
Rusalka Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Rusalka is one of the Witches of Qlipha who drowned an entire country under a torrential rainfall. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories!

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Rusalka Profile and Memories

Rusalka Profile

"Everything should just drown."
- Rusalka

The Witch of Qlipha who had lain at the bottom of a lake in the Kingdom of Chekkos. Her rain fell endlessly for 100 years, plunging most of the kingdom underwater. Born with a frail body, Rusalka spent most days bedridden and reading books — her favorites being romance novels.

Soul MementoMori - Radiance Icon Type MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon
Height 161 cm Weight 39 kg
Bloodtype AB Birthday 11-Jun
Lament Ⅲ. THE RAIN
Japanese VA Ayaka Ohashi

Rusalka Story

“If boredom kills you, then I wonder what love does...”
- Rusalka

Rusalka was born a witch, but she was also a sickly girl who was barely able to leave her bed. But instead of dreary days of staring at the ceiling, her early life was filled with color. This is all thanks to her brother, who would visit her room daily to play with her and give her a book to read every day.

This display of kindness from her brother led to Rusalka falling in love. While she knew what this feeling was, communicating what she felt was a challenge she had only read about in her books. Rusalka spent a long time gathering the courage to confess to no avail, until one fateful day.

A plague had broken out in the village. Being a witch, Rusalka was naturally blamed for the calamity. However, what really caught her off guard was that her brother was part of the group that came for her. And instead of defending Rusalka, her beloved brother betrayed her with scathing words of his true feelings of disgust towards her. He then pushed her into the lake.

As she teetered between life and death, the Duke eventually pulled her out. She learned that she had caused rain to fall for the last hundred years, flooding the entire country. But while she struggled to come to terms with the tragedy, she was quickly able to accept her time with her brother—as well as his betrayal—and the fact that she loved him regardless.

Rusalka Personality

Rusalka is a shy, sensitive witch who hides behind a facade of curt stubbornness. But despite having no confidence in her prickly personality or looks, she takes active measures to reach out to others and show care when she can. In the end, though, she mostly keeps to herself to read the books she loves.

Her romantic inclination is very prominent. Even though she considers falling in love a burden due to her personal experience, she embraces the feeling due to her fond memories with her brother. And with the Duke by her side, she may finally aim to take her goals for romance outside of fiction.

Rusalka Relationships


  • Rusalka's brother - A person Rusalka loved dearly, his love for her was merely a facade as he was disgusted by the fact that she's a witch.
  • The Duke of Fran - Saved Rusalka from drowning.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Rusalka is never outright mentioned in any other witch’s memories or voice lines.

Rusalka Memories

Chapter 1
There's a saying that goes,
"Boredom kills you,"
and I believe it to be very true.

Born a witch with a frail body,
I spent my days holed up in my room.
If I'd stayed alone in there forever,
I'm sure I would've gone crazy.

But, the one who changed that fate
of mine was my big brother.

Unlike my parents who wouldn't dare
go near my room, he visited me everyday.
He'd even bring me books so I wouldn't get bored.
A book a day...for as long as I can remember.

Everything I have in my room
was given to me by him.
All the books, all the memories...

If boredom kills you,
then I wonder what love does...
Chapter 2
I can tell who's come home from just
the sound of the front door opening.
The sound of footsteps on the first floor
soon move up to the second.

Hearing them get closer and closer
makes my heart pound.
I get so nervous that I hide under my blanket.

I can look at my brother in the eyes and
have a conversation with him,
and I can say, "Thank you" to him,
but why can't I say, "I love you?"

All the girls in the stories I read were
able to muster up the courage
they needed to confess their feelings.
If I mustered up my courage,
would I be able to experience
a love like they did?
To tell him those three simple words...

The door to my room opens, and my brother enters.

Hey... Umm... I...

The words I wanted to tell him
never made it out of my mouth.
From behind my grim-looking brother,
a stampede of footsteps barged into my room.
Chapter 3
Apparently, a lot of people have died from
a disease that's plaguing the village.

"You wretched witch! This disease is all
your fault! You cursed us all!"

The angry villagers brought me
down to the lake—the home of
the water goddess—a place where
people are offered as sacrifices to
suppress the calamity...

Big brother. I don't know
anything about a Curse.
Tell them I've got nothing to do with this!

As I cling onto him,
cold words echo in my ears.

"Filthy witch. I always thought
you were disgusting."

What's gotten into you...?

"You're always looking at me with
those creepy eyes of yours.
I only came to see you because
our parents made me.
You know, I hated every second
I spent taking care of you!"

He yelled, before pushing me into the lake.
Chapter 4
I sink deeper and deeper under the cold water.
My heart wasn't filled with anger or sadness,
but simply resignation.

As a witch, I always assumed
my cause of death wasn't
going to be normal, but... Heh...
For my life to be taken by my own brother...

Ahh... Well, that was a short life!

I wish I could have gotten to
go on a date with Big Brother.
We never even got to hold hands,
let alone kiss...

I guess my life really had nothing to it...

