Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Echoes List: All 127 Echo Locations

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom List of All Echoes

There are 127 echoes in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW), which are used for combat, traversal, and solving puzzles. This list shows all echoes, as well as how to obtain them!

All Echo Guides
List of All Echoes Best Echoes

Echoes List

All Useable Echoes
Objects Enemies


No. Echo Tri-Power Cost How to Get
1 TableTable 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle Underground
This is the first echo you learn, find it inside the Prison Cell.
2 Old BedOld Bed 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle Underground
Found at the same room where you found the Decorative Shrub echo.
3 Soft BedSoft Bed 2 TP (▼) Oasis
Found in the house located in the Oasis.
4 ZeldaZelda's Bed 3 TP (▼) Zelda's Room
Examine the bed in Zelda's Room.
5 Decorative ShrubDecorative Shrub 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle Underground
Found at the room after talking to Impa during the prologue.
6 Wooden BoxWooden Box 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle Underground
Examine one of the wooden boxes once you get out of the cell during the prologue.
7 PotPot 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Village
Found inside the first house on the right.
8 Hyrule Castle PotHyrule Castle Pot 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle Underground
Found on top of the shelf during the prologue in Hyrule Castle.
9 Gerudo PotGerudo Pot 1 TP (▼) Desert Cave
Examine the pot inside the cave near the Gerudo Desert.
10 BoulderBoulder 1 TP (▼) Royal-Family Shortcut
Found blocking the main path in the Royal-Family Shortcut during the prologue.
11 RockRock 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Beach
Found at Suthorn Beach.
12 Lava RockLava Rock 4 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano
From the area where you got the Torch Slug echo, examine the rock floating atop the lava to get its echo.
13 Ice BlockIce Block 1 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain Cave
Have Conde remove the snow blocking the entrance to the cave, then find the Ice Block echo inside.
14 SnowballSnowball 2 TP (▼) Holy Mountain Lanayru
Venture deeper into the mountain until you encounter falling snowballs, you can then make echoes of these.
15 SignSign 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Village
Examine the sign on the exit of Suthern Village near the waypoint.
16 Grilled FishGrilled Fish 1 TP (▼) Seesyde Village
Start the Deliver the Grilled Fish! side quest in Seesyde Village to obtain the Grilled Fish Echo.
17 MeatMeat 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Village
Meat can be found inside the first house on the left in Suthorn Forest.
18 Rock RoastRock Roast 1 TP (▼) Rock Roast Quarry
Head inside the quarry and you will find the Rock Roast as part of the main quest.
19 Stuffed ToyStuffed Toy 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Cemetery Underground
The Stuffed Toy Echo can be found in Hyrule Cemetery Underground.
20 CarrotCarrot 1 TP (▼) Hyrule Field
Complete Impa's Gift sidequest and make an echo of the carrot afterwards.
21 Water BlockWater Block 1 TP (▼) Stilled Jabul Waters
After defeating Lord Jabu Jabu, enter the Still Jabul Waters rift and find the Water Block echo here.
22 Elephant StatueElephant Statue 1 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum 2F
After defeating the Link miniboss, continue moving forwards and eventually you will come across the Elephant Statue.
23 Hawk StatueHawk Statue 1 TP (▼) Stilled Gerudo Sanctum
Found atop a pillar where you have to bind a layer to reveal the other half of the ladder up its way.
24 Cat StatueCat Statue 1 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum
Head inside the sanctum from the Stilled Gerudo Sanctum area and find this statue inside.
25 Snake StatueSnake Statue 1 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum 2F
After unlocking the main door in the first area, head inside and find the Snake Statues here.
26 Ancient OrbAncient Orb 1 TP (▼) Eternal Forest
Found beside the stone monument in the Eternal Forest.
27 TrampolineTrampoline 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Village
Found next to the shop in Suthorn Village.
28 Wind CannonWind Cannon 2 TP (▼) Desert Cave
Wind Cannons can be found in the second room in Cryptic Cavern.
29 Flying TileFlying Tile 3 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum 2F
After entering Gerudo Sanctum 2F, head left and encounter the flying tiles.
30 CloudCloud 2 TP (▼) Stilled Hebra Mountains Rift
Examine one of the clouds in the rift.
31 Spiked RollerSpiked Roller 4 TP (▼) Northern Hyrule Field
Found inside a cave north of Hyrule Field.
32 Beetle MoundBeetle Mound 3 TP (▼) North Desert Cave
Beetle Mounds are located inside a cave northeast of Gerudo Town.
33 FireworkFirework 2 TP (▼) Goron City
Finish the Side Quest, The Fireworks Artist, and get an echo of the fireworks afterward.
34 BrazierBrazier 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Forest
Examine the braziers at the entrance of the Peahat Cave.


