
Lunalynn Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Lunalynn is one of the Witches of Qlipha who tends to shut herself away from the world but allows her to be captured for her sister's sake. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories!

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Lunalynn Profile and Memories

Lunalynn Profile

"There is no witch named Soltina here. I, Lunalynn, am the witch!"
- Lunalynn

A girl from the Principality of Brook who treasures her younger sister, Soltina. To protect her sister, Lunalynn was captured by the Inquisition, but became a witch after succumbing to their cruel torture. She is a Debbie Downer with no self-confidence, and is quick to apologize for anything.

Soul MementoMori - Chaos Icon Type MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon
Height 167 cm Weight 43 kg
Bloodtype O Birthday 7-Feb
Lament Ⅸ. THE ICE
Japanese VA Kaede Hondo

Lunalynn Story

I, Lunalynn, am the witch!

If only I could just turn to ice... Then I'd be able to forget everything...
- Lunalynn

Lunalynn, overshadowed by her bright and magical younger sister Soltina, lives with a constant sense of inadequacy. Yet, her love for Soltina burns strong. When a vicious witch hunt sweeps the land, Lunalynn selflessly takes Sol's place, enduring horrific torture to protect her sister. The relentless suffering twists Lunalynn's heart, breeding resentment towards Soltina. The thought of hating her beloved sister is so unbearable that Lunalynn yearns for emotional numbness. She finds a cold, white world of oblivion, a refuge from the pain.

Reigniting Lunalynn's Protectiveness

Sol... I'm so sorry. I won't ever leave you alone again. Because...I love you more than anything, Sol!
- Lunalynn

A memory of Soltina's unwavering love pierces through the icy isolation. Lunalynn hears her sister's voice, a desperate plea for her return. The memory reignites Lunalynn's fierce protectiveness. Overwhelmed with regret for her negativity, she's determined to break free from the self-inflicted prison of despair. Lunalynn resolves to overcome her self-loathing and fight for Soltina, the one person who truly matters to her. The once insecure girl now stands ready to face anything, driven by her unwavering love for her little sister.

Lunalynn Personality

Lunalynn is a character burdened by self-doubt and a constant stream of apologies. Her memories and voice lines paint a picture of someone who fears being a burden and struggles with feelings of inadequacy. However, beneath this self-deprecating exterior lies a powerful well of love for her sister, Soltina. She shows her unwavering desire to protect Soltina and contribute in any way she can. When Soltinma is involved, Lunalyn's resolve hardens.

Lunalynn is defined by her unwavering love for her sister Soltina and a constant battle with self-doubt. Despite her insecurities, she is fiercely determined to protect those she cares about.

Lunalynn Relationships


  • Soltina - Lunalynn's little sister.
  • Elfriede - The one who ignited her witch abilities.

Interactions With Other Characters

Mentioned throughout Soltina’s memories and her voice lines. The two witches play a major role in each other’s story.
Mentioned in Artie’s Home 9 voice line. Here, Artie says she is far closer to Hathor and Lunalynn than Soltina, Illya, and Belle in terms of age.
Mentioned in Priscilla’s 4 Awakening voice line. Here, she mentions that Lunalynn is coming over soon and that the two have been hanging out. Apparently, the two share lots of things in common.

Lunalynn Memories

Chapter 1
My little sister Soltina was someone
everyone loved—always so bright and cheerful.

You'd never guess the two of us were sisters.
I can't cook, I'm no good at talking to others,
and I fail at anything and everything I do.
Even this stuffed bear I made for her
looked horrible.

I must've gotten all the bad genes,
while Sol got all the good ones.

But I've never once been jealous of her.
In fact, I'm proud to call her my little sister.
As long as I have her, I don't need anything else.

I believed that from the bottom of my heart.
Until the "Witch Hunt" started...
Chapter 2
Sol's sixth birthday.
When she showed our parents her magic,
they threw her out of the house.

"Filthy witch. I hope you die out there,"
they spat.

I'm not the smartest person.
If everyone says that witches are evil,
then they must be evil.

But... But...!

When I ran out of the house,
I saw Sol curled up on the ground crying.
This isn't right...!
You can't make her cry like this.

Together with the stuffed bear
I had brought with me,
I pulled Sol into a tight hug.

Even if you're an evil witch,
you're still my dear little sister.
It'll all be okay.
Happy birthday.

Slowly, Sol's eyes welled up
with more tears—tears that were
much warmer than the ones before.
And as they slowly rolled down her face,
she let out loud sobs in my arms.
Chapter 3
After that, the two of us started living together.
We hid the fact Sol was a witch,
but the pressure the Inquisition was
putting on witches was growing.

"Witches are responsible for
the calamity that has befallen us.
If we kill them, the world will
return to normal.
Destroy them all."

Those words spread throughout the land,
and the Witch Hunt began.

The Inquisition showed no mercy
with their cruelty.
To this day, not a witch captured
has ever returned.

And before long, the day finally came
when Sol was chosen as their next target.
Chapter 4
The Church's target is Sol, so I'll buy her time.
"You go get a head start," I say...
but Sol stares at me with eyes full of worry.

"You're going to be okay, right?"

"Of course," I smile.
"I'm not a witch, so they won't capture me.
Come on, depend on your big sister
from time to time."

