
Freesia Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Freesia is a witch who was persecuted ever since she was a child. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories!

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Freesia Profile and Memories

Freesia Profile

"All they say to me is 'Witch! Witch! Witch...!' I hate them all..."
- Freesia

A flower seller who adores her grandmother. For as long as she could remember, Freesia was persecuted as a witch, eventually leading to her and her grandmother living atop a mountain by themselves. She knows what every flower symbolizes, and gives them out as presents.

Soul MementoMori - Crimson Icon Type MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon
Height 155 cm Weight 42 kg
Bloodtype A Birthday 17-May
Lament See You Again
Japanese VA Yui Horie

Freesia Story

Story Section

There's no need to cry. Nothing is your fault...
- Freesia's Granny

Freesia, a young witch, lived peacefully with her Granny on a mountain, ostracized by the villagers below. Despite Granny's encouragement, Freesia struggled to sell her beautiful flowers, burdened by the villagers' fear and prejudice.

Tragedy struck when a disease swept through the village, and the villagers, blinded by fear, blamed Freesia for being a witch and accused her of spreading the disease through her flowers. They stormed their home, setting fire to the flower garden and fatally injuring Granny in the process. Filled with grief and hatred, Freesia swore revenge.

Another Story Section

There's so much love in the flowers you gave me...and I won't rest until I've covered the entire world with them.
- Freesia

But as she drifted in despair, a gentle light appeared, offering her solace. Remembering Granny's words about connecting hearts, Freesia embraced a new path. Now, accompanying the Duke, she travels the world, using her magic and the love embodied in flowers to heal the hearts of those suffering. Determined to turn the world's tears into flowers, Freesia carries the torch of Granny's love, sowing seeds of connection wherever she goes.

Freesia Personality

Freesia comes across as a gentle soul, driven by a desire to help others and blossom into her full potential. She uses flowers to spread joy and comfort, reflecting the love Granny instilled in her.

Determined to follow her dreams, Freesia can be shy yet observant, valuing the opinions of those she respects. Despite moments of insecurity, her kindness, hope, and appreciation for others shine through.

Freesia Relationships


  • Freesia's Grandma - A main character in Freesia's story. Granny is Freesia's source of strength and affection.
  • Merlyn - A witch she met upon joining the Duke.
  • Natasha - A witch she became friends with upon joining the Duke.

Interactions WIth Other Characters

  • Freesia is never outright mentioned in any witch’s memories or voice lines.

Freesia Memories

Chapter 1
I've been a witch for as long as I could
remember, living with Granny on a mountain.

There was a small village located down on the foothill, but everyone was so frightened
of me that they chased us out.

I try to help Granny out, but...I'm just no use...
I go down to the village to sell flowers,
but the villages just stay away from me.
"Get lost!" they yell.
"A witch's flowers? How disgusting!"

Granny's always telling me that I'll get through
to them eventually, but I'm only ever able to
sell flowers to the occasional traveler...
Today, just like most days,
I couldn't sell a single one.

They're all so pretty, too...
Is everything really my fault?
Chapter 2
Once again, because of me,
no flowers were sold...

When I'd come home crying,
Granny always gave me a warm hug.
"There's no need to cry.
Nothing is your fault..."

I've been told all my life that witches are
to blame for all the calamities and evils
in this world...
Plagues, poverty, disasters—
everything bad happens because I'm cursed...

The only person who'd never call me evil...
was Granny.

"Your magic power is just what makes you
special. God gave you this gift so that
you can be you. That's why, there's nothing
to be ashamed of... Be proud of who you are!"

"I was too late to see just how special you are.
So, at the very least, you need to get
your head on straight, and live!"
Granny looked kind of downhearted,
but did her best to smile for me.
Chapter 3
I still don't understand why Granny looked
so sad... but I felt the sheer amount
of love in her words.
So, I'll stop agonizing over my fate as a witch...

At least, that's what I thought I'd do...

One day, a disease spread
throughout the village.
Come to think of it... a traveler who
bought flowers from me some tome ago
mentioned something similar.

They said a neighboring village
was hit by some disease.
"Did that make its way here...?"
that was the most thought I gave it at the time.

But, the villagers seemed
to be acting differently.
They were in an uproar, calling the disease
a curse, and blaming its spread on
a witch—on me.

"Those wretched flowers you sell are cursed...
You used them to spread the disease!"
Chapter 4
How could they say such things...?!
Granny only grew these flowers to
heal the pain in everyone's hearts...

Feeling mortified and powerless to
defend myself, I ran back home
to the mountain.

"All they say to me is 'Witch! Witch! Witch...!'
I hate them all..."
When Granny heard how upset I was,
she said to me,

"Don't resent them.
The villagers are just tired.
Their hearts have grown weary,
gripped with fear...
They can't help but feel distressed.
They're close to their breaking point.
So, they just chose poorly in how to
escape from it all..."

"It'll be okay. The day you get through to them
will come. So, let's send everyone flowers...
and pray their hearts can be saved."
Chapter 5
Granny prayed these flowers would heal
everyone's hearts...and that one day
they could share their anxieties and fears
with someone else, so that together,
we can [——], and grow.

