
Iris Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Iris is a witch who serves as the ever-faithful attendant of the Duke of Fran. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories.

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Iris Profile and Memories

Iris Profile

Tainted Iris
"My lord. From this day forward, no matter what kind of hardships we may face, I shall remain by your side. Because... that is exactly what I was born to do."
- Iris
A girl from the Duchy of Fran and the Duke's faithful attendant. She assists him with both his official duties and daily life. Iris has served him ever since he provided her refuge despite knowing she was a witch. She may be serious and rigid, but no one is as loyal to the Duke as she is.
Soul MementoMori - Azure Icon Type MementoMori - Warrior Icon
Height 150 cm Weight 44 kg
Bloodtype A Birthday 30-Sep
Lament Twilight
Japanese VA Inori Minase
"I take what I want, and kill who I hate."
- [Attendant Tainted in Black]Iris
A girl from another world who crossed time and space then wandered into our world. Having never met the Duke, this Iris has experienced a future different from that of our Iris. Thus, this Iris is far stronger when it comes to her power as a witch and spirit, but has also grown to be far more fragile.
Soul MementoMori - Amber Icon Type MementoMori - Warrior Icon
Height 154 cm Weight 42 kg
Bloodtype A Birthday 30-September
Lament Flashbacks
Japanese VA Inori Minase

Iris Story

Sold and Betrayed

“There was probably a handful of gold coins inside that bag... That was all I was worth to him.”
- Iris

A commoner born of a mother who walked out on her family, and a jobless gambling addict of a father, Iris had a hard childhood. What little money she earned was gambled away by her father, who had taken on massive debts to fuel his addiction. One day, when debt collectors came to shake her father down for money, they tried taking Iris instead, and that was when she became a witch.

Though she temporarily put them at bay, her father returned with the Knights of Longinus, who were hunting down witches. In exchange, he got a bag of gold - which was all Iris was worth to him. She managed to escape the Church of Longinus' clutches, however, and ran as far away as she could. Eventually, she found her way to the Duke of Fran.

Found by The Duke

“So before I knew it, I began thinking... that for the first time in my life, I might've met the one person I could trust with all my heart”
- Iris

At first, Iris did not believe The Duke's kindness right away, as she was betrayed by her own parents and so feared that he would betray her as well. But day after day under The Duke's care, Iris found that he was a person he could trust with all her heart.

Years went by, and Iris continued to serve as the Duke of Fran's attendant, swearing not only her fealty to him but her life as well, since she believes that she was born to remain by his side.

In Another Timeline

“What the hell? Don't you even dare... What's the point in showing all of this to me now?! I was never going to have a future like this!”

- [Attendant Tainted in Black]Iris

In an alternate timeline, Iris had worse luck. After running away from the clutches of the Church of Longinus, she did not meet the Duke of Fran. Instead, she lived on the streets first as a beggar, then later on as a ferocious witch. Theft, extortion, burglary - she was willing to do it all to support a group of street orphans just like her. She considered these orphans her family.

However, one day, even the orphans betrayed Iris. They wanted to eat her heart to gain her powers, and so Iris had to defend herself. After fighting them, she found herself transported to the world of MementoMori's original timeline, where she found both her original self, as well as the Duke of Fran.

Iris Personality

Original Timeline

Iris is a faithful retainer who is courteous to a fault. With her immense attention to detail, she sees over some of The Duke's important affairs and always sees to it that his Estate is running smoothly. She takes great care to present herself as well-mannered and respectful to everyone she meets.

Alternate Timeline

Meanwhile, Tainted Iris, having grown up in a rougher environment, is much more coarser and cynical compared to her original counterpart. She treats people with suspicion and distrust, though she does eventually warm up to people who show her kindness and understanding.

