
Paladea Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Paladea is one of the Witches of Qlipha who was burdened with the choice to destroy humanity or the world. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories!

【Witch of Justice】PaladeaPaladea Icon
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Story and Profile

Paladea Profile and Memories

Paladea Profile

"To save the world, I have no choice... but to destroy humanity... "
- Paladea

A kindhearted woman who gains the power to defeat demons, then is chosen as the Armed Forces of Humanity's Supreme Commander. But, the war persists, forcing Paladea to make the ultimate choice—to destroy humanity and save the world, or save humanity and destroy the world.

Soul MementoMori - Chaos Icon Type MementoMori - Sniper Icon
Height 174 cm Weight 57 kg
Bloodtype A Birthday 21-May
Japanese VA Aya Uchida

Paladea Story

The Witch of Justice

I've always hated fighting...but I continued using this power in hopes to save others.
- Paladea

Paladea, a pacifist at heart, witnessed the horrors of a demon invasion that ravaged her village. A desperate plea for power was answered by a seemingly divine voice, gifting her with white flames that incinerated the demons. Hailed as The Witch of Justice, Paladea continued to fight, but a horrifying truth emerged - the voice belonged to a cunning demon whispering lies. The world was on the brink of destruction, and the only solution, according to the demon, was to eradicate humanity, the source of the demonic taint. Torn between this horrifying choice and the desire to protect the world, Paladea succumbed to the manipulative whispers.


I can't hear that demon's voice anymore.
- Paladea

Unleashing her now corrupted black flames, she reduced everything to ashes, believing she had saved the world. However, the desolate wasteland that remained sparked agonizing doubt. Did she truly save anything, or had the demon tricked her into destroying everything? A glimmer of hope arrived in the form of a powerful voice promising to defeat her. When Paladea regained consciousness, the world was seemingly restored, a testament to the true power of unity and trust. Though forever marked by her actions, Paladea yearns to redeem herself and use her tainted power for good.

Paladea Personality

Although Paladea is noble and selfless, prioritizing the well-being of others, she's haunted by the guilt of trusting a demon and potentially destroying the world. This trauma manifests as self-loathing and a belief she's unworthy of her power. Despite her pacifistic nature and a deep aversion to violence, she possesses a gentle kindness and a flicker of hope.

Through her artistic side and interactions with others, she seeks redemption and a chance to use her power for good. While her naivety led to past mistakes, she demonstrates a capacity for growth, embracing the power of connection and vowing to fight for the future alongside others.

Paladea Relationships

  • Fenny - A person under Paladea's command. The two regard each other highly.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Mentioned throughout Fenny’s memories and voice lines. Both witches are important characters in each other’s story.
  • Mentions Amleth in her Home 10 voice line. Here, Paladea voices out her admiration for Amleth.
  • Mentions Elfriede in her Home 8 voice line. Here, Paladea says Elfriede was also tempted by a demon, and that she almost destroyed the world.

Paladea Memories

Chapter 1
One day, an army of demons
appeared out of the blue.
They attacked my village...
yet all I did was watch...
Then suddenly, a voice spoke to me.

"...I'll give you power."

After hearing those words,
a white flame was born within me,
burning away every demon in sight.

That voice...
I was sure it was the voice of God.
I've always hated fighting...
but I continued using this power
in hopes to save others.
Before I knew it, people started
calling me 【The Witch of Justice】.

"...Use your power to save the world...
until you use that very same power
to destroy it."

The truth finally dawned on me...
The voice that spoke to me was not God...
It was a demon...
Chapter 2
Years have passed since the demons arrived.
Humanity has continued
fighting against them...
but the world has already fallen into ruin.

80% of the land has crumbled away,
leaving less than 10% of humanity alive.
At this rate, even the little land we have left
will vanish into the watery depths...

There's only one way to
prevent that from happening...
Burn the demons away.
But, they're lurking
in the hearts of many people out there...
not just in mine...

"...To destroy the demons...
you must destroy humanity."

N-No! That's such a blatant lie...!
Surely there must be another way...!
...In actuality though,
it made perfect sense to me.
Demon's don't tell lies—
only the cruelest of truths.

To save the world, I have no choice...
but to destroy humanity...
Chapter 3
I didn't want to know anything.
If I didn't, there wouldn't be any suffering...
I wish I wasn't capable of doing it...
but I was given so much power.

Destroy humanity to save the world?
How could I do something so...
utterly terrifying...?

"...There's no more time.
Soon, the world will be destroyed."

Stop! Don't rush me!
We're talking about me
destroying humanity here!
Having no more time is not reason enough
for me to make that decision...!
There's no way I can just do it
without a proper reason, you know?!
As long as there's a reason...
a proper reason...even I would...!

...A reason?
What I looking for?
A reason for kill everyone...?

A-Ah... No... No way...
Since when...have I become...?!
Ah... AAAAAAH...!
Chapter 4
Destroy humanity...or destroy the world.
To think I have to be the one
to make that choice...!

...I beg you, take control of me.
You have that kind of power, right...?!
If you wanted to destroy humanity,
that's what you should do, right?!
And yet...why...?
Why are you making me choose...?!!

...There's no other way.
If these are my only choices...
I will go with the one with
at least some hope for a future...

The white flame that was
born in my time of need...
is now being tinged in black...
Hehe... Just like this heart of mine...

"Why? Why are you doing this...?
Commander... Paladea!!"

I hear a voice calling from behind me...
But, lacking any courage to look back,
I unleash my flames.

I will destroy humanity to save the world...
With my putrid black flames of justice...
Chapter 5
Nothing but burned fields
as far as the eye can see.
The demon was right.
By reducing everything to ashes...
the world was saved...