I couldn't catch the most
important part of what Granny said.
When I was about to ask her to repeat herself...
I smelled something burning inside.
"It can't be..."

I opened the front door...only to see
the flower garden in flames.

Before I knew it, the villagers had
surrounded our home, torches in hand.
"With that witch here, we'll all be doomed!"
they shouted, before hurling their torches at us.

Why...? All we did was live in peace.
Chapter 6
"Burn in hell, you damn witch!"
shouted a villager, his rifle aimed at me.
He fired, but in an instant...something gentle
and warm wrapped itself around me.

And then I watched helplessly... as Granny
collapsed slowly towards the ground.

"Granny! Stay with me!"
As I held her in my arms, Granny smiled at me
with a look of relief in her eyes.

"It's okay...Take that sad look off your face. the beautiful flower you are..."
Then, she was gone...

"Don't resent them..."
I'm sure that's what you'd say, right Granny?
But, I'm sorry... I can't stop.
I can't stop...hating them
for everything they've done!

I mean, they think that just because
I'm a witch, it's perfectly fine to fear me...
hate me... and steal everything I love!
How can I even begin to forgive them?!

These monsters...all deserve to die!
Chapter 7
When I came to, I was drifting
through darkness...unable to put an end
to these evil thoughts that made my heart
overflow...with hatred.

Then...a gentle light shone
through the darkness.
I felt something emanating from it—
a love that put my heart at ease...
like Granny's smile once did.
I reached towrds the light,
and a man holding a staff tok my hand.

His hand was gentle...
One that heals people, just like Granny...
The moment I touched him,
my memories started coming back to me.
I remembered what Grannny said that day,
when she gently scolded me for being upset.

"Use the flowers to connect the hearts
of a tree connecting the sky
with the that together, we can [cultivate these bonds], and grow..."
Those were her words.

Right now, I'm traveling the world to heal
everyone whose hearts are suffering with
grief and despair.
He's here, too, of course...
So, don't worry about me.

Freesia Media

Freesia Voice Lines

Login 1 Hello, my lord... Here you go—your flower for the day.
Login 2 This autumn daffodil means, "I can't wait to see you again..." Here you go. It's your welcome back gift.
Home 1 Hmm... I wonder which flower I should give out today...?
Home 2 I'm picking what flower to give out today. Red flowers can brighten someone's mood, but yellow ones can give them some needed energy... Which one do you think I should go with, my lord?
Home 3 If I could make any wish come true, I'd want to properly tell Granny, "Thank you."
Home 4 Are you okay, my lord? If you want, here... Have some of Granny's Special Revitalizing Herbal Tea... It might help.
Home 5 Flowers have all kinds of meanings, and are filled with so many feelings. I hope one day...I can convey how I feel not only through the flowers I give out, but with my own words as well.
Home 6 Happy birthday, my lord. Here...I made this bouquet out of your birth flowers... Would you...accept it?
Home 7 It's thanks to Granny...that I have a future...
Home 8 I've lived with Granny my whole it's my first time meeting any girls my age... I hope I can actually make some friends...
Home 9 Hehe...I just made two new friends in the garden—a girl with a pointy hat, and a girl with colorful flowers on her dress. We're meeting up soon to show our favorite flowers to each other. Want to join us, my lord?
Home 10 Granny's love is what healed the pain in my heart... Now, I want to do the same for everyone who's suffering with grief and despair...together with these flowers born from the seeds Granny left behind.
Home 11 It's said that when a flower dies, it leaves seeds if leaving proof that it was alive. People aren't any different...I mean, the seeds Granny planted in my heart are definitely growing inside me... Gentle seeds...called love.
Home 12 You know my lord, my dream is to become a cute grandma. One who's kind and loved by flowers, just like Granny... C-Can you stay by my side to see if I can actually make that dream come true?
Awakening 1 It's time for the bud in me to blossom...!
Awakening 2 I was able to blossom so beautifully... Thank you, my lord.
Awakening 3 You heal people just as flowers do, my lord. Anyone who looks at you is filled with joy, and their hearts are put at ease... I hope one day I can heal people just like you do...
Awakening 4 Granny taught me that flowers give people smiles and heal the pain in their hearts. That's why I put love into the flowers I give out...praying that the people who receive them can find happiness.
Awakening 5 Up until now, I've given flowers to all kinds of people. So, for the first time...I want to be given flowers from someone... My lord, can you pick some out for me?
Awakening 6 Every flower eventually dies, but the feelings contained within them lasts forever... Thank you for the flowers, my lord. I'll always be next to you, blossoming so that I bloom more beautifully than any flower you've given me.
Victory The nasturtium symbolizes "victory..." Here you go. Keep it as a memento of this battle.
Defeat Uuu... I'm sorry...
Skill 1 How about...this?!
Skill 2 We haven't lost yet!

Freesia Lament Song and Lyrics

See You Again (EN Version)
See You Again (JP Version)

Freesia Lament and Lyrics

Freesia Gallery

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