
Sonya Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Sonya is a witch determined to save others from the Curse that claimed her entire family. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories.

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Sonya Profile and Memories

Sonya Profile

"Everything I loved was lost in an instant... But, I didn't cry. I'm a Viking... Vikings are supposed to be strong...!"
- Sonya

A girl from the Kingdom of Vyde. She fights by effortlessly throwing her handaxes, and dreams of becoming a Viking. An admirer of Queen Amleth, Sonya has been traveling to save victims of the Curse. She lost ehr family to it, but she seems unfazed due to her bright, cheerful personality.

Soul MementoMori - Azure Icon Type MementoMori - Sniper Icon
Height 145 cm Weight 43 kg
Bloodtype O Birthday 1-Aug
Lament Passionate Edda
Japanese VA Hiromi Igarashi

Sonya Story

Sonya the Viking

And so I made my decision—one day, I was going to become a Viking!
- Sonya

Sonya grew up being told by her father that her village was first settled by mighty Vikings of old, and she too dreamed of becoming one some day with her own adventures and tales of bravery. Just in time too, it seemed, as the Curse that came over the Kingdom of Vyde arrived at her village, killing her family and everything else dear to her.

But Sonya was determined to defend those who were still alive, holding the creatures off despite being nowhere near as strong as a Viking. When she was about to be bested, another figure swooped in and saved her: Amleth, the Queen of Vyde.

From there on in, Sonya admired the Queen, and out of that admiration came forth Sonya's own power as a witch.

Sonya and The Duke

I still have a long road ahead of me if I wanna become a true Viking, but I'll take it one step at a time.
- Sonya

Having declared herself a "Witch Viking," Sonya sets out to save others in danger from the Curses, hoping to emulate Queen Amleth. But going from one battle with creatures spawned by the Curse to the next, Sonya found herself almost overwhelmed by despair.

But then, she met The Duke, who was also fighting to rid the land of Curses. From him and Amleth, Sonya drew even more inspiration to fight. She hopes that, someday, her adventures will be worthy enough to "become someone else's bedtime story".

Sonya Personality

Sonya is a determined girl who is always raring for a fight, just like the Vikings she admires so much. Cheerful, brave, and a little bit laid-back, she's always game to have a good time and isn't afraid to share it with The Duke.

Sonya Relationships


  • Queen Amleth - The Queen of the Kingdom of Vyde, where Sonya comes from. She helped Sonya fight off creatures spawned by the Curse that ravaged her village. Sonya's admiration for the queen caused her own witch powers to emerge.
  • The Duke - The Duke of Fran, whom Sonya met when she was about to fall into despair over fighting the Curse that was destroying Vyde. Sonya looks up to him, calling him "Master".
  • Sonya's Dad and Family - Sonya's dad regaled her with tales of how their village descended from the Vikings of old, which inspired her to try becoming a Viking herself. He and the rest of her family were killed when the Curses came to their village.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Mentions Amleth throughout her own Memories and voice lines. Amleth plays a big role in Sonya’s story. Sonya is also mentioned in Amleth’s Home 8 voice line where Amleth is confused on whether or not she should take responsibility for what Sonya has become.
  • Briefly mentioned in Chapter 3 of Summer Sabrina’s Memories. Here, Sonya is part of the swimming party at the lake.
  • Mentioned in Petra’s Home 8 voice line where Petra doesn’t know how to feel after Sonya tells her that her claws and horns are cool. This is the first time anyone’s ever done this.
  • Mentioned in Ophelia’s Home 7 voice line. Here, Ophelia sadly talks about how Sonya lost her parents to Ophelia’s crystals.

Sonya Memories

Chapter 1
I was raised in a very peaceful village.
It's said that the ones who settled here long
ago were the mighty Vikings—our ancestors.

Since I was just a kid,
I knew absolutely nothing about the Vikings.
So before bed each night, I'd ask Dad to tell me
all kinds of stories about our great ancestors.

Heart-pounding adventures,
awe-inspiring battles,
and even festive banquets!
The warriors of the sea were so cool
and powerful!

And so I made my decision—one day,
I was going to become a Viking!
Chapter 2
As I got bigger, I learned more and more skills
that an aspiring Viking would need to know.
Like how to row a boat,
and how to use a handaxe.

Then that fateful day came—
the day the Curse fell from the sky.

The world I'd known all my life—
the beautiful lakes, the green mountains...
Everything was crushed by crystals.
...Even my family.

Everything I loved was lost in an instant...
But, I didn't cry.

I'm a Viking...
Vikings are supposed to be strong...!
Chapter 3
Everyone was preparing the ships to
evacuate the remaining survivors.
But then out of nowhere, cursed creatures
appeared and attacked us.

