
Tower of Infinity Guide


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Tower of Infinity Guide Banner - MementoMori

MementoMori's Tower of Infinity is a game mode that rewards players with gear and items to strengthen their characters as they progress up the tower's floors. This guide will teach you about the Tower of Infinity, how to unlock it, the best teams to conquer it, and how to beat the more challenging floors.

Tower of Infinity Guide

Tower of Infinity Gives You Gear and Materials

Tower of Infinity Rewards - MementoMori

The Tower of Infinity is a Trial mode that gives you Diamonds, Kindling Orbs, Gold, upgrade materials, and Gear. It's an alternative way to gather resources if you're stuck somewhere in the Main Quest. We recommend you often switch progression between the Tower of Infinity and the Main Quest to get as many resources as possible.

The difference between Tower of Infinity and the Main Quest is that every Tower stage has MementoMori characters as enemies, unlike in the main quest, where generic non-witch enemies are mixed in with the witch enemies. Every enemy you'll face has unique skills, which you must counter with specific lineups.

Tower of Infinity Unlocks at Quest 2-14

Quest 2-14 - MementoMori

The Tower of Infinity gets unlocked after reaching Quest 2-14, which is an excellent time to boost resources early on in the game since the tower's first few floors are made up of fragile enemies. The Cave of Space-Time should also be unlocked once you get the Tower of Infinity, which gives you access to even more resources.

Soul Towers Unlock at Quest 9-16

Soul Towers - MementoMori

Later in the Main Quest, you'll have access to four other towers where the enemies are witches of a single Soul type. The caveat is that you'll also have to use witches of a specific soul type. For example, if you can access a Crimson Soul tower, you can only use your own Crimson Soul witches.

Only one of the Soul Towers is open, depending on what day it is of the week, and you can only clear up to 10 floors a day.

Tower of Infinity Tier List

Recommended Characters for Tower of Infinity

Character Role Notable Skills
MementoMori - Mimi IconMimi Attacker/Buffer - Multi-hit
- ATK buff and [Shield]
- [Resonance] debuff
MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera Buffer - [Fainted] based on SPD
- [Buff Immunity] and DEF buff based on dealing critical hit
- team-wide ATK and SPD buff
- increase chance for Debuff RES
MementoMori - Lunalynn IconLunalynn Debuffer/Tank -AoE damage, [Silence] debuff
- [Poison debuff]
- team-wide P.DEF buff
- Decrease Damage Taken, HP Drain
MementoMori - Rusalka IconRusalka Attacker/Debuffer - AoE damage and Decreased Damage Dealing] debuff based on MAG
- Multi-hit with damage multiplied if inflicted with debuff
- Revive and [Multi-Barrier]
- PM. DEF Break boost, Increased CRIT RES
MementoMori - Dian IconDian Buffer - [Bleed] debuff and [Regeneration] to Self
- AoE damage based on depleted HP
- [Increased Chance to Evade] buff for ally with the highest ATK
- [Invisibility] buff and dispels enemy buff
- ATK buff and [Shield] especially with Crimson allies
MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence Attacker - Multi-hit
- Increased chance to deal critical hit
- ATK boost
MementoMori - Sivi IconSivi Attacker/Buffer -buffs self and allies with lowest SPD with [Increased Damage Dealing]
- HP Regen and Dispel debuff to allies
- DEF and P.DEF buffs self and allies
MementoMori - Fia IconFia Attacker - HP Drain
- Increases ally's Max HP and herself
- Increase ally Counter
- AoE damage
MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn Buffer - Dispel debuff from ally with highest ATK, Increase ATK if no debuff inflicted
- Dispel buff from enemies with highest HP percentage
- Increased chance to deal critical hit or Increased DEF
- [Regeneration]
MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie Attacker/Debuffer - AoE damage, ATK boost
- Increased ATK and DEF Break buff
- [Unhindered] / [Debuff Immunity]
MementoMori - Nina IconNina Attacker/Debuffer - AoE damage and Steal buff from enemy
- Dispel debuff from self and inflict debuff to enemy
- Increased chance to evade
- Damage cut based on HP

How to Beat Tough Tower of Infinity Stages

Tough Tower of Infinity Floors
Floor 110 Floor 118 Floor 137
Floor 145 Floor 153 Floor 185
Floor 216 Floor 245 Floor 250
Floor 271 Floor 279 Floor 300
Floor 395 Floor 397 Floor 400
Floor 457 Floor 500 Floor 523
Floor 565 Floor 658

Floor 110

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Mertillier IconMertillier MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Iris IconIris MementoMori - Illya IconIllya

The main problems you'll have to deal with are Soltina and Nina. Fortunately, Nina is pretty soft and has a high chance of dying in the first turn, especially if you've been giving ACC runes to your main attacker.