Iris Relationships


  • Iris' Parents - Iris' mother walked out on them when she was a child while her gambling addict father immediately tipped the Church of Longinus about Iris turning into a witch in exchange for money.
  • Duke of Fran - The Duke granted Iris refuge in his estate after Iris ran away. Initially doubtful, Iris became close with the Duke and later sweared her fealty as well as her life. The Duke also did the same for Tainted Iris.
  • Orphans - Tainted Iris cared for a group of orphans she identified with. Sadly, the orphans tried to eat her and Iris had to defend herself.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Mentioned in Matilda’s Home 8 voice line. Here, Matilda talks about her own personal guard Hilda and likens her to Iris.
  • Mentioned in Liselotte’s memories and her Home 4 voice line. Here, Liselotte blends an herbal tea meant to relieve fatigue with Iris.
  • Mentioned in Illya’s Home 4 and Witch Illya’s Home 7 voice lines. In both voice lines, Illya tries to get off work while trying to avoid Iris.
  • Mentioned in Florence’s Home 9 voice line. Here, Florence plans on introducing Luke, Iris, and Ophelia to Fortina since she gets along well with Arianrhod.
  • Mentioned in Cerberus’ Home 11 voice line. Here, Iris just bathed Cerberus.
  • Mentions Monica in Iris’ Home 8 voice line. Here, Iris asks Monica to bring some bags to a different room. Monica carries them all and stumbles before Iris can tell her to bring them one at a time.

Iris Memories

Chapter 1
My life has been filled with nothing but
misery and despair.

When I was a child, my mother had an affair
and walked out on us.

I was left with my father—
a jobless gambling addict.
Because of him, the little money I earned
all but disappeared into the gambling houses.

Today, a group of men violently open
the front door. They're debt collectors who've
come for my father.

But there was nothing of monetary value
left in our home. So they set their eyes on
the next best thing—me.

"There's a buyer out there for everything—
even a dirty brat like you," one man sneered.
His eyes creep up and down my body,
evaluating its worth.

That was when I became a witch.
Chapter 2
I guess the rumors were true—
witches are born when their emotions
go out of control.

I shook my arms free, using all my strength
to send the man flying across the room.
The moment his body slammed against
the wall, he quickly lost consciousness.

I feel hot—like fire's coursing
through my veins...
Is this...power?
The power...of a witch?

It was easy driving the men out of my home,
including my poor excuse of a father.
For the first time in my life...
I felt proud of myself.

From here on out,
my life's going to get better—
I will break free from this hellhole.
But, it didn't take me long to realize
just how naive I was.

My father returned, bringing the Knights of
Longinus along with him.

I still remember how he looked to this day—
happily clutching that small leather bag
he received from the Church.

There was probably a handful of
gold coins inside that bag...
That was all I was worth to him.
Chapter 3
As the Knights inflicted wound after wound
upon my body, I desperately made
my escape...
But I had no idea where to go.

I just ran, and ran, and ran...
until I was walking down a road
I'd never seen before.

I was light-headed from
all the pain and hunger,
and my body shivered from the sudden rain
that taunted me as it poured down.

All that power that was flowing within me just
vanished into thin air, leaving my body with
barely any strength to move.

As I finally collapsed from exhaustion,
I asked myself one question
deep inside my heart.

...Why was I even...born?

Everything was fading to black.
The last thing I heard was the sound of
a horse as it came closer...and closer...
Chapter 4
When I awoke, I felt warmth...
and a sweet fragrance I'd never
smelled before.

It took some time before realizing that I was
laying in a soft bed, wrapped in clean sheets.

The moment I had fainted in the rain,
the Duke of Fran came to my rescue.

He knew I was a witch, yet he didn't hand me
over to the Church.

In fact, he knew everything about me,
and took me in to be his attendant.

...To this day, I remember how the Duke
looked at me...with his warm smile.
Chapter 5
As someone who was betrayed by her parents,
I couldn't believe the Duke's kindness
right away.

Is he trying to earn my trust just so he can
do something terrible to me later? he scheming something else?
Something that I just can't put my finger on...?

I had all those doubts running through
my mind even while I served him.

But before long, one month passed,
then three months, then half a year...
I became busier the more I was accustomed
to my job, but the Duke didn't change at all.

As unreliable as he was,
his kindness knew no bounds.
So before I knew it, I began thinking...

That for the first time in my life,
I might've met the one person I could trust
with all my heart.
Chapter 6
Several years passed in the blink of an eye.

One day—a genuinely normal day—
the Duke smiled as he's always done,
and said to me...

"Thank you as always.
I'm glad you're here for me, Iris."

I must've heard those words countless times.
But for some reason, hearing them again
suddenly made me realize.

This is the place I can call home.
And this hopelessly warm-hearted man
is the person I can serve for as long as I live.

...My lord.
From this day forward, no matter what kind
of hardships we may face, I shall remain
by your side.

