
Soltina Profile and Memories


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MementoMori's Soltina is a witch determined to save her sister from the Curse she wrought on her own country. Read her profile to find out her story, personality, relationships, and memories.

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Soltina Profile and Memories

Soltina Profile

"If it’s for you, Big Sis, then I’ll do anything."
- Soltina

A girl from the Principality of Brook who loves her older sister, Lunalynn, more than anything. When the two of them lived together, Soltina worked at a bakery. She is bright and cheerful as the sun—the complete opposite of her introverted sister.

Soul MementoMori - Azure Icon Type MementoMori - Sorcerer Icon
Height 147 cm Weight 41 kg
Bloodtype B Birthday 21-Aug
Lament My Stuffed Bear
Japanese VA Yoshino Nanjo

Soltina Story

Soltina and Her Sister

Every day was tough, but just knowing Big Sis was waiting for me at home... was all I needed to be happy.
- Soltina

Soltina had a bitter childhood. When her sixth birthday came, she showed her parents that she had witch powers. But in response, they threw her out of their house. One person did follow, however: Soltina's sister, Lunalynn.

The two went into hiding, where they lived for a few years. Soltina worked in a bakery, and every day Lunalynn waited for her at home. However, one day, Soltina's secret as a witch was exposed, and Lunalynn turned herself in so that Soltina could get away.

Though Lunalynn said that she was not a witch, that was not true, and she got captured by the Witch Hunt as a result.

Soltina Saves Lunalynn

You’re the one covered in wounds, but you’re still only worried about me... You never change, huh, Big Sis?
- Soltina

Feeling guilty for Lunalynn getting captured in her stead, Soltina sought to rescue her. But along the way, she met The Duke, whose Staff of Tikkun could cleanse the Curse that had taken hold of Lunalynn. Together with The Duke, Soltina reached out to her sister, whose Curse they immediately cleansed. Soltina and Lunalynn currently live together at The Duke's estate.

Soltina Personality

Soltina is a bubbly, cheerful girl who is as bright as sunshine and always glad to talk with people, unlike her introverted and anxious sister Lunalynn. Soltina also shows a deep devotion to her sister, who had let herself be captured by the Witch Hunt so that Soltina may escape unharmed.

Soltina Relationships


  • Lunalynn - Soltina's sister. The two have lived together their whole lives. Lunalynn joined Soltina out when the latter was kicked out of the household for being a witch.
  • Duke of Fran - Helped Soltina cleanse Lunalynn. The Duke later granted the sisters refuge in his estate.

Interactions With Other Characters

  • Mentioned throughout Lunalynn’s memories and her voice lines. The two witches play a major role in each other’s story.
  • Mentioned in Rosalie’s Home 2 voice line where she reveals how she started teaching just Soltina to use her powers, and now she suddenly has 10 pupils.
  • Mentioned in Artie’s Home 9 voice line. Here, Artie says she is far closer to Hathor and Lunalynn than Soltina, Illya, and Belle in terms of age.

Soltina Memories

Chapter 1
My story is also my big sis's story.
The only reason I'm here is because of her,
after all.

My sixth birthday... was when I accidentally
realized I had strange powers.
I didn't learn they were the powers of a witch
until much later.

Mommy, Daddy! Look at what I can do!

When I showed off my powers to them,
their expressions immediately dropped,
and I was thrown out of the house like
a bag of garbage.

"Disgusting," they spat.
"If I knew you were going to be a witch,
I would never have given birth to you."

I didn't understand what had happened.
But, this door was never going to open
for me again.
And when I realized that,
tears began falling from my eyes.

The door opened again,
and the one who came flying out... was Big Sis.
Chapter 2
"It'll be okay," she said, befor holding out
a stuffed bear she had made for me.

My mind struggled to keep up,
but I accepted her present.
Then Big Sis pulled me into her warm embrace.
"Happy Birthday." she hummed.

You can't, Big Sis...
You're going to be kicked out, too...

Tears stremed down my face,
and once they started, they never stopped.
I held the stufed bear close to my chest
and wept in Big Sis's arms.

After that, the two of us went into hiding.
Everyday was tough, but just knowing Big Sis
was waiting for me at home... was all I needed to be happy.

But... I guess witches really aren't allowed
to find happiness.
Chapter 3
The inquisition appeared without warning.
They had found out I was a witch.

While I shook in fear, Big Sis turned to me
and gave me an awkward smile.

"I'm not a witch, so they won't capture me.
Sol, you go get a headstart and I'll catch up."

I believed those words.
How could I not? I was so scared...
The Inquisition's famous for their cruel
torture methods.
Not a single witch captured has ever
returned from there.

I escaped outside the city and
waited for Big Sis.
But no matter how long I waited,
she never came.

Where is she...? Did something happen...?
Worry began welling up inside me,
and I remembered that awkward smile.

That's right...! Why didn't I realize it...?!
Bib Sis only ever gives that kind of smile...
when she is telling one of her bad lies...