Soltina, meanwhile, has shields that will need to be dealt with, so place a front-attacking witch like Primavera along her line and bring Dian along to raise your main attacker's EVD and prevent them from getting Sleep debuffs.

Floor 118

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Theodora IconTheodora MementoMori - Arianrhod IconArianrhod

You'll face off against three main attackers simultaneously: Two Amleths and a Florence. Luckily for you, however, neither of these Amleths has any Invulnerability buffs (yet), so bringing out a good attacker and having a higher SPD than the enemy should be more than enough to deal with them.

Floor 137

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Loki IconLoki MementoMori - Arianrhod IconArianrhod

Watch out for Loki because she can be fast enough to inflict Silence on your main attacker for one turn, leaving you open to attacks from Nina and Soltina. You can either try outspeeding her or, if you have Merlyn, give her just enough SPD runes to act before your main attacker and remove the Silence debuff from them.

Floor 145

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Mertillier IconMertillier MementoMori - Monica IconMonica

Amleth already has access to her 1-turn Invulnerability buff, so she won't die immediately with 1 hp left and all the power-ups her other abilities grant her. Since it's just for 1 turn, she's not too dangerous, but she's still a risk. You would want to bring along someone who can dispel her buff to make sure she won't pose as big of a threat.

Floor 153

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Libra IconLibra MementoMori - Theodora IconTheodora

This floor can be a bit random in that Merlyn will either buff Soltina or Florence's CRIT, and once that happens, your party could be in for a world of hurt. Make sure to outspeed the enemy party with runes and hope that Florence gets taken down first, followed by Merlyn and Soltina.

Floor 185

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Moddey IconModdey MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir

The battle can get crazy because of the presence of three Fenrirs, who can all decrease Moddey and Amleth's skill cooldowns on top of their healing abilities. Ensure your main attacker can deal enough damage to take out most of them in the first turn and bring along a witch that can inflict Blight on the enemy party.

Floor 216

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor MementoMori - Shizu IconShizu

Another floor that can be dangerous depending on who Merlyn gives her CRIT buff to, on top of Amleth being there with her Invulnerability and Hathor with her ATK debuffs. Merlyn should be able to remove any debuffs your main attacker gets, but bring along a second one just in case. Or maybe someone who can steal buffs like Nina.

Floor 245

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Freesia IconFreesia MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina

This floor can be challenging, depending on who your main attacker is. If it's Cordie, you can bring Dian along for support. If you have Florence, you'll have fewer issues dealing with Soltina, though you could position who does forward attacks (like Primavera) in front of one of the Soltinas.

Floor 250

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Mertillier IconMertillier MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir MementoMori - Rean IconRean

Here is a battle straight out of a spaghetti western. Whoever strikes first will most likely win the entire match, with two Cordies supported by Mertillier and Fenrir capable of wiping your party if you're unprepared. You better have those SPD runes for your main attacker ready.

Floor 271

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Dian IconDian MementoMori - Sabrina IconSabrina

Another team comp with a double Cordie, but this time, they're allied with Sabrina, who plays as another attacker and SPD debuffer. Finally there's two of the game's most evasive units, Nina and Dian. The key here is to go fast and pray for a crit to take out the attackers on the enemy team before they can do anything. Your own Cordie could do well here, provided that she hits first and hits hard with PMDB runes and buffs from her allies.

Floor 279

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Dian IconDian MementoMori - Amour IconAmour MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Tropon IconTropon MementoMori - Amour IconAmour

An extremely tanky team that can take forever to take down if you have the wrong witches on your team. Because it's PvE, these units have inflated numbers and are often multiple levels above your team's. If Cordie is your main DPS unit, you'll have trouble beating this floor as Soltina and Amour hard counter her. If this is the case, consider swapping her out for Florence instead.

Floor 300

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Olivia IconOlivia MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Mertillier IconMertillier

This level 256 UR+ team has Cordie and Nina who can deal significant damage your team, so prioritize defeating them first. Cordie is one of the fastest units in the game, with high damage power and durability. Either overpower this team with a team higher than 256 or use characters who can act faster than Cordie or those that can give SPD buffs like Primavera.

Floor 395

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Ivy IconIvy

Floor 395 is a relatively easy stage to beat, with the biggest threat being Nina, who can evade your characters' attacks and steal their buffs. Get Primavera in front of her for a chance to inflict Faint and prevent her from attacking, while your main attacker takes care of the rest of the team.

