Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Rupee Farming Guide

Zelda EoW Rupee Farming Guide

Selling profitable Smoothies is the best way to farm Rupees in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Read on to learn which Smoothie is the most profitable, other fast ways to earn Rupees, and what to spend your Rupees on.

Best Ways to Farm Rupees

Efficient Rupee Farming Methods

Sell Mixed Tough Smoothies for Highest Profits

Mixed Tough SmoothieMixed Tough Smoothie
Recipe and How to Farm Ingredients
Ingredient 1: Tough Mango, farmed in Mango Rush for 10 Rupees per run.
Ingredient 2: Bubble Kelp, farmed freely in Jabul Waters.

The Mixed Tough Smoothie is sold for 50 Rupees using Tough Mango and Bubble Kelp as ingredients. There are other recipes that result in Mixed Tough Smoothie, but this is the most profitable one.

Sell Mixed Tough Smoothies for 100 Rupees/Min

Smoothies Per Run Smoothies Selling Price Entry + Crafting Fee Profit
8 Mixed Tough Smoothies 400 Rupees 90 Rupees 310 Rupees

This assumes either a Perfect Vibrant Clear or a Near Perfect Ultimate Clear in Mango Rush.

It takes roughly 5 minutes and costs nothing to obtain 40 Bubble Kelp in Jabul Waters. We recommend having the Survey Binoculars, Zora Scale, and Zora Flippers equipped while farming for the Bubble Kelp.

At a cost of 10 Rupees per run, it takes about a minute to clear a Vibrant Course of Mango Rush. After 5 minutes and 5 perfect runs, you should have 40 Tough Mangoes.

With teleporting, dialogue, and RNG taken into consideration, players can expect to earn 1,550 Rupees every ~12-15 minutes!

Smoothies List: All 69 Smoothie Recipes

Sell Mangoes Obtained in Mango Rush

Rupees Per Run Net Profit
Standard Near Perfect: 24 Rupees
Perfect: 40 Rupees
Near Perfect: 14 Rupees
Perfect: 30 Rupees
Vibrant Near Perfect: 40 Rupees
Perfect: 64 Rupees
Near Perfect: 30 Rupees
Perfect: 54 Rupees
Ultimate Near Perfect: 64 Rupees
Perfect: 96 Rupees
Near Perfect: 54 Rupees
Perfect: 86 Rupees

Mango Rush rewards a large amount of Tough Mangoes that can be sold for 8 Rupees each. Higher difficulties reward more Tough Mangoes, and perfect clears further increases the items gained.

Perfect Clears at Ultimate Difficulty nets a gain of 86 Rupees per run. It is recommended to run the Ultimate Difficulty to obtain the most amount of Rupees per individual run.

Mango Rush Minigame Guide

Rupees Obtained Per Second

Clear Time Rupee/sec (Near Perfect) Rupee/sec (Perfect)
Standard 45 sec ~0.31 RP/s ~0.67 RP/s
Vibrant 45 sec ~0.67 RP/s ~1.20 RP/s
Ultimate 45 sec ~1.20 RP/s ~1.91 RP/s

Clearing Ultimate Difficulty is the most efficient stage to farm Rupees. Each run translates to roughly 1.91 rupees per second with an identical clear time from the previous difficulties.

Crafting and Selling Tough Smoothies is Not Advised

Smoothies Per Run Smoothies Selling Price Entry + Crafting Fee Profit
4 Tough Smoothies 200 Rupees 50 Rupees 150 Rupees

This assumes either a Perfect Vibrant Clear or a Near Perfect Ultimate Clear in Mango Rush.

While crafting 4 Tough Smoothies nets a profit of 150 Rupees per run, farming Bubble Kelp for free and selling Mixed Tough Smoothies instead more than doubles the profit earned.

How to Farm Rupees

Sell Excess Ingredients

It is not recommended to hoard ingredients and is advised to sell surplus. Generally, having about 15-20 of each ingredient in stock is plenty, and anything in excess may be sold for Rupees.