No. Echo Tri-Power Cost How to Get
35 ZolZol 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Beach
Encounter Zol after exiting the shore area.
36 IgnizolIgnizol 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Forest Cave
Ignizols can be found in a cave to the east of Suthorn Village.
37 HydrozolHydrozol 2 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
Can be found near the teleport waypoint at the entrance of Faron Wetlands.
38 Buzz BlobBuzz Blob 3 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
Found in the swamp area of the Faron Wetlands.
39 Spear MoblinSpear Moblin 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Forest
From the cave where you encountered the Caromadillo west of Suthorn Forest, head left to find the Spear Moblin.
40 Spear Moblin Lv. 2Spear Moblin Lv. 2 4 TP (▼) Eternal Forest
Found at the bottom left section of the Eternal Forest.
41 Sword MoblinSword Moblin 2 TP (▼) Eastern Hyrule Field
The Sword Moblin is located at an enemy camp on the eastern edge of Hyrule Field.
42 Sword Moblin Lv. 2Sword Moblin Lv. 2 4 TP (▼) Eternal Forest
Found near the east entrance of the Eternal Forest.
43 Sword Moblin Lv. 3Sword Moblin Lv. 3 5 TP (▼) Eternal Forest
From the central waypoint, head towards the western end. A lone Sword Moblin Lv. 3 can be found near a buried treasure chest.
44 Club BoarblinClub Boarblin 2 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert
From the Oasis, head north to encounter this enemy.
45 Club Boarblin Lv. 2Club Boarblin Lv. 2 4 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert
Can be found west of Ancestor's Cave of Rest
46 Boomerang BoarblinBoomerang Boarblin 2 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert
Found in the area where you encounter the Club Boarblin.
47 Boomerang Boarblin Lv. 2Boomerang Boarblin Lv. 2 4 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert
Can be found west of Ancestor's Cave of Rest
48 LynelLynel 6 TP (▼) Eternal Forest
Strictly follow the hoof tracks found in the Eternal Forest to spawn Lynel. Straying off the path restarts everything.
49 LizalfosLizalfos 3 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano
Lizalfos can be found roaming the area around Eldin Volcano.
50 Lizalfos Lv. 2Lizalfos Lv. 2 4 TP (▼) Lizalfos Burrow
Found in the deeper parts of Lizalfos Burrow.
51 Lizalfos Lv. 3Lizalfos Lv. 3 5 TP (▼) Wetlands Cave
Found inside the cave where you got the Armos echo. The cave can be found north of the Heart Lake waypoint.
52 DarknutDarknut 3 TP (▼) Suthorn Ruins 2F
The Darknut echo is the first enemy you encounter after getting to 2F.
53 Darknut Lv. 2Darknut Lv. 2 4 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle 1F
Darknut Lv. 2 is the only enemy you encounter in the second room once you enter Hyrule Castle.
54 Darknut Lv. 3Darknut Lv. 3 5 TP (▼) Eastern Wetlands Cave
The Darknut Lv. 3 is found at the deeper portion of the cave located far east side of Scrubton.
55 ArmosArmos 2 TP (▼) A Cave in Faron Wetlands
The Armos can be found at the deeper portion of the cave located north of the Heart Lake waypoint.
56 Ball-and-Chain TrooperBall-and-Chain Trooper 4 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle B2
After unlocking the door on the second to the right part of the map, head inside and go underground, work your way up to the other side and the enemy can be encountered here.
57 GibdoGibdo 3 TP (▼) Cryptic Cavern
Encounter the enemy to the right of the first area.
58 Gibdo Lv.2Gibdo Lv.2 4 TP (▼) Cryptic Cavern
Found in the underground level of the cave, climb down a ladder to get here.
59 ReDeadReDead 3 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert
ReDeads roam the Gerudo Desert, particularly found wandering below the Oasis.
60 Fire WizzrobeFire Wizzrobe 5 TP (▼) Eldin Temple 1F
Fought as a miniboss in Eldin Temple 1F.
61 Ice WizzrobeIce Wizzrobe 5 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain
From the entrance to Holy Mountain Lanayru, head right and encounter this floating enemy.
62 Electric WizzrobeElectric Wizzrobe 5 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
After exiting the Heart Lake cave, head right and you will encounter Electric Wizzrobe on the nearby lake.
63 CaromadilloCaromadillo 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Forest Cave