Hesitantly, Sol nodded and slipped
out through the back.
I watched her go, and shut the door.

I hope she didn't notice my shaking body.
I think my smile was convincing enough
at least...

Before long, the Inquisition came to our house.
I mustered up all my courage
and stood my ground.

"There is no witch named Soltina here.
I, Lunalynn, am the witch!"
Chapter 5
The Inquisition's torture methods were
far worse than the rumors.
My body began to break under
the devil's endless games.

But, what was more painful than any of that...
was that I started resenting Sol.

Why am I the one that has to
suffer through all this?!
If only I hadn't saved her.
If only Sol never existed!

My weak heart screams out.
At this rate, I'll even come to
hate my dear little sister.
The thought of that was so unbearable,
that my heart started freezing over.

If only I could just turn to ice...
Then I'd be able to forget everything...

It was then...that a girl
with a spear appeared before me.

"I'll grant your wish."

With her words, my consciousness
fell into darkness...
Chapter 6
I was in a world of nothing.
There were no sounds, no one, nothing.
Just a pure, white world of ice.

Oh, but it's nice not being able to feel anything.
Here, I'll be able to forget about all the sad,
painful things.

Not having anyone here is a bit lonely...
but that's okay.
If I'll only end up resenting you,
then I don't mind staying frozen forever...

I fall deeper and deeper...
In the depths of this world of nothing...
I hear a voice.

Someone's holding out their hand,
as if they're trying to thaw my frozen heart.

A beautiful memory.
She always came to my rescue.
She always stayed by my side...
shone light into my world.
She's the one I was proud to call...

"Come back to me, Big Sis!"
Chapter 7
Sol is always there to save me.
That's why this time,
I wanted to be the one to save her.

But, everything I did only made her sad...
I even went so far as to hurt her...

I hate myself.
I can't even save my precious little sister...
Why am I so useless...?

I beat myself up, but then Sol pulled
something out of her bag.

This... This is the bear I gave you
for your birthday...
Have you...held onto it this entire time...?

Sol gives me a warm smile.

"Thank you for always saving me, Big Sis."

Sol... I'm so sorry.
I won't ever leave you alone again.
Because...I love you more than anything, Sol!

Lunalynn Media

Lunalynn Voice Lines

Login 1 lord. Is this room...too cold for you...?
Login 2 Ahh...I'm so glad you came... I thought you...might've gotten fed up because of me...
Home 1 I need to make sure I don't cause trouble for anyone today... Umm... I'm sorry...
Home 2 The bread that Sol bakes is always so delicious. It's been a while since I've had some, but she promised to make me some soon! Hehe, I'm so excited.
Home 3 I'm sorry... Huh? I haven't done anything wrong, so I don't need to apologize? I-I'm sorr—ahh... Oh...
Home 4 Umm... Are you being sure to take breaks from time to time? You seem like you're just as much of a hard worker as Sol I... I'm sorry... I should mind my own business...huh...
Home 5 My lord, you and Sol are always so nice to me... I wanted to repay you two I started learning how to cook, but everything always turns to ice... Why am I so useless at everything...?
Home 6 My lord, umm...I heard it was your birthday today, so you a present... Huh? Your birthday was...yesterday...? N-No way... I had it all ready to go and everything...
Home 7 I feel most at ease when I'm in my room. There...I can't cause trouble for anyone...
Home 8 I heard that witch's magic comes from their heart. If so, then my ice must be for locking myself away. In there...I can't feel anything—no pain, no despair, not even the hatred I have for myself...
Home 9 Hi, Sol. I came to help you with the cleaning... Huh? You don't need any help? Th-Then at least let me dust this vase... fell over... A-Ahhh... all the water's frozen on the floor... Ahh...I'm so sorry... I just...really wanted to do something with you...
Home 10 That dream still haunts me sometimes... Endless... unbearable pain... that won't disappear even after I've woken up.... I'm sorry… Please… let me stay here next to you for a moment... A moment is all I need… I'm sorry…
Home 11 Is... it really okay for me to stay here...? Everyone else has something they're good at while I have nothing.... Someone like me has no right to stand beside you... Oh... You... really are kind, my lord...
Home 12 It's all thanks to you that Sol and I can be together again, my lord. No words can even begin to describe how thankful I am to you. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I screw up a lot but... if it's for you... I'll try my best.
Awakening 1 Oh goodness... You really don't need to do this for someone like me... I'm sorry...
Awakening 2 I'm sorry you went through all this trouble for me, but...I really think you should give everything to Sol... I don't deserve it...
Awakening 3 Are you sure you're not making a mistake...? These are all for me...? I see...
Awakening 4 I'm so happy... Thank you, my lord...
Awakening 5 This is the first time anyone has ever expected anything of me... so I'm not sure what I should do...
Awakening 6 I still don't have confidence in myself.. but I'm going to try my best… for Sol… and for you.
Victory I'm sorry...but we need to keep moving forward.
Defeat I'm sorry... It's all my fault...
Skill 1 Will this be enough...?
Skill 2 I'm sorry...!
Skill 1 (Enraged) I won't ever forgive you...
Skill 2 (Enraged) If you get any closer...

Lunalynn Lament Song and Lyrics

Lunalynn Lament and Lyrics

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