
Primavera Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Primavera is a witch who inherited the title of The Luminary of Song from her mom. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories.

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Story and Profile

Primavera Profile and Memories

Primavera Profile

"It is my duty to sing...because I am Primavera."
- Primavera

A blind songstress whose magic powers came at the cost of her eyesight. She is the daughter of upper-class nobles, and has performed many concerts alongside her mother, who was a renowned songstress. Primavera is dignified and elegant, but cannot stop talking when it comes to music.

Soul MementoMori - Amber Icon Type MementoMori - Sniper Icon
Height 144 cm Weight 34 kg
Bloodtype AB Birthday 24-Nov
Lament Reverb
Japanese VA Marika Kohno

Primavera Story

An Aspiring Luminary

One day, I shall become a songstress like my mother and sing songs of hope to the people of the world.
- Primavera

Primavera is a title bestowed only upon The Luminary of Song, the highest honor a songstress can receive. Primavera's mother, who was the luminary at the time, was always the leading lady in theaters and was admired by all.

Young Primavera's dream was to one day become the luminary, just like her mother. She wanted the title not for the fame or the honor, but simply because her life's purpose is to sing, and she loved it that much.

Her mother often wished "We live in troubling times, so I want my songs to lift everyone's spirits... and embrace the world with my songs of hope..." Her mother's wishes soon became her own.

She grew to become a beautiful and talented young woman, but her mother still saw her as a child.

Concert of the Cursed

My beautiful world was destroyed instantly—shattered to pieces by the witches' song.
- Primavera

One day during a performance, her mother suddenly lost her voice and started clutching her throat. To everyone's horror, she started singing as if she were possessed. Soon, the other songstresses joined in, as if inspired by the cursed song. The floor below the audience opened up, swallowing everyone and killing them. The knights arrived shortly after to capture the witches and stop the madness.

Amid the chaos, Primavera remembered that songs are melodies from the heart. She poured her heart out into one song filled with prayers in hopes of cleansing her mom's heart. For a moment, her mom gained consciousness, looked at her daughter, and said "...Primavera..." as if she were passing down the title that she's wanted her whole life. In the same moment, a sword pierced Primavera's mother's torso. This did not instantly kill her, as she started to sing the most beautiful song of her life.

As Primavera tried to turn her eyes away from the horror, she noticed that she couldn't see colors anymore and everything started to fade. Stuck in endless darkness, Primavera contemplated on the terrible tragedy that just happened. She realized that she is now Primavera, and that she must continue to sing. She now believes that the one who hears her song will be the one to stop this tragedy.

Primavera Personality

Primavera is a very beautiful and talented singer. She is extremely passionate about singing, and believes that her life's purpose is to sing. There's nothing more she wanted than to be Primavera, so she devoted her entire life and existence to singing.

Primavera Relationships

  • Primavera's mom - Once her predecessor as The Luminary of Song, she captured the hearts of many through her beauty and splendor, which inspired young Primavera to do the same.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Briefly mentioned in Chapter 2 of Summer Cordie’s Memories as well as throughout her voice lines. Cordie often refers to Primavera as just Vera, which hints at the two being pretty close friends.
  • Mentioned in Summer Sabrina’s Home 3 voice line, where Sabrina is surprised by how much land belongs to Primavera.

Primavera Memories

Chapter 1
Primavera... That is the name given
solely to The Luminary of Song.
She is admired by all songstresses,
and is the leading lady of the theater.

My mother was Primavera.

"We live in troubling times, so I want
my songs to lift everyone's spirits...
and embrace the world with
my songs of hope..."
Those were the words she often spoke.

Before long, her wishes had become my own.
One day, I shall become a songstress
like my mother and sing songs of hope
to the people of the world.

I still do not hold a candle to her,
but as a songstress, I shall prove
I have the beauty and splendor
to capture the hearts of everyone.
Chapter 2
Time has passed...
and I have grown ever so beautifully.
Mother says I am still a child,
but I know how elegant a lady I have become.

Why, I have even been featured in shows
as the star performer.

Yet, Mother refuses to
acknowledge that I am ready...
Certainly, her elegance is
beyond compare...
But one day, I shall inherit that name,
and fully bloom into a flower
that will grace the stage with
all its beauty and splendor.

I-I am very much different
from the other songstresses—nowhere near
as obsessed with the name as they are!

Besides, to me, singing is my reason for living...
I do not perform on stage because
I want to be known as The Luminary of Song.
I perform...because I love singing.
Chapter 3
I loved looking out to the audience
from atop the stage.
Seeing them rejoice over
my songs was pure bliss.

My eyes saw a world filled
with nothing but beauty.
No...I did not even try
to look at anything else.

I did not see the envy of
the other songstresses...
the resentment of the poor...
the impending wave that
would twist my destiny...

One mother suddenly lost
her voice while in the middle of
a performance...
Why would Mother's voice...?

When the audience began to notice
this unusual occurrence,
my mother clutched her throat,
writhing in pain.
Chapter 4
As panic took hold of everyone,
out of nowhere my mother started
to sing as if she were possessed.
But...what is this?

My head throbbed in pain...
I should not have been able to
hear her voice, yet her song pierced
straight into my brain.

Is this the song of a songstress?
No... Mother's songs were more beautiful...
More compassionate!

Then some girls started to sing,
as if inspired by Mother's song.
They were all witches,
and this song was their curse...

As the witches' song resounded
throughout the theater,
the ground responded by
ripping itself wide open.

I fought my way through the waves
of people who were trying to escape,
shouting in desperation,
"Mother, stop this madness!"
Chapter 5
I know not if losing her voice
caused Mother to become a witch,
or if becoming a witch resulted in
her losing her voice.