Was this really the right thing to do...?
Did this really save the world...?
Demons don't lie.
That's what I believed... that true?
Was that demon
cunning enough to deceive me?

Did I...destroy...the entire world...?!

Ah...Aaahhh... Wh-What...have I done...?
...Please. Someone speak to me...
Say that the world isn't destroyed...!
That this is all one big lie...! Please...!
Chapter 6
Surely survivors are out there.
I continued walking clinging to that belief,
but all I saw were flames.
The people I was supposed to protect...
My home... Everything was...

Why...? Why did this happen...?
I should have protected
everyone's future...right? Didn't I?
Please, someone answer me...
Tell me that I did protect everyone...
That...this is all one big lie...

...Am I really...all alone?
Did I really destroy...everything...?
No... God, no...!
Hey, please... I'm begging...
Someone, anyone...
let me hear your voice...!

"Commander Paladea!!"

I hear a voice.
One as powerful as a flame...

"For the sake of the future
you fought to protect,
I will defeat you right where you stand!"

Ahh... Thank you...
As that powerful voice resounds in my ears,
the black flames begin to disappear...
Chapter 7
When I came to,
the world had returned to normal...
It was true "power" that did this,
not one that's fake like mine.

I fell for the whispers of that demon,
lacking the conviction to put my trust in others.
Even though, as long as strong people
like Fenny were fighting,
there should've been
no way for humanity to lose.

I can't hear that demon's voice anymore.
Was it consumed by my flames?
Or perhaps...
My flames still burn black.
Maybe it's too late for them to
return to the color they once were...

I'm no longer worthy to bear
the weight of the world on my shoulders...!
Even so, if this power can still be of any use...
would you please allow me to help you, Duke?

At the very least, so I can proudly say
I'm 【The Witch of Justice】that
Fenny admired so much.

Paladea Media

Paladea Voice Lines

Login 1 Hello, Duke.
Login 2 It's been a long time, hasn't it. I understand the desire to escape from the weight of responsibilities, so I don't blame you for your absence. Just...allow me to say this. ...Welcome home, Duke
Home 1 I feel a gentle breeze...filled with the warm fragrance of flowers... You have a wonderful place here. If I could, I'd like to bask in this moment forever...
Home 2 I used to draw picture books quite often. It was only a hobby, so the artwork is rather atrocious...but I was able to bring smiles to the children in my neighborhood. There seems to be many young ones here too. Do you think I could make them smile if I started drawing again?
Home 3 This uniform? Hehe, it doesn't suit me, does it. I'm Supreme Commander of Emeria's Armed Forces of Humanity. The highest officer charged with opposing demons and protecting humanity. In actuality, though, that rank shouldn't have gone to me...but perhaps to someone with true strength, like Fenny...
Home 4 Oh, are you taking a break, Duke? If you are, I'd like to make one request from you. Actually, I received some advice from a very talented artist just a moment ago. If it's not too much trouble, would you allow me to practice drawing your portrait?
Home 5 Since you're in a position to lead your people as their Duke, you must be bearing their fate on your shoulders. Not just that–you're also fighting to save the world... You have my utmost respect.
Home 6 -
Home 7 I apologize that you have to see me in this state. As a price for having this power, my body can't move as well as others'. Perhaps great power comes at a high price. ...Or, since a witch's power comes from the heart... perhaps punishment is what my heart wishes for...
Home 8 I heard that Lady Elfriede was also tempted by a demon, and was on the verge of destroying your world... I can no longer hear the whispers of the demon in my head. Was it satisfied when I destroyed my world? Or is it plotting something entirely different...?
Home 9 Fenny apparently joined the Armed Forces out of her admiration for me. I don't think I could've saved my world, but if I inspired someone like Fenny to come out and join us, then there might've been some meaning to what I did.
Home 10 I admire the Queen of the fallen kingdom, the captain of the witch squadron, and of course, you, Duke... I feel like you all have so much strength, with hearts that never waver. Perhaps, people like you were born to be in position to lead others.
Home 11 I was actually thinking about drawing another picture book. Once it's finished, can I asked you to read it? This story is about a girl who is deceived by a demon, but is saved by a kindhearted prince, then goes on to live happily ever after... Nnnrgh.. You can probably tell who this story's modeled after, can't you...
Home 12 I must take full responsibility of what I have done. Although I'm utterly terrified by this power, I feel that as long as I have you by my side, I can handle it. I know this is selfish of me to ask, but would you mind staying with me, by my side?
Awakening 1 I dont want anymore power...
Awakening 2 Are you telling me to fight once again...?
Awakening 3 Fighting means robbing someone else of their life. That's a choice I'm not strong enough to make...!
Awakening 4 A new power's welling up inside me. It feels so warm... much different from my own.. To think this kind of power could also exist...
Awakening 5 This power you're giving me—the power of bonds... It's a gentle power born from banding with others, not from fighting alone.. It tried bearing he weight of the entire world all by myself.. I now see it was wrong for me to do that...!
Awakening 6 Ever a burden to heavy for a single person to carry can become so much lighter if everyone helps support them. Being alone made me terrified of my power, but as long as everyone's with me—as long as you're with me, I feel like I can hanlde it. This time... would you alllowe me to use this power and fight for the world?
Victory I won't ask for your forgiveness. But at the very least, I vow your lives won't go to waste.
Defeat Have I made yet another mistake...?
Skill 1 Behold, my flame of justice...!
Skill 2 If I can still be of any help...!
Skill 1 (Enraged) I'll burn you down in an instant!
Skill 2 (Enraged) At the very least, I have to give it my all!

Paladea Lament Song and Lyrics

Paladea Lament and Lyrics

Paladea Gallery

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