Because...that is exactly what I was born to do.

Chapter 1
A handful of gold coins.
That was all I was worth to my father.
After using my power to send him flying,
I fled home.

And to think, I believed...

I was a child working day and night,
trading what I could, even bread, for money.
My father gambled all my earnings away...
but I believed everything would be worth it.

And yet, my father smiled
as he took those gold coins.
Not at me, but at the nameless
Knights who paid him.

All I wanted was for you to appreciate me...
That's it...!

I just ran, and ran, and ran...
until I collapsed from exhaustion
on an unfamiliar road.

After trading my food for money,
I'm sold off, and now wait for my life
to end in the middle of nowhere...
Is this how my life was supposed to be...?

Why was I even...born?

As my mind grows faint, the footsteps of
an approaching horse rumble in my ears...

"...I wasn't born to be that
goddamn fool's daughter...!"

With my last ounce of strength,
I tumble into the shadows.
A carriage immediately passes by.

I could make out the coat of arms
of the Duke on the carriage.
If they found me,
would they've killed me?
Or maybe...

As that last thought ran through my mind,
everything faded to black.
Chapter 2
Three days pass.

With rainwater no longer able
to keep me from starving,
I make my way to a bustling street.

I have no money, of course,
so I head towards a garbage can
sitting in front of a shop.

Passers-by pierce me with their cold stares
as I rummage through the garbage.
I suppress all my emotions,
and bring a scrap of bread to my mouth.

One bite sends shivers throughout my body.
The bread's moldy, but as sweet as honey.

"Nnrgh... Nnnnrrggh...!"

I weep as I greedily devour the bread.

"This is so I can live."
Each time I whisper those words,
a piece of me goes missing.
Chapter 3
Theft. Extortion. Burglary.

Since I have the power of a witch,
there are plenty of jobs for me
to do so long as I'm not picky.

That scrap of bread left me
with a heavy heart,
but even it gradually got
used to this way of life.

And besides, the backstreets were
teeming with orphans like me.
"This isn't for me, but for everyone."
Whispering those words made me
feel a little better.

I put my life on the line for
a meager amount of money,
then share tiny pieces of bread
with everyone.

Life was hard, but when
those innocent smiles said
"Thank you for everything, Iris,"
that alone made everything worth it.

Ahh... This was the life I always wished for.

At last, I found my true family.
Chapter 4
As time when on, my name and reputation
as a witch became infamous.

Because of that, there have been
countless attempts on my life,
but I hold no regrets.
After all, I live so my family can too.

One day, after taking
a number of days to
complete a big job,
I finally came home.

The job was dangerous,
but it paid a great deal of money.
We'll be able to have warm food
for a good while.
Everyone'll be so happy.

"Hey, everyone! I'm home!"

As I approach my friends,
they gather around me.
But...something feels off.

"What's wrong? ...Nrgh...!"

A sharp pain shoots into my back.
I turn my head to find
a blade thrust into me,
and a friend holding the hilt.
Chapter 5

Why...? I don't understand. Why...?
I can't even wrap my head around the pain.
The only word I keep asking myself is, "Why?"

One of those innocent smiles answered me.

"If someone eats a witch's heart,
they'll get that witch's power, right?
So if I do that, the next leader will be me."

...You're kidding me, right?
You actually believed that rumor?
That's the reason you're going to kill me?
That...that stupid reason...?

Heh... Hahaha...

I devoted myself to my father,
only to be sold off...
Now, the friends I devoted
myself to are going to eat me!


Ah-haha... You're right.
How could I've been so wrong?
In the end, we're all filthy beasts
greedy for garbage.
It's only fitting that we
feed on each other, right?

I pull the blade out of my back,
and point it towards my frightened friends.
After whispering, "This is so I can live,"
my face twists into a smile.
Chapter 6
I take what I want, and kill who I hate.
After doing that countless times over,
no one was left to oppose me.

What's so great about that, though?
Even if I have everything
this world has to offer,
those cold pieces of bread
I shared with everyone are long gone...

The morning sun rises,
tinging all I can see.
With the world engulfed in light,
everything looks as if it had been destroyed.
I thought it rather beautiful.

If only I, too, could just vanish from here...

After making my wish, I step into the light.