A Caromadillo can be found inside a small cave on the west side of Suthorn Forest.
64 Caromadillo Lv. 2Caromadillo Lv. 2 3 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum 1F
Find a ladder heading to the first floor and encounter Caromadillo Lv. 2 on the way.
65 RopeRope 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Forest
Ropes can be found lurking in grasses in Suthorn Forest.
66 TornandoTornando 2 TP (▼) Desert Cave
Head north from where you got the Aruroda echo.
67 RibbituneRibbitune 2 TP (▼) Eastern Hyrule Field
Ribbitunes can be found in clusters northeast of the Hyrule Cemetery waypoint.
68 DrippituneDrippitune 3 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
You can encounter the Drippitune near the entrance of Faron Wetlands.
69 Torch SlugTorch Slug 3 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano
Found in the lava area of the volcano near Goron City.
70 Freeze SlugFreeze Slug 3 TP (▼) Lanayru Temple
Found sticking around the walls of the temple.
71 HolmillHolmill 3 TP (▼) Ancestor's Cave of Rest
Holmills can be found inside the Ancestor's Cave of Rest. Remove the boulder on the left side of the cave using Bind to enter the door leading to the Holmill Room.
72 WolfosWolfos 3 TP (▼) Hyrule Field
The Wolfos can be found around Hyrule Field. You can also find the Guay echo at the same area.
73 White WolfosWhite Wolfos 5 TP (▼) Lanayru Temple B4
The White Wolfos is found on the next room after the room where you have to step on two buttons at the same time in Lanayru Temple.
74 KeeseKeese 1 TP (▼) Beach Cave
This is the first enemy you encounter in the cave.
75 Fire KeeseFire Keese 4 TP (▼) Lizalfos Burrow
The Fire Keese are some of the enemies inside the Lizalfos Burrow.
76 Ice KeeseIce Keese 4 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain
The Ice Keese are white bat enemies that can be found in Hebra Mountain.
77 Electric KeeseElectric Keese 4 TP (▼) Stilled Faron Wetlands
The Electric Keese are the flying electric enemies found inside the rift of Stilled Faron Wetlands.
78 MothulaMothula 3 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum 2F
After getting the Snake Statue echo, continue forward and you will encounter Mothulas.
79 Mothula Lv. 2Mothula Lv. 2 5 TP (▼) Stilled Faron Wetlands
Mothula Lv. 2 enemies are located to the left of the Faron Temple.
80 NeedleflyNeedlefly 5 TP (▼) Zora River
Many Needleflies can be found flying over the waters of Zora River.
81 AlbatrawlAlbatrawl 2 TP (▼) Crossflows Plaza
From the Waypoint near Crossflows Plaza, head south and swim through the waters from the coast. You'll encounter Albatrawls here.
82 CrowCrow 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Ruins
Encounter this enemy from the area where you found Octorok.
83 BeakonBeakon 3 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
Beakons are located southeast of Faron Wetlands.
84 GuayGuay 3 TP (▼) Hyrule Field
From Hyrule Ranch, head east and you will find this bird enemy roaming around.
85 OctorokOctorok 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Forest
From the village, head north to encounter Octorok.
86 Fire OctoFire Octo 2 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano
Found swimming in the lavas of Eldin Volcano.
87 Ice OctoIce Octo 2 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain
Found swimming in the icy waters of Hebra Mountain.
88 Sea UrchinSea Urchin 1 TP (▼) Suthorn Beach
Examine one of the Sea Urchins blocking the path to the underground cave.
89 Sand CrabSand Crab 1 TP (▼) Eastern Hyrule Field
You can encounter the Sand Crab on the way once you enter the Eastern Hyrule Field and go right to see a sandy area with the crabs roaming around.
90 BiriBiri 2 TP (▼) Stilled Upper Zora River Cave
Inside the cave from the Stilled Upper Zora River.
91 TanglerTangler 1 TP (▼) Lake Hylia
Swimming on the waters of Lake Hylia.
92 Tangler Lv. 2Tangler Lv. 2 2 TP (▼) Sea Zora Cove
The Tangler Lv. 2 can be found in an underwater cave along the eastern edge of Zora Cove.
93 BombfishBombfish 4 TP (▼) Lord Jabu Jabu's Den
Found swimming in the waters inside Lord Jabu Jabu's Den.
94 ChompfinChompfin 4 TP (▼) Jabul Ruins
From the area with the water mechanism, head right and go down the ladder, head back up to explore the next area and find Chompfin enemies here.