I have to protect everyone...!
I stood up against the creatures without
even a second thought.

...I know it was stupid.
I'm nowhere near as powerful
as a real Viking, after all.

And as expected, I didn't last too long at all.
They beat me up so hard,
I could barely even stand...
Nevertheless, I was somehow able to
distract the creatures long enough
for everyone to escape.

In the end, I wonder if I looked
even just a little cool...
Chapter 4
The piercing sound of steel
brought me back to my senses.
I could make out an eerie light getting
cleaved into two.
Standing within the crystal fragments was...
a black-caped hero...

That was the day I met Queen Amleth!

Queen Amleth saved me, flipping her cape
and leaving without even giving me time
to thank her.

It was my first time seeing Her Highness.
She was so cool...

She was exactly like the Vikings
I admired so much...!
Chapter 5
If only I was as strong as her...

I was empty inside after losing everything,
but something hot started to flood back in.
I felt...admiration.

It ignited a fire inside me, burning away
my despair and panting over
my blackened heart.

I found a ragged cloak and put it on,
standing up as majestically as Queen Amleth.
With emotions overflowing, I ran at full speed.

Without realizing it, my wounds had healed,
and energy started to surge through me!

...So light, I feel so light!
I feel like I can fly!

Now, I can be as strong as Queen Amleth...!

That's right! At that moment,
I became a witch.
A Viking witch!
Chapter 6
I became a witch, and without hesitation
decided to help those affected by the Curse.

But I was still weak as a Viking,
and nowhere near as strong as Queen Amleth.

In the battle against the endless horde
of creatures, the light from the crystals
slowly consumed me.

It made me have nightmares...
of my village in ruins...
and the cries of the people I couldn't save.

And when it looked like I was gonna get
swallowed up by my despair...

Someone saved me—my second hero...
Hehehe...That was you, Master!
Chapter 7
Queen Amleth and Master—
the one who inspired me to fight,
and the one who reached out to me.
You two are my aspirations—my heroes.

I still have a long road ahead of me
if I wanna become a true Viking,
but I'll take it one step at a time.

There's nothing left for me in
the ruins of my past, after all.

That's why, I've decided to only look forward.

One day, when this is all over...
I hope my adventures will become
someone's bedtime story.

Sonya Media

Sonya Voice Lines

Login 1 Welcome back, Master!
Login 2 Master~! I've been waiting for you!
Home 1 Alright! Time to kick some more butt, today! This Viking's ready for anything!
Home 2 As a Viking, I need to take good care of my handaxes! It's almost as important as eating a delicious meal!
Home 3 Queen Amleth saved my life! She's the one I admire most in the entire world! I wanna be a Viking as cool as her one day!
Home 4 If you're tired, then let me help you out! Hehehe, there's nothing these arms can't handle!
Home 5 Master, I'll massage your shoulders, so just sit back and relax! I'll make sure to pound them with all my might to get those knots out—Wait, why are you running away?!
Home 6 Happy birthday, Master! How does a special all-you-can-eat meat buffet sound?!
Home 7 Ugh... I'm so hungry. I hope meat's on the menu today... And tomorrow... Honestly, every day would be nice, hehe!
Home 8 A good Viking sails many ships, fights mountains of battles, and, of course, eats plenty of food!
Home 9 The auroras of the Kingdom of Vyde are sooo beautiful! Would you like to see them with me someday, Master?
Home 10 No matter what happens, if you just live your life, everything will work out. Just eat, sleep, and before you know it, a new day will be here.
Home 11 Master, you're so wise and kind... You kind of remind me of Queen Amleth... Oh! I know! I think you look great in a black cape— just like Her Highness!
Home 12 I have two heroes now. The first is Queen Amleth, of course. And as for the second... it's you, Master! Hehehe...!
Awakening 1 Whoa, I've gotten stronger!
Awakening 2 Hehe, I'm just getting started!
Awakening 3 Time to unleash my full Viking power! HOO! HAA! What do you think, Master! Am I as cool as Queen Amleth?
Awakening 4 Hehehe...! Master, you've got quite the belly! You'd definitely make a fine Viking!
Awakening 5 I... can't believe I've gotten this strong! Alright! Now I'll be the one to protect you, Master!
Awakening 6 When we join forces Master, I feel like we can conquer the Seven Seas...! We're the strongest Vikings in the world!
Victory Alright! Victory is ours! Skal!
Defeat Ugh... I guess I didn't eat enough...
Skill 1 Ready? Here I go~!
Skill 2 I've got a surprise for you!

Sonya Lament Song and Lyrics

Sonya Lament and Lyrics

Sonya Gallery

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