocation, focus on the carry character's left gear and evenly allocate the runes to the gear's three slots.

How to Use Runes

Constructing Rune Slots

Construct Rune Slots.png
To be able to infuse Runes onto the Gears, players need to construct Rune Slots. Rune Slots can be constructed by spending Gold on the first Slot and Diamonds on the next 3 slots. The first Slot costs 14890 Gold to construct a slot. Below is the cost of each slot construction.

Slot Cost
1 A varying amount of Gold depending on the level and rarity of the gear.
It can range from 170 (Level 1, D) to 70440 (Level 500, S or higher).
2 20 Diamonds
3 50 Diamonds
4 100 Diamonds

Mounting Runes

Mounting Runes.png

Mounting Runes allows you to select runes and mount them onto a piece of gear's slots. The number of mountable runes increases by constructing slots to 4. You can find this feature when you click the empty Rune slot.

Offensive-type runes can be mounted on Weapons, Accessories, Hands, or the left-side Gears.

The Offensive Type Runes are the following:

STR Rune IconSTR Rune DEX Rune IconDEX Rune MAG Rune IconMAG Rune
ATK Rune IconATK Rune PM Def Break Rune IconPMDB Rune ACC Rune IconACC Rune
CRIT Rune IconCRIT Rune Debuff ACC Rune IconDebuff ACC Rune SPD Rune IconSPD Rune

Defensive-type runes can be mounted on the Head, Body and Feet, or right-side Gears.

The Defensive Type Runes are the following:

STA Rune IconSTA Rune HP Rune IconHP Rune P. DEF Rune IconP. DEF Rune
M. DEF Rune IconM. DEF Rune EVD Rune IconEVD Rune Crit RES Rune IconCRIT RES Rune
Debuff RES Rune IconDebuff RES Rune

Synthesize Runes

Synthesize Runes.png
Players can upgrade a rune's Rune Lvl by synthesizing it with another rune of the same type and level. You can upgrade a Rune to the max Rune level of 15.

Cost of Rune Synthesis

Below is the cost of Runes per synthesis. Note that you need two runes of the same level and type for the synthesis to work.

Rune Level Synthesis Gold
Lvl 1 -
Lvl 2 5000
Lvl 3 10000
Lvl 4 25000
Lvl 5 50000
Lvl 6 100000
Lvl 7 175000
Lvl 8 250000
Lvl 9 375000
Lvl 10 500000
Lvl 11 625000
Lvl 12 750000

At Level 13, the cost becomes diamonds.

