
Olivia Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Olivia is a witch whose village turned on her after she protected it from monsters. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories.

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Olivia Profile and Memories

Olivia Profile

"I saved the villagers from the creatures, only for them to reward me with a rain of stones."
- Olivia

An innocent girl from a village located in the Duchy of Fran. A Curse summoned creatures that attacked her village, and her magic powers awakened from her desire to save everyone. Olivia helps others without hesitation, and is loved by all the friends she has made in the Duke's domain.

Soul MementoMori - Amber Icon Type MementoMori - Warrior Icon
Height 158 cm Weight 44 kg
Bloodtype A Birthday 23-Jul
Lament Pray
Japanese VA Miku Ito

Olivia Story

A Small Town Hero

Is this God's plan? If so, it just seemed too cruel.
- Olivia

Ever since she was a child, Olivia was a faithful little girl, never losing her belief that good deeds will lead her to heaven. Olivia comes from a small village that gets ravaged by monsters every day and its people live in fear of possibly dying at the hands or fangs of these monsters at any moment.

In this village, people constantly die one by one. Despite that, the knights never come to their aide. This made Olivia wonder if this is God's plan, and if so, it's very cruel. She prayed "O Heavenly Father, bless me with the gift to perform the greatest act of kindness, so that I may enter Heaven at my final hour."

As if the heavens answered her prayers, she awakened powerful magical powers that wildly overpowered the monsters. She then singlehandedly faced the monsters and drove them all away.

Instead of being praised as a hero, the very same people she saved looked at her fearfully, with the same eyes they have when staring down the creatures that attack their village. She was a witch, and in the villagers' eyes, she's just as bad as a monster.

Sentenced to Death

Why do their eyes fill with hatred when they look at me...?
- Olivia

Soon after the village found out that Olivia's a witch, the Knights arrived and captured Olivia. She was soon sentenced to death by burning.

Right before they put Olivia on fire, she asked why they came this time and why they never came before, it was revealed that they're well aware of the village's situation. They were hoping that the monsters would awaken a witch, which the Knights would then capture and kill. If not, the monsters would eliminate them all and the remains of their village will be donated to the church.

As Olivia was burning, she heard a voice which she initially thought was God talking to her. "...You risked your life to save them, and this is how they reward you? Look at those pathetic heathens. Hell is where they belong. Give in to your anger. Carry out God's punishment, and smite them all. You have that authority...that power..."

Olivia knew that this wasn't God's will, and still believed that God gave her powers to use it for good. She resisted the temptation and the pain. Right when the flames were about to consume her, the Duke of Fran rescued her.

Alone, there were definitely limitations to what Olivia can do to change the world. Now, with the help of the Duke and the other witches, they could change the world for the better.

Olivia Personality

Olivia is a very faithful young woman. Ever since she was a child, she always believed in God and never lost her faith. She's also very courageous and heroic, as she singlehandedly faced the monsters attacking her village once she awakened her powers.

Olivia Relationships


  • Duke of Fran - Rescued her from her death sentence. He later granted her refuge in his mansion.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Olivia is never outright mentioned in any other witch’s memories or voice lines.

Olivia Memories

Chapter 1
Ever since I was a child, I have been told
that performing good deeds shall earn us
a place in Heaven.

Day after day, my village is attacked
by cursed creatures.

Everyone is killed one by one,
regardless of gender or class.
I live in fear knowing that
any day could be my last.
But despite our peril, the Knights
do not answer our calls for help.

Is this God's plan?
If so, it just seemed too cruel.

So, I prayed to God...
for the power to save my village.
"O Heavenly Father, bless me with the gift
to perform the greatest act of kindness,
so that I may enter Heaven at my final hour."
Chapter 2
It was as if my prayer had
made its way to Heaven,
and God Himself answered.

I was awakened to a magical power that
surpasses those of the cursed creatures—
the power of a witch.

I picked up a lance lying on the ground
and desperately fought off the creatures
as they came for me.
Their dreadful fangs and sharp claws
terrified me to death,
but I did not lose hope.

I remained steadfast.
Though I nearly succumbed to
the wounds they inflicted on me,
I somehow managed to drive them away.

"A witch! There's a witch over here!"
"M-Monster! Don't come any closer!"

I saved the villagers from the creatures,
only for them to reward me with
a rain of stones.
Chapter 3
In the villagers' eyes, a witch like myself is
no different than a cursed creatures.

They glare at me with eyes filled with
fear and scorn, hurling abuses as loudly
as they can.
But, I did not mind.
I was just happy they were still alive.

I am sure they are just frightened.
Having lost so much, they merely do not know
what to do with their sadness and anger.

If casting your pain onto me offers you
even the smallest amount of deliverance,
I shall gladly welcome it all.
...But, before I could tell them that,
the rumble of hooves resounds
throughout the village.

It was a band of Knights
from the Church of Longinus.
They had come to capture the "witch."

How in the world did they
learn about what happened here?
We sought their protection
countless times before, but never once
did they appear in our village.
So why now...?
Chapter 4
I was bound on top of the scaffold.
As the Knights raised their torches,
I spoke to them.

"...Honorable Knights,
where have you been until now?"

The one who gave me their answer
was their commander.

