Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Amiibo Unlocks and Rewards

Zelda EoW - Amiibo Compatibility

Scanning an amiibo unlocks and rewards items such as ingredients and clothing in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Check out the game's amiibo functionality and the rewards you can unlock from scanning compatible amiibo in this guide!

amiibo Rewards and Unlocks

Players can scan amiibo three times daily to receive ingredients that can be used for Smoothies. After a certain point in the game, up to three exclusive clothing options will also be available.

Exclusive amiibo Clothing

Zelda Clothing

After clearing Hyrule Castle and completing the Still Missing Main Quest, three exclusive amiibo clothing can be obtained by scanning the corresponding amiibo. These outfits are the Red Tunic, the Blue Attire, and the Black Cat Clothes.

List of Zelda amiibo Clothing Drops

amiibo Exclusive Clothing amiibo
Red TunicRed Tunic amiibo Link Super Smash BrosAny Link amiibo
Confirmed from:
・SSB Link
・SSB Toon Link
・SSB Young Link
・OoT Link
・WW Toon Link
・TLoZ Link
・BOTW Archer Link
・BOTW Rider Link
・TP Link
・SS Link
・MM Link
・LA Link
・TOTK Link
・Wolf Link
Blue AttireBlue Attire amiibo Zelda Super Smash BrosAny Zelda amiibo
Confirmed from:
・SSB Zelda
・SSB Sheik
・WW Zelda
・BOTW Zelda
・SS Zelda
・TOTK Zelda
Black Cat ClothesBlack Cat Clothes amiibo Ganon Super Smash BrosAny Ganondorf, Champion, or Enemy amiibo
Confirmed from:
・TotK Ganondorf
・SSB Ganon
・BOTW Champion Amiibo
・BOTW Bokoblin Amiibo
・BOTW Guardian Amiibo

Scanning these amiibo when obtaining the exclusive clothing does not count toward your daily limit of three scans, allowing you to continue scanning for ingredients after obtaining them!

Once you have the clothing in your inventory, subsequent scans of the same amiibo on other days will provide you with random ingredients.

List of All Clothing and Outfits

Random Ingredients and Materials

Bubble KelpBubble Kelp RiverhorseRiverhorse Refreshing GrapesRefreshing Grapes Electro AppleElectro Apple
Warm PepperWarm Pepper Floral NectarFloral Nectar Fresh MilkFresh Milk Chilly CactusChilly Cactus
RocktatoRocktato Monster FangMonster Fang Rock SaltRock Salt Radiant ButterRadiant Butter
Twisted PumpkinTwisted Pumpkin Tough MangoTough Mango Golden EggGolden Egg Monster GutsMonster Guts
Monster StoneMonster Stone

You can receive ingredients and materials when you scan The Legend of Zelda series amiibo. There are times where you can get rare drops such as a Golden Egg or a Monster Stone.

List of All Ingredients and Items

All Echoes of Wisdom Compatible amiibo

The section below shows the list of all compatible amiibo for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Non-Zelda amiibo are incompatible with the game and will not yield any rewards.

Note that all prices are the original retail price shown in United States Dollar.

amiibo By Game
TotK BotW SS
SSB - -

Tears of the Kingdom amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Ganondorf $19.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Zelda $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Breath of the Wild amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Zelda $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Link Rider $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Link Archer $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Guardian $19.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Bokoblin $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Urbosa $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Revali $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Mipha $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Daruk $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Skyward Sword amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Zelda and Loftwing $24.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Twilight Princess amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Wolf Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Majora's Mask amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Ocarina of Time amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

The Wind Waker amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Zelda $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Toon Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Link's Awakening amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

The Legend of Zelda amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

Super Smash Bros. amiibo

amiibo Price (USD)
Where to Buy
Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Zelda $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Toon Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Sheik $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Ganondorf $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store
Young Link $15.99
▶︎Nintendo US Store

How to Use amiibo Functionality

How to Unlock amiibo Functionality

1. Unlocked After Passing through Beach Cave

You can unlock the ability to scan amiibo early in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom's story, specifically after the prologue in Hyrule Castle and on your way to Suthorn Village, just after passing through Beach Cave.

The Mysterious Rifts Walkthrough

2. Go to the System Menu

Zelda EoW Amiibo Select.png

Go to the System menu and navigate to the amiibo.

3. Place amiibo on the NFC Touchpoint to Scan It

Right Joy-Con Pro Controller

To use an amiibo, place it on the NFC Touchpoint of the right joystick of the Right Joy-Con.

If you are using a Nintedo Switch Pro Controller, place the amiibo at the NFC Touchpoint below the Nintendo Switch's logo.

How to Bypass amiibo Scan Limit

Zelda EoW Scan Limit.png

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom only allows three amiibo scans each day. If you have more than three amiibo, this means you will have to wait until the next day to scan another batch of amiibo.

Change Your Switch's Date and Time to an Earlier Date

1. From the Home screen, select "System Settings". Note that you don't need to close the game.

2. Scroll down to "System" and select "Date and Time"

3. Select "Date and Time" once again and change it to an earlier date and time.
Note: If Synchronize Clock via Internet is enabled, turn it off to have the option to change your date and time.

Best to Change Your Date and Time to Last Year

If you find yourself scanning dozens of amiibo in one sitting, we recommend changing your Switch's date and time to sometime last year instead. This way, you can easily move the date forward every time you hit the scan limit.

Past Zelda Titles with amiibo Compatibility

The Legend of Zelda Games with amiibo Support

The table below shows all The Legend of Zelda games on the Nintendo Switch that have amiibo support and their release dates.

Game amiibo Compatibility Release Date
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild All amiibo March 3, 2017
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition All amiibo March 22, 2018 (JP)
May 18, 2018 (Worldwide)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Zelda amiibo only September 20, 2019
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Zelda & Loftwing amiibo only July 16, 2021
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity All amiibo November 20, 2020
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom All amiibo May 12, 2023

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
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3 Anonymous5 months

You can only get the clothing from the amiibos after clearing still missing.

2 Anonymous6 months

I was also able to get the Black Cat costume from a Guardian amiibo (BOTW).


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