
Buffs and Debuffs Guide


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Buffs and Debuffs Guide

Understanding Buffs and Debuffs can decide whether or not you win a fight in MementoMori. Read on to find out what Buffs and Debuffs are, as well as the other Effects that are in the game.

Buffs and Debuffs Guide

Buffs and Debuffs Explanation

Buffs and Debuffs - MementoMori

In MementoMori, there are three different Effects that can put you and your enemies in different states during battle. These effects are roughly divided into one of three categories: Buffs, Debuffs, and Other effects.

Buffs give characters an advantage during battle, while debuffs put them at a disadvantage during battle. Debuffs have a stat that affects the chance that they'll hit a target called Debuff ACC, and a stat that determines whether they'll resist a debuff called Debuff RES.

Certain characters also can dispel (get rid of) buffs and debuffs, or copy them onto specific targets.

Buffs and Debuffs Last A Specific Number of Turns

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Each buff or debuff has a specific number of turns that its effects will last, and some skills can make them last even longer. Once the turns are up, the effect is dispelled.

Buffs and Debuffs Can't Overlap

Buffs and Debuffs and Stuff - MementoMori

Buffs and debuffs can't overlap with each other, but other effects can. For example, if one of your witches is already enhanced with an effect that increases their CRIT chance, then another ally grants them a different effect that increases their CRIT chance, then those effects can overlap.

Meanwhile, if buffs and debuffs overlap each other on the same target, then the newest buff or debuff will take precedence and overwrite the old one.

Buffs and Debuffs Can Stack

Battle in MementoMori

Some buffs and debuffs can stack on each other up to a certain limit. For example, the Level 1 version of Florence's 'The Saint's Guardian' skill, which increases her CRIT chance by 2% per turn, can stack up to a maximum of 30%.

Certain Buffs or Debuffs Cannot Be Dispelled

The Saint

If a buff or debuff has the phrase '(cannot be dispelled)' in its description, it cannot be dispelled by another character. They don't even have a turn count, and are not affected by Debuff ACC or Debuff RES. These buffs/debuffs typically last either until the character who has them is defeated, or the battle ends.

List of Buffs and Debuffs

Buffs Debuffs
Increased Stat Decreased Stat
Increased Damage Dealing Decreased Damage Dealing
Decreased Damage Taken Increased Damage Taken
Increased Incoming Healing Potency Fainted
Invulnerable Sleep
Multi-Barrier Confusion
Shield Silence
Force Field Poison/Burn/Bleed/Erosion
Debuff Immunity Blight
Unhindered Buff Immunity
Taunt Bind
Stealth Resonance
Invisibility Decreased Incoming Healing Potency
Counter-XX Delay
Regeneration Enfeeble
Immortality Aggravation
Counter Shift

Explanation of Buffs

Name of Effect Explanation
Increased Stat Increases a specific stat. The increase is decided using the stat's value at the start of the battle.
Increased Damage Dealing Increases the damage a character deals when they attack.
Decreased Damage Taken Decreases the damage a character takes when they are attacked.
Increased Incoming Healing Potency Increases the amount of HP restored.
Invulnerable Nullifies damage a character takes.
Multi-Barrier Provides a multi-layered barrier. When a character takes damage, the damage is nullified but 1 barrier layer is depleted. When overlapping with the 'Invulnerable' buff, a barrier layer is not depleted. When overlapping with the 'Shield' buff, the Multi-Barrier is used first.
Shield Provides a shield that nullifies a designated amount of damage. If a character takes damage that exceeds what the shield can nullify, the shield will be depleted, and the character will take the remaining damage. If the Shield overlaps with the 'Invulnerable' status, then the Shield will not be depleted. If the Shield overlaps with the Multi-Barrier status, then the Multi-Barrier will be used first.
Force Field Reduces a designated amount of damage from attacks. Shield, resonance, and devotion are calculated after the damage is reduced via force field..
Debuff Immunity Prevents the target character from getting debuffs. This does not dispel any debuffs the target character already has.
Unhindered Prevents the target character from getting action-hindering debuffs ('Fainted,' 'Sleep,' 'Confusion,' and 'Silence.'). Does not dispel any action-hindering debuffs the character already has.
Taunt Turns the target character into the target of enemy attacks with random targeting. Does not work on enemy attacks made to hit specific targets.
Stealth Prevents a character from being targeted by single-target enemy attacks. However, the character can still be hit by an attack made by the enemy directly in front of them. Can be nullified by the 'Invisibility' buff if all allies are granted Stealth or the 'Invisibility' buff.
Invisibility Prevents a character from being targeted by enemy attacks and skills. But this also prevents that character from being targeted by allies. If all allies are enhanced with Invisibility, this buff's effect is nullified.
Counter-XX Gives a character a chance to counter an enemy attack by inflicting a specific debuff on the attacker.
Regeneration Restores a specific amount of HP to a character each turn.
Immortality If a character takes damage that would reduce their HP to zero, they will instead survive with 1 HP remaining. This includes damage from attacks, Poison, debuffs that deal continuous damage, Resonance, Devotion, and Counter.
Counter Shift Allows a character to deal a designated amount of damage to a specific enemy instead of dealing a regular Counter when attacked.
Devotion Allows a character to take a designated amount of damage from an attack that is targeting another ally. If a character takes damage via both Devotion and Resonance at the same time, the damage is totaled together but counted as only 1 instance of taking damage.

