
PvP Team Building Guide


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pvp team building

MementoMori offers opportunities to face off with other players via PvP. Learn more about how to build your PvP teams and recommendations on what to prioritize.

This article is currently being evaluated to ensure the helpfulness and accuracy of the advice presented.

PvP Team Building Guide

Positioning is Vital

How you position your characters in the battle makes a big difference in how well they fight. For example, Primavera can stun enemies before them. It would help if you placed her before the biggest threat to stun them.

Merlyn buffs the ally next to her. If she doesn't have her Unique Weapon, Staff of Sylvan Harvest, try putting her on the edge (either position 1 or 5) to ensure that her buff gets applied to your chosen attacker (on position 2 or 4). If she is equipped with her Unique weapon, make sure that she is positioned inside (position 2, 3, or 4) so that she can buff two adjacent allies with [Regeneration] and dispel 2 debuffs from allies with the highest ATK.

Positioning will matter in PvP, PvE, and Guild Battles. You can try rearranging your team if you're stuck on a level. Sometimes, a slight change in positioning can make a big difference.

Know Characters that Synergize with Each Other

Choose characters whose skills complement each other. For example, having a tank character that can draw attacks away from your attacker is a good strategy. Furthermore, consider your characters' stats. You'll want your team to consist of a balance of attackers, support, and tanks.

To choose your primary PvP team, you will need 2-3 core characters to build your team around. These characters should be strong overall and work well together. For example, a team with Cordie and Merlyn together, or Nina and Dian together may do significant damage when put in the team.

To know the teams we recommend for each character, check out our character pages.

Countering Enemies

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for countering enemies in MementoMori, but we can use some general strategies.

Pay Attention to Enemy Skills

Studying your opponent's moves is critical to building a counter team in MementoMori. For instance, A Cordie's multi-hit attacks are fast but have low hits, so using a team with high defense and placing your attacker opposite her minimizes damage. Soltina, Rean, Iris, and Belle are all effective counters to Cordie.

Similarly, Florence is slow but hits hard, so fast attackers placed in front can absorb her random hits. Stacking Speed, Evasion, and Crit Resist on your team further reduces the risk from her slow attacks. Cordie, Cerberus, Dian, and Nina are strong choices to counter Florence.

Take SPD Into Account

SPD stat - MementoMori

In PvP, the witch that makes the first move gets to deal damage first. So, whenever you are making a team that's designed to counter another team, find out the enemy's SPD stats.

You can take a look at the enemy party's stats from the Battle League screen by selecting the enemy team's portrait and clicking on one of their witches. Look for SPD and see if it's higher than any of your witches. If not, then your party has a large chance of making the first move in battle, giving you an advantage.

Note that SPD stats are not absolute when it comes to determining which witch will move first. A higher SPD stat only increases the probability of a witch making the first move. To raise SPD, you can use Runes. But you should also get units that have high base SPD stats like Cordie, Rusalka, Primavera, and others.

Know if the Enemy Has Multi-Barriers

Multi-barriers - MementoMori

Though witches like Cordie, Rusalka, and Festive Natasha have powerful attacks, they also have a slight weakness: their attacks have low hit counts, making them vulnerable to being nullified by an enemy witch's multi-barrier.

There are a few witches that give multi-barriers to themselves and to their allies, including Meria, Winter Lunalynn, Paladea, and others. So if you see them on your opponent's team, bring along witches with high hit counts to help smash their multi-barriers (Primavera works. Florence also works if she can deal enough damage to trigger the multi-barrier).

Make Sure Your Team Has Cleansers

Merlyn - MementoMori

There are two things you should keep track of in battle: The debuffs your enemy inflicted on your witches during battle, and the buffs they have. Debuffs like Winter Lunalynn's ability to sap your witch's ATK stat can lead to your defeat early in a battle if you don't have a witch that can dispel or "cleanse" those debuffs.

If you notice that there are enemies that either grant buffs to their allies or rely on buffs to operate (like Ophelia and Amleth), bring along witches that can dispel those buffs. Or, if you have a witch like Nina, bring her along to "steal" (dispel and replicate) their buff instead.

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