Then, I leave my world...and meet her.
Chapter 7
I see a girl with a soft, tender smile.
The Duke walking at her side
looks like a gentleman.

Everything made sense at first glance.
That girl's me, and this is a possible future
where I'm happy.

Ah, that's right.
If I was at the side of
someone who needed me,
and was able to support them,
that would've made me happy.

What the hell? Don't you even dare...
What's the point in showing all of this
to me now?!

I was never going to have a future like this!
There was no way for me to live other than
swallowing all that mud and blood!!

It's not like I wanted to become like this...
and yet, to realize now that it's all been
one huge mistake...
What the hell am I supposed to do...?!

No, this isn't like me at all.
I take what I want. That's how I live.
Which means...

I look up to the two smiling happily before me,
and make my way towards them...

Iris Media

Iris Voice Lines

Tainted Iris
Login 1 I have been waiting for you, my lord.
Login 2 Where have you been, my lord? So much work has piled up since you left. You must take care of it at once!
Home 1 Let us make every effort count, my lord—for your people...for the world.
Home 2 Tax collection, water management, city maintenance... There are many more matters that demand your attention, so please have everything done as quickly as possible. I shall assist you in any way I can.
Home 3 Your hair is in complete disarray, my lord. Please excuse me... This will do. You are a leader, so please remember the importance of making yourself presentable.
Home 4 You mustn't overexert yourself, my lord. May I suggest we stop for a moment and have some tea? I shall make all the necessary arrangements, so please relax until my return.
Home 5 You took me in despite knowing I was a witch. Ever since that day, my life has been bound to you. No matter what hardships await us, I shall never leave your side, my lord.
Home 6 Happy birthday, my lord. Now then, here is the next document... Hmmm...? Why, yes—all your work must be completed. That goes without saying... But, when you are finished, we can enjoy some cake with everyone.
Home 7 Am I worthy of being your attendant, my lord...? With all the work, fighting, and daily affairs I assist with... No, I'm not there yet. I must strive to be better...!
Home 8 Monica, bring these bags to that room over there... Hey, wait! Don't bring them all at once! If they're too heavy, bring them one at a—aaah, look out! Is everything okay?! Are you hurt?!
Home 9 It is great that more people are staying at the estate as of late...but they run through the halls, and leave everything a mess... Seriously, who do they even think cleans around here? ...I should make them all my apprentices and re-educate them on common courtesy...
Home 10 A...vacation? Ah, no... Thank you. It's just, I don't know the first thing about taking vacations... Ah, I shall stay nearby and see how work is progressing so I know what needs to be done when I return... That's no different than working?'re right...
Home 11 My lord...I'm glad that you were there for me... Huh? What's gotten into me all of a sudden, you ask...? Hehe, it's nothing. Now then, let us get back to work!
Awakening 1 I shall let none of your kindness go to waste, my lord.
Awakening 2 Thank you. I promise to work harder than I have ever done before!
Awakening 3 I shall put my body on the line if it means repaying this debt I owe you.
Awakening 4 Just by having this power, I should be able to protect you from any threat that comes our way... That is what I was born to do...!
Awakening 5 I find happiness in the fact that you need me by your side. But...I never would have expected you to trust me for as long as you have... That truly makes me...happy.
Victory Victory is ours. But, you mustn't let this get to your head, my lord.
Defeat Ugh... My deepest apologies, my lord!
Skill 1 You're done for!
Skill 2 Leave this to me!
Login 1 Well, would you look at that. To think you'd come to see me instead of her. Makes me wonder what kind of mischief is on your mind.
Login 2 Hmmm. Look who finally decided to come back. Though, I guess my face was the last thing you wanted to see, huh? Go ahead and do whatever you want. See if I care. Hmph!
Home 1 I'm not polite and courteous like her. I take what I want by force, so be ready for what's in store for you.
Home 2 Sorry, "my lord," but I couldn't care less about your ever-so-kindhearted "rescue operations." Does hearing me say that put a bad taste in your mouth? Well, this is me, okay? Even if I were to start having regrets now... Ugh, you sure can say that line with the straightest face, can't you...
Home 3 Going back in time, coming from a different world... I don't think it's often that those things are supposed to happen. Perhaps this world is far more dangerous than you all think it is.