Explanation of Debuffs

Name of Effect Explanation
Decreased Stat Decreases a specified stat. The decrease is calculated using the stat's value at the start of the battle as a reference.
Decreased Damage Dealing Decreases the damage a character deals when they attack.
Increased Damage Taken Increases the damage a character takes when they are attacked.
Fainted Makes a character unable to deal basic attacks or use skills for a specified number of turns.
Sleep Makes a character unable to deal basic attacks or use skills for a specified number of turns. Can be dispelled either after a specific number of turns or other conditions.
Confusion Makes a character target either enemies or allies at random when making attacks or using skills. Skills that make allies targets, as well as skills that affect allies and enemies at the same time, are not affected .
Silence Makes a character unable to use skills and can only deal basic attacks.
Poison/Burn/Bleed/Erosion Makes a character take a specific amount of continuous damage each turn. Poison and Burn make the afflicted character take continuous damage based on a percentage of their current HP. Bleed meanwhile makes the afflicted character take damage based on a percentage of the inflictor's ATK, and Erosion makes the afflicted character take continuous damage based on a percentage of the total damage deal by the skill that inflicted Erosion.
Blight Nullifies all forms of healing, including skills that restore HP, grant Regeneration, or use HP drain.
Buff Immunity Prevents buffs from being granted to a character. Does not nullify buffs that the character already has. Also does not affect buffs that cannot be dispelled.
Bind Makes a character unable to evade enemy attacks.
Resonance Targets two characters. When one character takes damage, a specific amount of that damage is also inflicted on another character. If a character takes damage via both Devotion and Resonance at the same time, the damage is totaled together but counted as only 1 instance of taking damage.
Decreased Incoming Healing Potency Decreases the amount of HP respored to a character when they take an HP-restoring effect. This affects skills that restore HP, Regeneration and HP Drain.
Delay Stalls the decrease of a character's Active Skills' skill cooldown times at the end of each turn's action phase, effectively delaying the next time the character's Active Skills activate. The final amount that a skill cooldown time decreases by will never be less than 0.
Enfeeble This debuff decreases a character's ATK. Unlike normal Decreased Stat debuffs, the amount a target's stat is decreased by via Enfeeble is calculated based on their in-battle stat.
Aggravate This debuff increases the continuous damage a character takes. If the continuous damage from Poison/Burn is increased via Aggravation, the continuous damage will not exceed the ATK stat value of the character who is afflicted with Poison/Burn.

Other Effects

Other Effects Explanation

Name of Effect Explanation
If/When a Character is Attacked Causes certain skills to activate upon being fulfilled. This means the character has to have been hit by an attack. It won't count if the attack is evaded, or received via Counter. However, if the character is hit but has buffs like Shield and Multi-Barrier, the condition will still be fulfilled.
HP Restoration Restores a character's HP by a designated amount.
Defeated The state in which a character's HP has dropped to 0 and they are unable to perform any actions.
Damage Dealt The amount of HP an attack deals.
Damage Taken The number of HP a witch lost from an attack. Any amount of damage that exceeds a character's remaining HP is not counted as the amount of damage taken.
Increased/Decreased Skill Cooldown Time Increases or decreases the number of turns of a target's skill cooldown time.
Revive When a character takes damage that defeats them, their HP is restored. This covers characters that took damage from attacks, Poison, and other debuffs that deal continuous damage, Resonance, Devotion, and Counter.
Guaranteed to Hit Attacks are guaranteed to hit their target.
Guaranteed to Deal a Critical Hit These attacks are guaranteed to deal a critical hit, provided they hit their target.
Cut Reduces a specific percentage of damage taken from attacks, Resonance, Devotion, and Counter. This does not cut damage from Poison and other similar debuffs. The effects of Increased/Decreased Damage Taken and Increased/Decreased Damage Dealing are calculated before Cut. Meanwhile, the effects of Shield, Resonance, and Devotion are calculated after the damage is reduced via Cut.
Survive with 1 HP Guarantees that the character will survive with 1 HP remaining. Cannot be copied or dispelled.
Absorb Allows a character to debuff an enemy's stat and grant themselves a buff equivalent to what was taken.
Strengthened Basic Attack Strengthens a character's basic attacks.
Dealing Damage to Self Decreases a character's HP when they use specific skills. Not affected by Increased/Decreased Damage Taken, Cut, Invulnerable, Shield, Multi-Barrier, or Immortality.
Counterattack Allows a character to deal damage back to an enemy when attacked.
HP Drain Restores a character's HP depending on the amount of damage they deal when attacking an enemy.

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