95 PiranhaPiranha 2 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
Found swimming in the swamps of Faron Wetlands
96 Sand PiranhaSand Piranha 2 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert
Found roaming around Gerudo Desert.
97 Deku BabaDeku Baba 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Ruins 1F
Deku Babas can be found in the room directly below the Waypoint on the first floor of the Suthorn Ruins.
98 Bio Deku BabaBio Deku Baba 3 TP (▼) Jabul Ruins
From the area with the water mechanism, head left and go down the ladder, Bio Deku Baba will be one of the enemies in this area.
99 Deku Baba Lv. 2Deku Baba Lv. 2 3 TP (▼) Stilled Heart Lake
The Deku Baba Lv. 2 can be found on path southeast of the Scrubton Smoothie Shop
100 PeahatPeahat 3 TP (▼) Peahat Cave
This is the only enemy inside the cave.
101 Giant Goponga FlowerGiant Goponga Flower 4 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
The Giant Goponga Flower can be located in the middle of a swamp in the wetlands.
102 ZirroZirro 3 TP (▼) Stilled Goron City
The Zirro is the first enemy you encounter inside the Stilled Goron City Rift.
103 GhirroGhirro 2 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano Cave
Found in a cave west of Eldin Volcano Trail, you can reach this location by climbing higher up the volcanic terrain.
104 Mini-MoldormMini-Moldorm 2 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano
Mini-Moldorms are one of the enemies in the Eldin Volcano's first area.
105 StrandtulaStrandtula 2 TP (▼) Suthorn Ruins 1F
Encounter the enemy dangling on a rope inside the ruins.
106 CrawltulaCrawltula 3 TP (▼) Suthorn Prairie
Crawltulas are among the enemies found at Suthorn Prairie.
107 Baby GohmaBaby Gohma 2 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
One of the main enemies in Faron Wetlands.
108 BeetleBeetle 1 TP (▼) North Desert Cave
Encounter Beetles inside the cave north of the Oasis.
109 ArurodaAruroda 2 TP (▼) Desert Cave
Encounter this enemy after entering the next area where you found the Wind Cannon echo.
110 TektiteTektite 2 TP (▼) Seesyde Village
Find this enemy hopping around the waters of the Seesyde Village.
111 Tektite Lv. 2Tektite Lv. 2 3 TP (▼) Lanayru Temple B4
Found jumping across the waters of the room where you defrost the ice.
112 HoarderHoarder 3 TP (▼) Faron Wetlands
Appears as mushrooms in the Wetlands, examine one to encounter the monster.
113 PoePoe 4 TP (▼) Gerudo Sanctum 1F
After getting back to the 1F again albeit in a different area, take the path to the left and encounter Poe.
114 MoaMoa 3 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain
A floating eye enemy found outside Hebra Mountain on the way to the top.
115 Goo SpecterGoo Specter 3 TP (▼) Stilled Faron Wetlands
The Goo Specter can be found wandering inside the Stilled Faron Wetlands rift.
116 GhiniGhini 1 TP (▼) Stilled Northern Sanctuary
The Ghini can be found roaming inside the Stilled Northern Sanctuary rift.
117 Ghini Lv. 2Ghini Lv. 2 3 TP (▼) Hyrule Cemetery Underground
From the area where you found the Stuffed Toy Echo, head deeper inside and you will encounter this enemy.
118 LeeverLeever 2 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain
The Leever is one of the enemies scattered across Hebra Mountain.
119 PathbladePathblade 1 TP (▼) Cryptic Cavern
Pathblades are located blocking your main path in Cryptic Cavern.
120 GustmasterGustmaster 3 TP (▼) Hyrule Castle B2
After opening the door that requires you to light up 3 Braziers, Gustmasters will be inside the area.
121 TweelusTweelus 2 TP (▼) Eldin Volcano
You can find a bunch of Tweelus to the Northeast of Goron City.
122 Temper TweelusTemper Tweelus 3 TP (▼) Holy Mountain Lanayru
The Temper Tweelus can be encountered in the last area before exiting the dungeon.
123 FreezardFreezard 3 TP (▼) Holy Mountain Lanayru
Encounter the Freezard inside the room with the icy floor and scattered ice blocks.
124 SnomaulSnomaul 3 TP (▼) Hebra Mountain
Snomaul can be encountered just after entering Hebra Mountain.
125 SparkSpark 2 TP (▼) Eastern Temple
Found just after entering the temple.
126 PlatboomPlatboom 3 TP (▼) Gerudo Desert Caves
These are the moving platforms inside the caves, defeat one and grab an echo of it.
127 BeamosBeamos 3 TP (▼) Eastern Wetlands Cave
One of the enemies found inside the cave.