Nevertheless, my mother continued to sing...
all while everyone's screams of terror
intensified throughout the crumbling theater.

I could only watch in horror
as this disaster unfolded before me...
too dumbfounded to even move.

My beautiful world was destroyed instantly—
shattered to pieces by the witches' song.
No... That thing is not Mother...
No more... Enough...
I don't want to see anything anymore...

The theater was devastated even further
when the Knights of Longinus surged inside.
They closed in on the witches,
executing them all at once.

As the floor was stained red with blood,
I looked up at the stage in
one last act of desperation.
Then...I took a deep breath.
Chapter 6
Songs are melodies from the heart.
If I fill them with prayers,
I can reach through to anyone.
Is that not the truth?
If it is...I beg you, Mother... Hear my voice!

I poured every ounce of my soul into
my song...hoping to restore my mother's heart.
Then, she looked at me...her eyes
shrouded in darkness,
save for a sliver of light that refused to die.

She then called out to me...
It was as if time had stopped...
In that moment, Mother named me
the next songstress of hope—
the successor to the name "Primavera."

But in that very instant...
a sword pierced right through her body.

Even as she was impaled by the knight,
Mother continued to sing as radiantly as ever.
But I turned my eyes away and wished...
for this madness to vanish
from my eyes once and for all.

Then all of a sudden...
color began to vanish from the world,
distorting everything I could see.

...No, it is not the world that is deforming...
Is it me? I cannot see anything...
neither color nor light...
Everything...has faded away...
Chapter 7
When I came to, I was all alone,
wandering through a world of
eternal darkness.
What happened...? Why am I here...?
I have no answers... I have nothing at all.

Did I lose my eyesight because
my mother lost her voice?
Did I become a witch because she is one, too?
I do not know what is happening,
or where I am going...

Ah, yes... I must... sing....
I am a songstress, after all.

It is my duty to sing...because I am Primavera.

One day, my show will come to a close.
So, before my very being is
fractured irrevocably, I shall believe that the one who
hears this song, shall be the one
who pulls the curtain on this tragedy...

Primavera Media

Primavera Voice Lines

Login 1 Ah, my lord. How do you do?
Login 2 ...Oh? Is that you, my lord? I have not heard from you in quite some time. Have you been well?
Home 1 Mmm...ahh...! The sunlight just fills my heart with the desire to sing.
Home 2 Hm-hm-hm-hm-hmm~ ♪ Hmm... Lalala-lala~ ♪ Hmmm... Whichever shall I choose? Which one do you fancy more, my lord? Ah, and please—I would be most grateful if you could refrain from saying, "Both of them."
Home 3 "Primavera"—it is a name of honor, and only The Luminary of Song is permitted to adopt it as her own. I inherited this name from Mother...though I am uncertain if I am as radiant as she ever was...
Home 4 Hm? I hear a melody of fatigue emanating from you, my lord. Why not take a moment to rest? I shall prepare some tea at once.
Home 5 There is a love song that I am to perform solely for the person dearest to my heart...but no one has ever inspired me to sing it...until now. So, would you do me the honor of listening? This love song is all of my feelings blossomed into a shimmer, red rose, and I offer it...only to you.
Home 6 Happy birthday. I hope your day is nothing short of wonderful. La-lalalala-la~ ♪
Home 7 I received these powers at the cost of my eyesight. Everyone may say what happened to me was ill-fated but...I consider myself blessed. I is better than losing my voice, is it not?
Home 8 Mother was such a dazzling songstress. Poison took her voice away...and that caused her to become a witch. Yet, she stood on stage till her last breath. Even as she was facing execution...she never once lost her radiance...
Home 9 Ah, my lord. I am about to hold a small concert in the square... So would you do me the honor of being my escort? As thanks, I shall have a special seat arranged for you. Now if you would, please take my hand and lead the way.
Home 10 Oh, rain. Perhaps we can expect showers this evening? Oh? You ask if I can sense these things despite not being able to see? Why, yes. I trained my other senses to make up for my blindness. Even now. Listen...chicks have hatched in the garden. Would you like to go see them together?
Home 11 Until her final moment, Mother reigned over the stage as its most radiant songstress... But when she was executed for being a witch, I looked away in disgrace... even wishing to not see anything anymore... This blindness must be retribution for that...
Home 12 On the day that light returns to my world, I shall go and visit you immediately. I want to take in every sight you have ever laid eyes on for myself... And then, I want to take a closer look... at you.
Awakening 1 I have new music to perform! Now, without further adieu... La~ ♪
Awakening 2 La-lalala-la~ ♪ I must sing more magnificently! More beautifully!
Awakening 3 La-lalalala~ ♪ I shall now perform a new song...inspired by this melody you have gifted me with. It is a song about peace—the peace you wish upon the world.
Awakening 4 I will not allow your show to be turned into the likes of a tragedy. I shall use this power to turn despair into hope... as the songstress of miracles.
Awakening 5 My lord, would you like to join me in song? When you and I—when our hearts become one and sing in unison, I feel... something new will be born. So please, allow me the honor of taking the lead.
Awakening 6 This withered land needs flowers. And damaged hearts need music... These troubling times are what makes me want to sing songs of prayer... Songs that instill hope into the bright future you lead us towards... I pray my songs will reach everyone... La-lalala-la~ ♪
Victory Hehe. I am glad you enjoyed the show. I hope to see you again soon.
Defeat I sense darkness encroaching upon us... Something awful has happened, hasn't it?
Skill 1 The show must go on!
Skill 2 Feel the rhythm...!

Primavera Lament Song and Lyrics

Primavera Lament and Lyrics

Primavera Gallery

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