Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Hero Feather Farming

★ Latest Banner - Dust Storm Mercs
☆ New Units - Jehanna Ike, Jehanna Malice, Jehanna Tethys, Jehanna Marisa
☆ Free Units - Jehanna Saber

Hero Feather Farming Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide on how to farm Hero Feathers. If you want to know where and how to farm Hero Feathers quickly, read on!

What Are Hero Feathers?

Hero Feather Item Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Hero Feathers are a type of item that is required to unlock potential in your units, changing their rarity to the next tier.

This will require a lot of feathers, so let's learn the best and fastest ways to get them!

Where to Get Hero Feathers

There are different ways to get Hero Feathers:

Home Screen

Greeting Heroes

Hero Feather Greeting Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

When you log in for the day, you will see that some units on the home screen will be displayed with hearts on them.

Tap on all units with hearts to receive Hero Feathers!

Sending Greetings to Friends

Friend Greeting Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

On the home screen, you will be visited by a friend who has also just recently logged in.

Tap on the unit shown at the bottom of the screen to receive Hero Feathers.

Send Units Home

Send Home Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

In the Manage Barracks section of the Allies tab, you can send any unit home.

You can send home any extra units to receive Hero Feathers. The amount received per unit sent home is shown below:

Rarity Amount of Hero Feathers
1★ 5
2★ 10
3★ 150
4★ 300
5★ 1000

Be careful of who you're sending home, however. Once you send a unit home, you can't get them back!

Arena Rewards

Arena Hero Feathers Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

You can get Hero Feathers as a reward after every season if you've played in the arena.

The amount of feathers you are rewarded depends on your tier at the end of the season, as well as your score on arena Defense.

You can also get 3,000 Hero Feathers if you win your first match in the arena as well.

Hero Merit

Hero Merit Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Whenever you complete a battle, any unique units still alive will earn Hero Merit.

Duplicates of the same unit count towards the same amount of Hero Merit, and 500 Hero Feathers are awarded per 500 points of Hero Merit. These can be claimed in the home screen.

Currently there is a maximum cap of 7000 Hero Merit per unit in the game.

Farming for Hero Feathers

Hero Feather Farm Efficiency Ranking

  1. Sending units home
  2. Playing in the arena
  3. Hero Merit
  4. Home screen

Sending Units Home is the Fastest Way to Get Feathers

The fastest way to get feathers is to send extra units home.

This means that you will need to pull on banners, but after a while, you'll find that you have some surplus units that you can send home.

The Arena Gives the Most Feathers

You can get a lot of feathers through the Arena, but you can only claim them once a week.

This isn't very efficient, but it is good motivation to climb the tiers for more rewards.

Hero Merit Requires You to Spam Battles

Farming for Hero Merit is the way if you don't want to pull on any banners and you have already done your Arena battles.

You can get a team of units and spam a map over and over to get Hero Merit points, however, the amount you receive will depend on the difficulty of the map.

If your units are too high-leveled and you spam a low-level map, you will receive a very little amount of feathers.

Home Screen Greetings Give Too Little

Greeting units on your home screen only gives you about 15 feathers a day, so it's not much. However, it is still worth to log in and receive them, since over time they do add up.

Related Links

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Useful Information

Useful Information and Guides

Building Units

Building Your Heroes
Level Grinding | How to Level Up Fast How to Gain SP Quickly
How to Use Inherit Skill Merge Allies Guide
Heroes You Should Unlock Potential For Which Heroes Should You Send Home?
When Should You Unlock Potential? How to Use the Training Tower
Trait Fruits: How to Change IVs How to use Dragonflowers
How to Get Divine Codes How to Grind Summoner Support
How to Increase Ally Support General Tips for Building Units

Building Specific Roles

Hero Roles
Heroes with Refresher Skills List of Staff Users
Physical Wall Heroes (Tanks) Magic Wall Heroes (Res Tanks)

Beginner Guides

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Five Things to Know Before Starting Reroll Tier List
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List of All Skills How to Get Free Orbs
My Summoner Guide Should I Merge or Fodder Off Units?


Arena Guides
Arena Guide Best Arena Teams
Win 5 Battles in Arena With No Deaths Arena and Aether Raids Seasons

Aether Raids

Aether Raids Articles
Aether Guides List of Aether Raids Structures
Aether Raids Offense Guide Best Aether Raid Defense Units

Summoner Duels

Summoner Duels Articles
Summoner Duels Guide


2 Anonymous@Game8over 1 year

Yes you can keep going until you've farmed the maximum which is 9000 right now.

1 Anonymousover 1 year

I was able to 1,000 feathers from one of the units I had. Is it possible to keep going until you get the most feathers you get?

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