What are Echoes?

Summonable Copies of Terrain, Objects, and Mobs

Summonable Copies of Terrain Objects and Mobs

Echoes are imitations of terrain, objects, and mobs that can be summoned at will. Each echo preserves its original function and can be summoned to perform its feature, and/or be used as a platform.

Echoes Use Tri's Power

Each Echo costs a specific number of Tri's Power to summon it on the field. You can check its cost by referring to the number of gold inverted triangles (▼) it has on the top-right corner of the screen.

How to Get More Triangles and Increase Tri's Power

How to Unlock Echoes

Find Objects, Terrain, or Mobs that Emit Gold Aura

Learn Echoes with ZR

You can unlock new Echoes when you find objects or enemies that emit a golden aura with gold triangles.

Approach the object, terrain, or mob and press ZR when the Learn popup appears to learn its Echo.

How to Use Echoes

How to Use Echoes

Select an Echo with the Right D-Pad

EoW - Echoes Slider Menu

Your currently selected Echo will appear on the upper-right hand side of the screen. You can press and hold the Right D-Pad to bring up a slider menu where you can select the Echo you'd like to summon.

Alternatively, you can also open the Notebook menu to select the Echo from there.

Press Y to Summon an Echo

Press Y to Summon an Echo

Pressing the Y button summons the selected echo. The Echo will appear in the direction Zelda is facing.

Limited Echoes Can Be Active at the Start

EoW - Four Tri Power Triangles

Observe the four triangles (▼) indicating increased Tri Power

At the start of the game, you will only have 3 Triangles worth of Tri Power that can be used to summon Echoes. Any Echoes summoned beyond that will despawn your oldest active Echo.

As you continue with your adventure, Tri can power up to increase the Tri-Power limit, allowing you to summon more powerful. and more numerous Echoes.

Press ZR Near an Echo to Erase It

If you want to remove an Echo from the field, approach it and press ZR erase it. Holding ZR erases all Echoes that you have summoned on the field.

Use Bind and Reverse Bond

Use Bind and Reverse Bond

Zelda can bind to an Echo for repositioning, or reverse bond for her to follow its movement. Players can experiment on effective usage of echoes and bind to trivialize puzzles and quests they encounter in the game.

Bind Ability Guide

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Wiki

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Guides
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Side QuestsSide Quests Tips and TricksTips & Tricks
LocationsHyrule Map & Locations Zelda Echoes of Wisdom RiftsRifts
EchoesEchoes AutomatonsAutomatons
AccessoriesAccessories ClothingClothing
MinigamesMinigames BossesBosses
Ingredients and ItemsIngredients and Items SmoothiesSmoothies
CharactersCharacters News and Game InfoNews and Game Info


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You can also access the echoes menu by pressing the L Button. Pretty cool, right?


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