Items are Maxed at 99

Any item obtained caps at 99, and any item obtained in excess will be lost. It is recommended to utilize these items by selling them or turning them into Smoothies to avoid unwanted losses.

Equip the Survey Scope or Survey Binoculars

Material Apperance Rate Up Accessories
Survey ScopeSurvey Scope Survey BinocularsSurvey Binoculars

The Survey Scope or Survey Binoculars grant the Material Appearance Rate Up passive which increases the likelihood of obtaining ingredients. Equip a Survey accessory to ease the farming for ingredients to sell.

List of All Accessories

Do Not Sell Golden Eggs

Golden Eggs are the sole exception, as this ingredient is rare and limited in quantity. It is recommended to craft smoothies with Golden Egg instead to better utilize the item.

Golden Egg Locations and How to Get

Defeat Enemies in the Game

Rupees can mostly be acquired by defeating enemies you find along your journey. If you plan to farm rupees, make sure you know a location where enemies usually spawn and beat them in battle to acquire the rewarded rupees.

Combat Explained

Defeat Enemies With the Crow Echo or Goldfinch Automaton

Grants Extra Rupees in Combat
CrowCrow GoldfinchGoldfinch

The Crow Echo can steal Rupees from enemies and the Goldfinch Automaton can knock Rupees out of enemies it hits. Defeat enemies with the Crow and Goldfinch to obtain an extra sum of Rupees when adventuring.

Cut Grass and Break Pots

Cut Grass and Break Pots

Rupees can be obtained from spinning and cutting grass and breaking pots. Cutting grass and destroying pots and objects as you come across them in your playthrough will eventually accumulate to a fortune by the end.

How to Spin

Equip the Silver or Gold Brooch

Rupee Appearance Rate Up Accessories
Silver BroochSilver Brooch Gold BroochGold Brooch

Equipping the Silver or Gold Brooch accessories grants the Rupee Appearance Rate Up passive that raises the chances of Rupees dropping when cutting grass or breaking pots. Equip these accessories when adventuring to receive extra Rupees while exploring.

List of All Accessories

Explore Caves and Open Treasure Chests

Thanks to Mithrandir from our comments for sharing the location of what seems to be the only Golden Rupee in the game!

Treasure chests may sometimes contain large amounts of Rupees. Chests can be often found in Dungeons, Rifts, and especially Caves that reward a lot of Rupees when opened.

List of Caves

How to Use Rupees

Unlock Accessory Slots

Zelda EoW - Great Fairy Tribute

Speak to the Great and Fairy and select the Make Me More Stylish! option to increase the amount of accessories that can be equipped. Raising the accessory limit requires rupees for each additional slot, with each slot more expensive than the last.

How to Increase Accessory Slots

Rupees Required for Each Upgrade

Price Accessory Limit
100 2
300 3
500 4
1000 5

A total of 1900 Rupees is required to unlock the maximum accessory limit of 5.

Purchase Items Using Rupees

Zelda EoW Rupee Farm Guide Rupees

Rupee Color Denominations
Green 1 Rupee
Blue 5 Rupees
Red 20 Rupees
Purple 50 Rupees
Silver 100 Rupees
Gold 300 Rupees

Rupee is the main currency in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, which can also be said for some of its predecessors in The Legends of Zelda franchise.

Collect Rupees so you can buy items, accessories, or clothing you might need on your journey to save Link and the kingdom of Hyrule.

What is Zelda's Max Wallet Capacity?

Max Rupees is 9999

Rupees are capped at 9999, and Rupees obtained in excess will be lost. It is recommended to spend Rupees before reaching the cap to avoid unwanted losses.

Also note that you will also not be allowed to sell items that will cause you to have beyond 9999 Rupees.

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5 Zelda Team@Game86 months

Great find, Mithrandir! Thanks for letting us know! We've added this information to our guide. Thank you for supporting our walkthroughs!

4 Mithrandir6 months

The only Golden Rupee (300 Rupees) that i have found in the game it's inside a Chest in the abandoned Ship during the side quest "The Zappy Shipwreck"


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