
Fenrir Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Fenrir is a witch whose sister became the Witch of Wailing Lightning. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories.

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Fenrir Profile and Memories

Fenrir Profile

"It's all my fault. If only I had courage back then... If only I'd been able to protect her...!"
- Fenrir

A girl who longs to be spoiled, bit chooses to put her younger sister Cerberus's needs first. Fenrir yearns to become stronger to overcome a past tragedy where she failed to protect her sister. But deep down, Fenrir is a timid girl who justt wants to cry as someone gently pets her head.

Soul MementoMori - Azure Icon Type MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon
Height 148 cm Weight 40 kg
Bloodtype O Birthday 1-Nov
Lament My Treasure
Japanese VA Minami Takahashi

Fenrir Story

Cerberus' Powers

Her scream was joined by the sudden downpour of lightning. That's my last memory with Cerberus.
- Fenrir

Fenrir was abandoned along with her younger sister Cerberus on top of a mountain, where thunder and lightning often came crashing down. Despite Cerberus being easily scared by lightning, Fenrir would always calm her down.

However, one day, they were attacked by vicious creatures and Cerberus used her power to control lightning for the first time. While Cerberus thought that she killed her sister with her powers, Fenrir actually survived. When she came to, however, it was already too late - Cerberus had turned into a Witch of Qlipha.

To rescue her, Fenrir would need to grow stronger. She would also need the help of the Duke of Fran, who had the power to cleanse Cerberus' Curse.

Rescuing Cerberus

And then we sat there for hours, chatting about everything and nothing.
- Fenrir

With The Duke in tow, Fenrir climbed the mountain where Cerberus was. There, she found her sister crying, before momentarily noticing Fenrir being alive. However, Cerberus refused to believe this, as she was convinced that she had killed her.

To snap her out of it, Fenrir rushed toward her sister despite the bolts of lightning that hit her body. When she finally reached Cerberus, Fenrir lost consciousness. When she woke up, she was in Cerberus' arms. Her Curse had been lifted, and she was safe.

Fenrir Personality

Fenrir is cheerful, steadfast, and protective of her sister Cerberus. She tries to always look out for her, even learning how to cook to provide for both of them. Now that Fenrir has reunited with her sister, she is determined to take care of her better and even spoil her. She also has a clingy side to her personality, preferring to stay by The Duke's side "forever" with her sister.

Fenrir Relationships


  • Cerberus - Fenrir's sister. The two share a close bond.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Mentioned throughout Cerberus’ memories and her 2 Awakening voice line. Both witches play a major role in each other’s story.

Fenrir Memories

Chapter 1
The cursed lightning storm rains down
throughout Lupus.
Some say it's the wrath of the gods,
but it's actually Cerberus's tears.
She cries because the loneliness is too much
for her to bear.

"I'm right here, Big Sis... I wanna see you..."

Then it happened.
The cursed thunderstorm suddenly vanished.
That's never happened before...

Come to think of it, I've heard of a group
that's going around lifting Curses.
If I ask them, maybe they can save Cerberus.

They might be scary...but I told myself
I wouldn't run away anymore.
So, I made up my mind to search for them.
Chapter 2
Master is such a kind person.
He not only travels the world lifting the Curse,
but he also said he'd help save Cerberus.

She waits on the summit,
concealed inside the cursed lightning storm.
It's dangerous to go by myself,
so I'm lucky to have Master's help.

But, I can't just keep relying on other people...
I gotta get stronger so I can at least
protect Cerberus.

After all, the reason she went berserk...
was because of me...
Chapter 3
I hear the sounds of footsteps in the soil.
red eyes float in the darkness.

the night was dark,
and Cerberus clung to me tightly.
But, I couldn't protect her.

I knew I had to run,
but all my legs could do was tremble...
The creatures saw me frozen with fear
and laughed.

With a howl, they plunge towards us.
sharp claws pin me down,
and flithy fangs tear at my neck.
Then, it happened.

"Big Sis...NOOOOO!"

Her scream was joined by the sudden
downpour of lightning.
That's my last memory with Cerberus.

When I woke up, I was alone at the bottom
of a cliff, and the cursed lightning was
blanketing the land.
Chapter 4
Master said the reason our powers go berserk
is because we lose control of our feelings.

The powers of a witch come from within.
Terror and despair caused Cerberus to
transform into a Witch of Qlipha.

It's all my fault.
If only I had courage back then...
If only I'd b een able to protect her...!

That's why I decided—
no matter what happens, I won't cry anymore.
I'll get stronger so she won't ever get sad

I feel determination burning in my heart.
and I look up towards teh mystical mountain.
She's there...waiting inside the violent
lightning storm.

Wait for me.
Big Sis is gonna save you.
Chapter 5
Cerberus was crying alone inside
the mountain shrine.
Lightning was violently striking everything
around if it were barricading her heart.