Floor 397

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Sabrina IconSabrina MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Sabrina IconSabrina MementoMori - Nina IconNina

The key to beating this stage is to take out at least one of the Sabrinas within the first turn while inflicting Faint on the second one. You could bring along a debuff cleanser since both enemy Soltinas will still inflict Faint on your witches, but prioritize taking out the Sabrinas. The enemy Nina shouldn't be too much of an issue for a properly leveled Cordie with ACC buffs.

Floor 400

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Moddey IconModdey MementoMori - Theodora IconTheodora MementoMori - Loki IconLoki

Should be easy enough to clear as long as three out of five members of this enemy group are taken out in the first turn. Not even Cordie should be able to give you a hard time. If she is, you can use a witch like Soltina to soak up any damage she deals.

Floor 457

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Freesia IconFreesia MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Belle IconBelle MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina

For this stage, you'll have to first make sure that Belle, Primavera, and Freesia are taken out in the first turn. Or, at the very least, Belle is stunned with Faint or any similar debuff. This is so your main attacker will still have time to take her out along with all the other members except perhaps Soltina. But Soltina shouldn't be able to do much damage aside from her own Faint debuffs.

Floor 500

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Luke IconLuke MementoMori - Freesia IconFreesia MementoMori - Natasha IconNatasha MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Carol IconCarol

You should prioritize countering Luke quickly since she will be troublesome in this floor. Luke has the ability to remove the enemy's shield. Aside from that, her allies has buffs and dispels. Make sure to overpower this team to clear this floor.

Floor 523

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Carol IconCarol MementoMori - Sabrina IconSabrina MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Hathor IconHathor

Carol will be increasing her team's DEF so bring a unit that either decreases DEF or hinder their actions with action-hindering debuffs (Sleep, Silence, etc). Make sure that your attacker is well equipped and have increased their DEF Break from their Chest Armor using Augmenting Dark equipments or Dark Perfume.

Floor 565

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Olivia IconOlivia MementoMori - Carol IconCarol MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn

Use burst-damage characters to clear this stage. Just like Floor 523, Carol will be decreasing your DEF so bring a dispeller that can counter that. Bring buffers to your team increase your DEF, SPD or ATK like Primavera who can use her Songstress's Gospel to increase her team's SPD and ATK.

Floor 605

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Freesia IconFreesia MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Carol IconCarol MementoMori - Dian IconDian MementoMori - Sabrina IconSabrina

In this floor, you'll encounter an EVD duo, a healer and a debuffer that will decrease your DEF. Make sure you bring a dispeller to counter that, and buffers that can help you increase your DEF, SPD and ATK. In this case, we added Apostle Rosalie in the mix so that the debuffs that her team receives can help make her tanky and increase her offensive capabilities. Improve your DPS' ATK and PM. DEF Break, to be able to inflict more damage to the enemies.

Floor 658

Floor Enemies
MementoMori - Belle IconBelle MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Amour IconAmour MementoMori - Fenrir IconFenrir MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina

In this floor, you'll encounter pretty stubborn tanks,and a buffer that decreases cooldown. Belle and Nina will definitely inflict huge damage to your team so make sure to bring a character that can shield you from damage like those with [Multi-Barrier] or [Force Field]. We still use Apostle Rosalie in this team and put her in between our attackers to decrease the damage they take.

Tower of Infinity Tips

Get Ready to Switch Gear Between Your Witches

Equipment Switching - MementoMori

When you finally unlock the Soul towers, you'll be moving your best gear between a lot of witches, especially the gear pieces equipped by your main attacker, as well as any attached runes. It can be annoying to do this all the time, but if you want optimal results, you'll need to be patient and remove your main attacker's gear to give them to your other main attacker for a specific Soul tower.

How to Collect and Enhance Unique Weapons and Gear Sets

Switch Between Tower of Infinity, the Main Quest, and Other Trial Modes Regularly

Tower of Infinity  - MementoMori

We said earlier that the Tower of Infinity gives you enough resources to progress through the Main Quest, but this also goes the other way around. The Main Quest can give you the resources necessary to climb up a few more tower floors, giving you better rewards.

When stuck on a floor in the Tower of Infinity, go back to the Main Quest, progress through a few stages, clear a chapter, and then return to the tower. Progression through MementoMori is a marathon, not a sprint, so take your time.

There are also other Trial modes you can gather resources from, such as the Cave of Space-Time and the Fountain of Prayers.

Keep Your Tickets of Infinity

Tickets of Infinity - MementoMori

Just like with Boss Tickets, don't use your Tickets of Infinity immediately. Instead, save them so when you get to floors beyond 200/250, where you can farm lots of materials and gear to make your witches more powerful.

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Tips and Tricks Partial  Banner - MementoMori

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Tower of Infinity Guide


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