God of War PS4 (GoW 4)

Perfect Mark of Kvasir + Enchantment Stats and Effects

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This is a page for Perfect Mark of Kvasir + Enchantment in God of War (2018) for the PS4. Read on to know about Perfect Mark of Kvasir +, its stat bonuses, effects, and more!

Perfect Mark of Kvasir + Information

Perfect Mark of Kvasir +
Highest Rarity Perfect Level
Enchantment Stats
Strength - Vitality -
Runic - Luck -
Defense - Cooldown -
Exchange the fully upgraded Amulet of Kvasir + for a Perfect Enchantment that activates Realm Shift, temporarily slowing down surrounding enemies, on a last-second dodge.

God of War Related Links

List of All Enchantments

All Perfect Enchantments

Hrodr's Frozen Shard + Buri's Frozen Shard + Hymir's Frozen Shard +
Bestla's Frozen Shard + Perfect Mark of Kvasir + Jarnsaxa's Fiery Shard +
Dagr's Fiery Shard + Hyrrokkin's Fiery Shard + Borr's Frozen Shard +
Aurvandil's Fiery Shard + Pefect Mark of Protection + Perfect Mark of the Ancients +
Perfect Mark of the Traveler + Perfect Mark of Tyr + Brilliant Mark of the Dragon +

All Unique Enchantments

Leviathan's Eye Tyr's Shard Eye of Niflheim
Eye of the Outer Realm Andvari's Soul Njord's Temporal Stone
Asgard's Shard of Existence Muspelheim's Eye of Power Ivaldi's Corrupted Mind


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