
Fountain of Prayers Guide


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Fountain of Prayers Guide - MementoMori

Get your hands on essential resources to make your witches more powerful through the Fountain of Prayers! Read on to find out which quests you should prioritize and what rewards are in store for you!

Fountain of Prayers Guide

Prioritize Quests That Give Out Kindling Orbs

In the Fountain of Prayers, there will always be one or two quests that will reward you with Kindling Orbs upon completion. These orbs are the most important resource you can get from the fountain, as they're used to level up your witches once they hit level 80 and above.

If you're almost able to level up a character but need a few more Kindling Orbs, the Fountain of Prayers quests could give you just enough orbs to level them up today rather than the next day.

EXP & Kindling Orb Farming Guide

Get All The Dispatch Quests That Give Out Diamonds and Kindling Orbs

Get all the Gems and Kindling Orbs - MementoMori

To get the most Diamonds and Kindling Orbs from the Fountain of Prayers, send your witches on all quest types (Normal, Team, and Guerilla). Begin with the initial Normal Quests that offer Kindling Orbs and Diamonds.

Keep dispatching your witches on new quests until you reach Rank 8, the highest rank for the Fountain of Prayers, where only high-level quests (SSR, UR, and LR) are available. If the Normal Quest selection lacks Diamonds, refresh it for 20 Diamonds to get a new set of quests. This refresh is only worthwhile at Rank 8.

Use the Refresh feature to increase your Kindling Orb and Diamond gains, but remember that the outcome is random, so use it wisely. This approach will help you maximize your rewards from the Fountain of Prayers.

How to Efficiently Collect Diamonds

Clear Other Dispatch Quests When You Have Spare Witches


The more quests you finish at the Fountain of Prayers, the higher your Fountain Rank gets. If you have a higher Fountain Rank, not only do you get access to more quests, but higher-quality ones that give out more rewards.

So always dispatch your spare witches whenever possible, even if the missions give out nothing but Gold and silver Witch's Fragments. It's free and you'll only benefit from the extra stuff.

How to Raise Your Fountain Rank

Fountain Rank - MementoMori

The Fountain of Prayers increases in rank every time you dispatch witches on quests. Click on the Fountain Rank know how many quests you need to clear to be able to level up. Raising your Fountain rank makes it easier for rarer quests to appear.

Fountain Rank Normal Quest to Clear Team Quests to Clear Quests Available
1 - - -
2 N 1 - N, R, SR
3 N 10 N 5 N,R,SR,SSR
4 R 20 R 10 R,SR,SSR
5 SR 30 SR 10 R,SR,SSR,UR
6 UR 30 UR 10 SR,SSR,UR
7 UR 40 UR 20 SR,SSR,UR,LR
8 UR 100 UR 50 SSR,UR,LR

Rewards Per Quest

Normal Quests

Quest Rewards
Duchy of Fran - SSR Gold x 122000
- SR Gold x 81600
- R Gold x 39360
- N Gold x 17400
Kingdom of Byrune - LR Witch's Shard (SR) x 40
- UR Witch's Shard (SR) x 25
- SSR Witch's Shard (R) x 15
- SR Witch's Shard (R) x 10
- R Witch's Shard (R) x 7
- N Witch's Shard (R) x 5
Republic of Nedel - LR Diamonds x 150
- UR Diamonds x 100
- SSR Diamonds x 60
- SR Diamonds x 40
- R Diamonds x 20
- N Diamonds x 10
Holy See of Hainz - LR Mystery Rune Lvl 5 x 2
- UR Mystery Rune Lvl 5 x 1
- SSR Mystery Rune Lvl 4 x 1
- SR Mystery Rune Lvl 3 x 1
- R Mystery Rune Lvl 2 x 1
- N Mystery Rune Lvl 1 x 1
Principality of Brook - LR Kindling Orb x 800
- UR Kindling Orb x 500
- SSR Kindling Orb x 150
- SR Kindling Orb x 48
- R Kindling Orb x24
- N Kindling Orb x 12

The amount of items you get from the quests depend on your Fountain Rank.

Prioritize the Principality of Brook and Republic of Nedel in dispatching witches on Normal Quests since it is where you get your Diamonds and Kindling Orb.

Team Quests

Quest Rewards
Duchy of Fran - LR Gold x417000
- SSR Gold x 248000
- SR Gold x 165000
- R Gold x 69120
- N Gold x 35160
Kingdom of Byrune - UR Witch's Shard (R) x 50
- SSR Witch's Shard (R) x 30
- SR Witch's Shard (R) x 20
- R Witch's Shard (R) x 14
- N Witch's Shard (R) x 10
Republic of Nedel - LR Diamonds x 300
- UR Diamonds x 200
- SSR Diamonds x 120
- SR Diamonds x 80
- R Diamonds x 40
- N Diamonds x 20
Holy See of Hainz - UR Mystery Rune Lvl 5 x 2
-SSR Mystery Rune Lvl 4 x 2
- SR Mystery Rune Lvl 3 x 2
- R Mystery Rune Lvl 2 x 2
Principality of Brook - LR Kindling Orb x 800
- UR Kindling Orb x 500
- SSR Kindling Orb x 160
- SR Kindling Orb x 100
-R Kindling Orb x 50
- N Kindling Orb x 25

This list is incomplete. We will be updating this as the information becomes available to us. The amount of items you get from the quests depend on your Fountain Rank.

Guerrilla Quests

Quest Rewards
Adrian Empire Kindling Orb x 1200
Gold x 285000
Witch's Shard (R) x 60

Your rewards in the Guerrilla Quests depend on your Fountain Rank. At rank 3, you may get Mystery Runes. The rewards above are from Fountain Rank 6.

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