My worries only grew from there,
and soon, I caught wind of a rumor.
That a witch named Lunalynn had
been captured.
Chapter 4
Big Sis isn't even a witch...
Why did they capture her?!

...It was for me.
She let herself get captured
so I could run away.

Of all the witches captured by The Inquisition,
not a single one has ever come back.
They are all tortured in the cruelest ways...

Big Sis...
You've always protected me, and yet I haven't
done a single thing for you in return.
This can't be how it ends...

Whenever I was sad or felt like crying, I would
hug the stuffed animal Big Sis gave me—
the bear that was filled with
her love and warmth.

...That's right. She's always been
the one saving me.
But now it's my turn to do the saving.
I'm going to save, Big Sis...!
Chapter 5
I wanted to go to where Big Sis was,
but a huge mountain of ice blocked my path.
That's when I met the nice Duke.

His curse dissolving the staff helped us climb to
the summit, and there, we saw Big Sis...
who had become a Witch of Qlipha.

Big Sis would never hurt a fly...
How could she...?
All of a sudden, the ice started showing us
her memories.

The inquisition's torture methods were
far crueler than the rumors made them out
to be, and Big Sis's heart broke from the pain.
That's how to Curse that freezes everything
was born.

For them to do such horrible things to you...
Just you wait, Big Sis. I'm coming to save you.
Chapter 6
Big Sis, there are so many things
I'm thankful to you for... and I'm not
just talking about this bear.
You've given me more than
I could ever ask for.

So I'm begging you...
Don't say such a sad thing like "Goodbye..."
I don't want to go home to an empty house

No one can get through a witch
that's gone berserk.
But I continued to try.

Because I know that Big Sis is kind.
Whenever I was crying, she would always
be there by my side.
Please... come back to me, Big Sis!

Suddenly, I felt Mister's staff connect
my voice with Big Sis.

"...Sol? Were you the one who
called out to me?"

A warm light starts dissolving the land of ice.
Welcome back, Big Sis.
Chapter 7
Big Sis and I are now living together
in Mister's country.
It's a wonderful place where us witches
aren't discriminated against.

She never stoped apologizing to me, saying
that it was all her fault that I got injured.

You're the one covered in wounds,
but you're still only worried about me...
You never change, huh, Big Sis?

There's no need to apologize though.
If it's for you, Big Sis, then I'll do anything.

"Why...?" You can't even figure
that much out, Big Sis?!
Hah. I had a hunch,
but you rally don't know, huh?

This is the perfect opportunity,
so I'll tell you why.
It's not because we're sisters,
or because you saved me.
The reason is much simpler than that.
Must more important than that.

It's because... I love you, Big Sis!!

Soltina Media

Soltina Voice Lines

Login 1 Hi, Mister!
Login 2 Long time no see, Mister! Oh, please be sure to go visit my big sis too, okay? She seemed really lonely while you were gone.
Home 1 Let's give it our all today!
Home 2 Smells good, doesn't it? The bread's just about done baking. Would you like one when they're done, Mister?
Home 3 The Inquisition captured my big sis and tortured her in the cruelest ways. That's why she... People call us witches because we can use strange powers...but other than that, we're just like everyone else... So then...why...?
Home 4 You're working way too hard, Mister! You should relax in your room from time to time, like my big sis does!
Home 5 Getting to be together with my big sis again...feels like a dream. You're the one that made this dream of mine a reality, Mister, so if there's ever anything I can do for you, just say the word, okay?
Home 6 Happy birthday, Mister! Oh, right! It may not be cake...but I baked some birthday bread for you! I hope you like it!
Home 7 This stuffed bear is more precious to me than anything!
Home 8 Lately, I feel like I've gotten stronger, but...what do you think? You know, even Granny Rosalie praised my skills!
Home 9 My big sis isn't just kind, she's also really cute! Just the other day, she came into my room and—huh? You heard this story yesterday?
Home 10 Big Sis! Didn't I tell you that I'd do the cleaning? Just sit back and relax... Huh? You just wanted to spend time with me? Jeez...when you put it like that... Hehehe.
Home 11 Being here with Mister, my Big Sis, and everyone... I might just be... no. I'm definitely the happiest girl in the world right now. Hehe~!
Home 12 Mister, when you save the world and bring peace to the land one day, I believe that everyone will be able to live happily, regardless of whether they're a witch or not. After all, you're the one leading it.
Awakening 1 Wow...! This'll let me protect my big sis even more now!
Awakening 2 Are you sure you're okay with someone like me? Thank you so much!
Awakening 3 I need to keep getting stronger and stronger! For my big sis...! For everyone...!
Awakening 4 O-Oh goodness... Is it really okay for me to accept all this...?! Thank you so much!
Awakening 5 Mister, thank you so much! I... Ehehe... I'm so happy, I don't know what to say.
Awakening 6 With the way I am now, I feel like I could even become the bright sun that shines down on everyone!
Victory We did it, Big Sis! We won!
Defeat I'm nowhere near strong enough...
Skill 1 Time to get serious!
Skill 2 Kaboom!

Soltina Lament Song and Lyrics

Soltina Lament and Lyrics

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