Once a Witch of Qlipha goes berserk,
no one can reach them.
But lucky for us, Master's staff can.

Cerberus, Big Sis is here.
It's okay now.

When I called out to calm her down,
the lightning weakened,
and she looked at me in surprise.
Tears start to well up in her eyes.

Thank goodness, she's back to normal.
But as I stood there relieved,
her face started to twist in anguish.

"You're lying...! Big Sis isn't here...!
She can't be, because I...I killed her!"

She let out a heartbreaking scream,
and the lightning enveloped her once more...
Chapter 6
In the center of the violent lightning,
Cerberus was there weeping.

What am I doing?
Didn't I say I'd get stronger so that
I can save her?!

She's crying right before my eyes,
calling out to me the entire time,
"Big Sis, Big Sis..."
If I don't save her now, when will I?!

I run towards her with all my might,
only to be struck by a lightning bolt.

The electricity flows throughout my body,
cutting deep into my soul.
I desperately grit my teeth to stop myself
from screaming.

This... This doesn't hurt at all...
This is nothing compared to the pain she's in...!

I stand up, and another lightning bolt
strikes me down.
My mangled body is engulfed in flames
burning and crippling my legs.

The lightning attacks me relentlessly,
tearing through me with each strike.

But I get back up.
I can't bear to see her cry anymore.

The lightning rained down on me
as I reached Cerberus.
She was trembling... so I embraced her
as gently as I could.

It's okay. You don't have to be scared anymore.
Now, let's go home.

Light starts to peek through the thunderclouds.
I see the color of her eyes return to normal,
and I felt myself quietly drift away.
Chapter 7
When I opened my eyes, I was on a bed.
Cerberus seems me wake up, and hugs me
with tears running down her face.
She won't stop apologizing,
so I gently stroked her small face.

I'm the one who's sorry.
I came so late to save you.
And...I'm so glad that you're safe.

And then we sat there for hours,
chatting about everything and nothing.
After all, we have tons of catching up to do.
We need to make up for all the time
we spent apart.

Huh? You wanna hear more about Master,
Cerberus? You like him that much, huh?

We don't have to rush, you know.
We're gonna be together forever, right?

Now them, for my next story,
I think I'll talk about the time I met Master.

Fenrir Media

Fenrir Voice Lines

Login 1 Master...! Welcome home!
Login 2 M-Master?! Thank goodness you're home...! I've been here waiting for you this whole time...
Home 1 Are we going on a trip today? I'll get ready right away!
Home 2 Master, shhh! You're gonna wake Cerberus up. Hehe...I guess she fell asleep while playing hide-and-seek.
Home 3 Cerberus and I were abandoned on that mountain when we were kids. They called us disgusting for being witches...
Home 4 Master, I know you're doing so much for others because you're such a nice guy, but if you wear yourself out, I—everyone will get worried. Please take a break once in a while.
Home 5 Cooking is my specialty, you know. I used to make food for Cerberus all the time, and she'd always say everything was delicious. Why don't we eat together some time, Master?
Home 6 Happy birthday, Master. Cerberus and I prepared a present for you. Here—some wild strawberry jam. It's a little sweet, a little sour, and really delicious!
Home 7 Cerberus is still a child, so she's always coming to me asking for this and that... Even today, I woke up to find her curled up next to me... She's just too much, isn't she?
Home 8 I'm all Cerberus has, so I gotta do my best for her. I don't mind though. That's what big sisters do, right...? But, thank you for worrying about me, Master.
Home 9 Right now I'm practicing how to use my powers. If I'm not ready when the time comes, Cerberus will get hurt again...
Home 10 M-Master, why are you petting my head? I'm a big sister, so treating me like this doesn't make me hap– Oh no, my tail! It's not what you think.
Home 11 ...It was my fault that Cerberus got hurt back then. I just wasn't brave enough. That's why I've decided from now on, I'm really going to spoil her! I don't ever want to see her looking that upset again.
Home 12 We don't have a home anymore, but your country is so nice and warm, Master. So, if it's okay with you, can we stay with you forever?
Awakening 1 Umm...was I able to get a bit stronger?
Awakening 2 Your power is so warm, Master. It helps keep me calm.
Awakening 3 You mean, I had this much power in me, too...?!
Awakening 4 With this power, can I be more helpful to you, Master?
Awakening 5 Cerberus... Master... it's my turn now. I'll use this power to protect you two 'til the very end.
Awakening 6 Master, you believed in me when I said I was going to get stronger... I'll do my very best to not let you down.
Victory Hehehe, did you see that?
Defeat Nrgh... I-I'm not gonna cry.
Skill 1 I'll do my best, too.
Skill 2 Time to muster up...all my courage!

Fenrir Lament Song and Lyrics

Fenrir Lament and Lyrics

Fenrir Gallery

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