"...We were nearby, waiting for
the village to be decimated,
or for a witch to rise and protect it.
If the village fell, what remained would
be offered to the Church as alms.
But if a witch appeared,
we were to capture it after
all the creatures were killed off."

Oblivious to this scheme, the villagers were
all calling for justice to be executed on
the witch bound before them.

I recognize many faces amongst those who
congregate near the banner of the Church.

Why do their eyes fill with hatred
when they look at me...?
What in the world did I fight for...?

The flames start to rise from my feet.
I gasp for air, my voice trembling as
I call out God's name.

"...O Heavenly Father. Was I wrong?
Will my lapse in judgement
deprive me of my place in Heaven...?"
Chapter 5
My vision is stolen by black smoke,
and my feet slowly start to burn from the heat.

As the shouting of the villagers melded
with the crackling of the fire,
a voice whispered into my ear.

"...You risked your life to save them,
and this is how they reward you?
Look at those pathetic heathens.
Hell is where they belong.
Give in to your anger.
Carry out God's punishment,
and smite them all.
You have that authority...that power..."

The voice boasted as if it were God Himself,
but I resisted it with every ounce of
strength left in me.

...That is not God's will!
I know He blessed me with
this power to use it for good!
I will never...ever use it
to harm anyone...
Not a single soul!

I repeat those words like a prayer to sway
myself from giving into the voice's temptation...
even hoping that the fire consumes me
before that happens...

In that exact moment, I saw a person's
silhouette flickering from beyond the flames.

"O Heavenly Father..."

As I murmured deliriously, that person
responded with his powerful voice.
"I'm here to save you!"
Chapter 6
"Where am I...?"

Is this Heaven...? No.
It was the inside of a mansion
I had never seen before.
Come to think of it,
I should have been burned to death...

My mind was in disarray,
but a servant explained to me
what happened.

Right as the flames were
about to consume me, I was rescued by the master
of the mansion--the Duke of Fran.

My memory returns...
Ah! He rescued me...!

O Heavenly Father...
Does this mean you still have
plans in store for me...?

...He does not give me an answer.
But, I have never been more
full of conviction than now.
Yes. I have been blessed with
more time so that I may continue to
help those who are in need.
Chapter 7
One day, His Grace asked me a question.
"Have you ever despised your village
or the Church for what they did to you?"

...Not at all. I carry not hate
for my village or the Church.
The only concerns I have are
the tragedies plaguing our world,
and the lives of those I must save.

If I am alone, I know there will be a limit to
what I can do with the little power I possess.

But, if you--if Your Grace and I
were to join together...!

I believe that this is all part of God's plan...
Being able to meet you, and being able to
walk alongside you.

From this day forward,
I may stumble,
but I will not fall.

I shall not become weary in doing good
for the people of the world...or for you...

So that one day, when I reunite
with Grandma in Heaven,
I can boast about everything I have done
to make the world a better place.

Olivia Media

Olivia Voice Lines

Login 1 I look forward to all the good we can accomplish today, Your Grace.
Login 2 It has been a long time. I am relieved to see you have been keeping yourself healthy.
Home 1 Let us make every effort count so we can perform our good deed for the day, Your Grace.
Home 2 How are you doing on this lovely day, Your Grace? Please, have a look at the garden. The flowers are blooming so beautifully!
Home 3 Perform one act of kindness every single day. We will be rewarded with a place in Heaven for all the good we do... Mm... Grandma taught me that when I was a child. I am sure she is there now...with Mother, and everyone else I knew and loved...
Home 4 Are you feeling tired? You always do your utmost to take care of us, so please...make sure to get some rest from time to time.
Home 5 Everything will be fine. As long as you believe. I have complete faith that we will emerge victorious.
Home 6 Happy birthday. The two of us are able to share moments like this because God's love shines down on us.
Home 7 For me, becoming a witch may have been...a blessing in disguise. This power may seem cursed, but with it I am able to do even more good for the people who need my help.
Home 8 Curses...creatures...the Church... What should we do so that the people of the world can live in peace? There must be something we can do...
Home 9 You truly are a wonderful person, Your Grace. You beam with joy as you selflessly save anyone in need of help... I am certain a person of your benevolence is worthy of a place in Heaven.
Home 10 Your Grace, what kind of place do you imagine Heaven to be? For is a place where hundreds of lovely flowers bloom. where we can enjoy every single day with our loved ones... Hehe, I guess it is not much different than here.
Home 11 One day...if I fail to return from battle, please do not mourn for me. I shall merely be going to Heaven a little earlier so I can welcome you at its gates.
Home 12 Your grace, when I think about how I can continue to live alongside you... I am overwhelmed with happiness. When I go to Heaven– No, I shall stop talking like that. For what is important to me right now is this time I share with you.
Awakening 1 This so warm.
Awakening 2 I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Your Grace.
Awakening 3 I shall work hard so I can live up to your expectations.
Awakening 4 I have to use this power to do even more good deeds...!
Awakening 5 O-Oh goodness... Am I even capable of mastering such immense power...?!
Awakening 6 To think someone like me could become this strong... Oh Your Grace... what a wonderful person you are!
Victory Splendid work, Your Grace!
Defeat Please make your escape, everyone! I shall be with you shortly!
Skill 1 Accept this gift from God...
Skill 2 You mustn't lose faith!

Olivia Lament Song and Lyrics

Olivia Lament and Lyrics

Olivia Gallery

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