Rune Level Synthesis Diamonds
Lvl 13 100
Lvl 14 200
Lvl 15 300

Stats of Each Rune Level

STR Rune IconSTR Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 60 Lvl 8 3800
Lvl 2 100 Lvl 9 6930
Lvl 3 180 Lvl 10 12600
Lvl 4 330 Lvl 11 23100
Lvl 5 620 Lvl 12 42300
Lvl 6 1130 Lvl 13 77400
Lvl 7 2070 Lvl 14 141000
Lvl 15 250000
DEX Rune IconDEX Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 60 Lvl 8 3800
Lvl 2 100 Lvl 9 6930
Lvl 3 180 Lvl 10 12600
Lvl 4 330 Lvl 11 23100
Lvl 5 620 Lvl 12 42300
Lvl 6 1130 Lvl 13 77400
Lvl 7 2070 Lvl 14 141000
Lvl 15 250000
MAG Rune IconMAG Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 60 Lvl 8 3800
Lvl 2 100 Lvl 9 6930
Lvl 3 180 Lvl 10 12600
Lvl 4 330 Lvl 11 23100
Lvl 5 620 Lvl 12 42300
Lvl 6 1130 Lvl 13 77400
Lvl 7 2070 Lvl 14 141000
Lvl 15 250000
ATK Rune IconATK Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 240 Lvl 8 16500
Lvl 2 440 Lvl 9 30200
Lvl 3 810 Lvl 10 55300
Lvl 4 1480 Lvl 11 101000
Lvl 5 2710 Lvl 12 184000
Lvl 6 4950 Lvl 13 338000
Lvl 7 9050 Lvl 14 617000
Lvl 15 1090000
PM Def Break Rune IconPM Def Break Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 25 Lvl 8 1300
Lvl 2 45 Lvl 9 2200
Lvl 3 80 Lvl 10 3710
Lvl 4 140 Lvl 11 6250
Lvl 5 250 Lvl 12 10400
Lvl 6 430 Lvl 13 15900
Lvl 7 750 Lvl 14 21900
Lvl 15 26900
ACC Rune IconACC Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 260 Lvl 8 29700
Lvl 2 500 Lvl 9 59300
Lvl 3 970 Lvl 10 118000
Lvl 4 1900 Lvl 11 235000
Lvl 5 3770 Lvl 12 463000
Lvl 6 7500 Lvl 13 835000
Lvl 7 14900 Lvl 14 1380000
Lvl 15 2080000
CRIT Rune IconCRIT Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 60 Lvl 8 5770
Lvl 2 100 Lvl 9 11500
Lvl 3 190 Lvl 10 22900
Lvl 4 370 Lvl 11 45700
Lvl 5 730 Lvl 12 91300
Lvl 6 1450 Lvl 13 167000
Lvl 7 2890 Lvl 14 277000
Lvl 15 416000
Debuff ACC Rune IconDebuff ACC Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 260 Lvl 8 29700
Lvl 2 500 Lvl 9 59300
Lvl 3 970 Lvl 10 118000
Lvl 4 1900 Lvl 11 235000
Lvl 5 3770 Lvl 12 463000
Lvl 6 7500 Lvl 13 835000
Lvl 7 14900 Lvl 14 1380000
Lvl 15 2080000
STA Rune IconSTA Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 35 Lvl 8 1700
Lvl 2 60 Lvl 9 3120
Lvl 3 90 Lvl 10 5700
Lvl 4 150 Lvl 11 10400
Lvl 5 270 Lvl 12 19000
Lvl 6 510 Lvl 13 34800
Lvl 7 930 Lvl 14 63700
Lvl 15 112000
HP Rune IconHP Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 1000 Lvl 8 68300
Lvl 2 1830 Lvl 9 124000
Lvl 3 3340 Lvl 10 228000
Lvl 4 6110 Lvl 11 417000
Lvl 5 11100 Lvl 12 762000
Lvl 6 20400 Lvl 13 1390000
Lvl 7 37300 Lvl 14 2540000
Lvl 15 4510000
P. DEF Rune IconP. DEF Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 40 Lvl 8 2270
Lvl 2 60 Lvl 9 4160
Lvl 3 110 Lvl 10 7600
Lvl 4 200 Lvl 11 13900
Lvl 5 370 Lvl 12 25400
Lvl 6 680 Lvl 13 46400
Lvl 7 1240 Lvl 14 84900
Lvl 15 150000
M. DEF Rune IconM. DEF Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 40 Lvl 8 2270
Lvl 2 60 Lvl 9 4160
Lvl 3 110 Lvl 10 7600
Lvl 4 200 Lvl 11 13900
Lvl 5 370 Lvl 12 25400
Lvl 6 680 Lvl 13 46400
Lvl 7 1240 Lvl 14 84900
Lvl 15 150000
EVD Rune IconEVD Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 260 Lvl 8 29700
Lvl 2 500 Lvl 9 59300
Lvl 3 970 Lvl 10 118000
Lvl 4 1900 Lvl 11 235000
Lvl 5 3770 Lvl 12 463000
Lvl 6 7500 Lvl 13 835000
Lvl 7 1240 Lvl 14 1380000
Lvl 15 2080000
Crit RES Rune IconCrit RES Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 60 Lvl 8 5770
Lvl 2 100 Lvl 9 11500
Lvl 3 190 Lvl 10 22900
Lvl 4 370 Lvl 11 45700
Lvl 5 730 Lvl 12 91300
Lvl 6 1450 Lvl 13 167000
Lvl 7 2890 Lvl 14 277000
Lvl 15 416000
Debuff RES Rune IconDebuff RES Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 260 Lvl 8 29700
Lvl 2 500 Lvl 9 59300
Lvl 3 970 Lvl 10 118000
Lvl 4 1900 Lvl 11 235000
Lvl 5 3770 Lvl 12 463000
Lvl 6 7500 Lvl 13 835000
Lvl 7 14900 Lvl 14 1380000
Lvl 15 2080000
SPD Rune IconSPD Rune Parameter
Lvl 1 10 Lvl 8 195
Lvl 2 18 Lvl 9 240
Lvl 3 33 Lvl 10 300
Lvl 4 53 Lvl 11 360
Lvl 5 80 Lvl 12 425
Lvl 6 110 Lvl 13 500
Lvl 7 150 Lvl 14 575
Lvl 15 660

How to Auto-Mount Runes

Create Rune Set Presets to Make Equipping Them Easy

MementoMori Auto Rune Sets - MementoMori

Switching runes between characters can be cumbersome, especially if you have a lot of strong witches and many PM DEF Break and SPD runes to go around. That's why MementoMori added the new Auto-Mount Runes feature, where you can create presets of Rune Sets to quickly attach runes to your witch's equipment.


In the character menu, select the piece of equipment you want to attach runes to, go to the "Runes" section and select "Show All."

You will be brough to a menu where you can mount your runes onto all your equipment at once. You can mount your runes here, but we'll make use of the Auto-Mount feature so select the cog logo on the top-right of the menu.

Here in the Auto-Mount Settings menu, tap "New Set" on the top left.

Hit either "Apply" or "No."

Now you will have options to rename your custom rune set and allocate how many Runes you will give to your left-side equipment (Weapon, Accessory, and Gloves) and right-side equipment (Helm, Armor, and Leg Armor). You can allocate up to 3 of a certain rune, for a total of 9 runes per side.

When you are done with editing the allocations, hit "Save."

Now we're back on the menu from earlier. Now the "Auto-Mount" button is selectable. Tap it.

In the new Auto-Mount menu, you will find the Auto-Mount preset we just created. Select it and tap " Mount."

Do last-minute rune ajustments if you need to and hit "Mount" again.

Congratulations! Your runes are now mounted on your equipment.

You can save up to a total of 50 custom rune sets.

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