You know, I loved you, Big Brother...
I... I loved you so much...
That's why... I never thought
you'd ever say those words to me...

All I did was stay in my room...
So why... did you come to hate me...?
Chapter 5
I've been at the bottom of the lake ever since,
teetering between life and death.
After a while, there was no point
looking up at the surface anymore.

There's no way anyone would ever
think of saving a cursed witch,
so hoping is pointless.
No one wants to save... someone like me...

Wha—? This sound...
Someone's coming...?
The sound was slow, just like
the footsteps in the hallway...

No! Stop! There's no way someone's coming!
Because... Big Brother... He...!

I covered my ears,
trying so hard to avert my eyes,
but the sound... stopped right in front of me.

It's not my brother—that much I'm sure of.
And yet, I...

I lift up my frightened face.
Someone's there, shrouded in light,
holding their hand out to me...
Chapter 6
The person who saved me
was the Duke of Fran.
Apparently, I had become one of
the witches of the Curse,
and had made rain fall for
the past 100 years.

The country flooded,
and my village disappeared.
There's not a single villager
from back then alive anymore.
My brother...wasn't alive anymore.

... Hey, why did you save someone like me?
If I'm a witch of the Curse,
you should've just killed me.

It's all my fault that my village,
that my brother, that everything's all gone...
I would've been much happier dying
without ever knowing I did all this!
So... why?!

... Because you heard my voice? That's it?
That's your reason for
coming to look for me?
You didn't even know if I was here or not.

That's so... stupid... You're an idiot...

No, the real me.
I'm the idiot for still
thinking about my brother...
Chapter 7
I still don't know how to feel
about what happened.
Should I be angry...? Should I be sad...?

Despite what happened,
everything I have inside me is
all thanks to my brother.
To him, everything might've been one big lie...
But to me, everything was real.

I lift my head to look up at the sky.
If I didn't, the waterworks would have started.

Thank you for all the kindness you gave me.
I loved you, Big Brother. Goodbye.

One by one, the raindrops that hit
my face begin to cease.
Light slowly seeps through the dark clouds.

My 100 year curse... was beginning to clear up.

Rusalka Media

Rusalka Voice Lines

Login 1 You're here again? That's fine...I guess.
Login 2 Long time no see...I guess.
Home 1 Hmm~ I'm right here, and yet you're still working, huh? No, it's fine. Whatever.
Home 2 Since my frail body kept me holed up in my room, I got pretty hooked on romance novels. 'Cause in the world of stories...I got to experience as many happy romances as I wanted...
Home 3 What's so fun about looking at me? I can easily name 10 other people that are cuter than me. I-It's not like...I hate it or anything, though... Hmph, just do whatever the heck you want..
Home 4 Aren't you working too much? Shouldn't you think about taking a—Huh? You're going to take a nap? Fine, good night... Jeez... Sure, just totally ignore me. I see how it is... ...You're always such a hard worker, so...get lots of rest, okay?
Home 5 If you hadn't come for me, I'd still be at the bottom of the lake. That's why...I'm thankful to you... Really thankful... Th-That's all though, okay?!
Home 6 Happy birthday. Since it's your special day, I guess I'll be nice and celebrate with you. By the way, you do know when my birthday is, right?
Home 7 I don't get what you see in me. I have a bad mouth, I'm not cute... Even I know I'm a pain in the butt. You really do have strange tastes.
Home 8 I never had any friends to talk about love, so I've been having a lot of fun recently. But... you know, you sure could win an award with how many rivals you have...
Home 9 Everyone always says to just move on and find a new love. But if moving on is that easy, then you weren't really in love in the first place. The love I had... may not have been as pretty as others'... but the fact that I loved him... was real...
Home 10 All witches are bound to die in dark, dreadful ways. Falling in love with someone just means you're asking for more pain. Maybe... falling in love with someone despite knowing that... is some sort of curse then.
Home 11 Hey, can I borrow the kitchen? I was reading a few books on cooking and... I wasn't ever able to make anything for my Big Brother, so... Don't get your hopes up, though! It's my first time, so it's bound to taste like crap. ...What's with that stupid grin on your face? You're really weird, y'know...
Home 12 My big brother isn't here anymore... But I won't forget about him. Instead, I'll find a new love. "Do you have someone in mind already...?" Who knows? If you want to find out, why not take a guess? It might be someone closer than you think, hehe.
Awakening 1 Not bad.
Awakening 2 That's the spirit.
Awakening 3 I'm sure you just want to use me for my power. Fine by me—I'm used to it.
Awakening 4 Are you like this with everyone...? Oh...I... see... H-hmm~
Awakening 5 So, a witch's power come from the heart, huh? Then explain this, Mr. Hotshot—why do I feel power well up inside me whenever I think about you?
Awakening 6 You sure do have a few screws loose... But... thank you. I'm really happy.
Victory That was kind of a letdown.
Defeat Hah...
Skill 1 I guess it can't be helped.
Skill 2 Don't waste my time.

Rusalka Lament Song and Lyrics

Rusalka Lament and Lyrics

Rusalka Gallery

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