Home 4 What? You're still working? Hmmm... Well, give it everything you've got then, I guess.
Home 5 He's so foolishly nice, quick to trust anyone, and smiles without a hint of doubt on his face... There's not a single thing that makes me like him...but in the end, I guess I am who I am. ...Huh? What was I talking about...? If you weren't paying attention, then too bad. I'm not repeating myself. Hmph!
Home 6 So, it's your birthday, huh. We can celebrate if you like, but you'll be celebrating with me. It won't be cheap, of course. ...W-Wait, why are you smiling? Isn't that what you hate about me? You really are out of your mind, y'know...
Home 7 I'll return to my world one day. When that happens, you're coming home with me, right? "That'll make a mess of things"? Hm... Okay, fine. But since you turned down an offer from me, that means you're plenty prepared for the consequences, right? I'll think of what you can do for me instead. So you better look forward to it, okay? Hmph!
Home 8 Hey, you. Apprentice handmaiden. If you think your small self can carry all those bags— Of course, you'd fall down. You're trying to carry them all at once, after all. You're not hurt, right? Here. I'll carry half the bags for you. So hurry and get back on your feet.
Home 9 Seriously. What is it about him that makes her feel this way? Hey, you. Tell me. What about this guy do you like? Huh? You don't like the Duke in that way? Come on, now. Do you really think you can lie to yourself?
Home 10 Sorry, but tedious secretarial work just isn't for me. Leave all that stuff to her. Instead, I'll take on the dirty work that she can't do. You need someone to take out and crush some garbage? Or a beast to devour some prey? Just give the word, and I'll do it.
Home 11 You're so foolishly kind. Quick to depend on for anything. And never have a problem saying "thank you." Why were those the only things missing from my life?
Home 12 You remember how you turned down my offer, right? Well, I've decided what you can do for me instead. After I'm gone, I want you to cherish her. After all, I'm sure she's your ideal version of me. And besides, she still needs you. Well, you already gave me more than I could ever ask for. I'm counting on you.
Awakening 1 If you're giving this to me, I'll take it off your hands.
Awakening 2 "The way I fight is too dangerous"? Sorry, but I don't know how to fight any other way. Or perhaps you'd prefer I kill our enemies more politely and courteously?
Awakening 3 Perhaps what you want to tell me is "Fight by working together with your allies"? Don't be ridiculous. That's a hard no from me. If I put my trust in others, all they'll do is betray me.
Awakening 4 Even in a naively peaceful world like this, it takes power to live, huh? Alright, I'll lend you mine, then. Power is what the hand uses to take what it covets. Not a bad idea, if I do say so myself.
Awakening 5 I'm not looking to get too friendly with you people. But as long as no one dies, that works for me. Why are you so surprised? Did you expect anything less? It's not like I killed others because I wanted to, y'know.
Awakening 6 You actually went and made me this strong. Fine, I'll admit it. You're such an unbelievable fool, and since I can't find it in me to hate that, it makes me as big of a fool as you. That's why I'll only say this once: Thank you for accepting me as I am. Alright, that's enough!
Victory You thought I'd just let you go? Tough luck. I'm not as nice as a certain Duke, you know.
Defeat This is going to cost you... Mark my words—I'll make you regret this.
Skill 1 I'll make minced meat out of you!
Skill 2 Cry, scream, and beg for forgiveness!

Iris Lament Song and Lyrics


Iris Lament and Lyrics

Tainted Ver.

Tainted Iris Lament and Lyrics

Iris Lament Monologue


Iris Lament Monologue
To this day, whenever the rain falls...
everything comes back to me, my lord.
...The time I first met you.
...The time your warm smile welcomed me...
as I was drowning in mud and despair.
Even if it is just for a while...
may I stay by your side?

The one who sold me off to the Church
for being a witch...was my own father.
Inside that leather bag was a handful of gold coins...
That was all I was worth to him.

After making my escape,
the cold rain strikes my body. Finally succumbing to
I crumbled into the mud.
I asked myself as my mind fades to black...
"Who is the world would want someone like me...?
"Why...was I even born at all...?

The one who came to my rescue was the Duke.
He gave me a warm bed,
a new home—so many gifts.
It was then that I first realized...
"I want repay him for saving me.
...I want to live, devoting everything to him."

Now everything is clear to me—
I know exactly why I'm here...
The rain has stopped.
Now, let us go, my lord.

Iris Gallery

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