Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Smoothies List: All 69 Smoothie Recipes

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Smoothies List and Recipes

There are 69 smoothies in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW), which can be used to restore hearts and energy, or provide various buffs. See all smoothie recipe ingredients, other drinks, as well as their effects!

All Smoothie Guides
List of All Smoothies Best Smoothie Recipes

All Smoothies and Recipe List

All 69 Smoothie Recipes

No. Drink Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2
(Choose 1)
Effect Buy Price
1 Sweet SmoothieSweet Smoothie Restores 2 Hearts 80
2 Milky Sweet SmoothieMilky Sweet Smoothie Restores 15 Hearts, Recovers Full Energy 180
3 Refreshing SmoothieRefreshing Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts 100
4 Refreshing Mixed SmoothieRefreshing Mixed Smoothie Restores 7 Hearts 100
5 Sweet Refreshing SmoothieSweet Refreshing Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts 120
6 Refreshing Milky SmoothieRefreshing Milky Smoothie Restores 13 Hearts 120
7 Milky SmoothieMilky Smoothie Restores 7 Hearts 100
8 Mixed Milky SmoothieMixed Milky Smoothie Restores 13 Hearts 120
9 Salted Milky SmoothieSalted Milky Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Recovers Full Energy 120
10 Tough SmoothieTough Smoothie Restores 7 Hearts, Grants Damage Reduction for 1 minute 100
11 Mixed Tough SmoothieMixed Tough Smoothie Restores 15 Hearts, Grants Damage Reduction for 1 minute 200
12 Sweet Tough SmoothieSweet Tough Smoothie Restores 15 Hearts, Grants Damage Reduction for 3 minutes 200
13 Milky Tough SmoothieMilky Tough Smoothie Restores 18 Hearts, Grants Damage Reduction for 1 minute 200
14 Salted Tough SmoothieSalted Tough Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Grants Damage Reduction for 1 minute 200
15 Cactus SmoothieCactus Smoothie Restores 2 Hearts, Grants Fire-Proof for 1 minute 100
16 Salted Cactus SmoothieSalted Cactus Smoothie Recovers 2/3 Energy, Grants Fire-Proof for 3 minutes 100
17 Warm SmoothieWarm Smoothie Recovers 2/3 Energy, Grants Chill-Proof for 1 minute 100
18 Warm Mixed SmoothieWarm Mixed Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Grants Chill-Proof for 1 minute 120
19 Warm Rocktato SmoothieWarm Rocktato Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Grants Chill-Proof for 3 minutes 150
20 Warm Mixed SpecialWarm Mixed Special Recovers Full Energy, Grants Chill-Proof for 1 minute 150
21 Apple SmoothieApple Smoothie Restores 2 Hearts, Grants Lightning-Proof for 1 minute 100
22 Mixed Apple SmoothieMixed Apple Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Grants Lightning-Proof for 3 minutes 100
23 Salted Apple SmoothieSalted Apple Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Grants Lightning-Proof for 1 minute 100
24 Bubble SmoothieBubble Smoothie Restores 2 Hearts, Extends Dive Time for 1 minute 100
25 Mixed Bubble SmoothieMixed Bubble Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Extends Dive Time for 1 minute 120
26 Pumpkin Bubble SmoothiePumpkin Bubble Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Extends Dive Time for 1 minute 180
27 Milky Bubble SmoothieMilky Bubble Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Extends Dive Time for 1 minute 180
28 Salted Bubble SmoothieSalted Bubble Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Extends Dive Time for 1 minute 100
29 Rapid SmoothieRapid Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Increases Swim Speed for 1 minute 120
30 Milky Rapid SmoothieMilky Rapid Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Increases Swim Speed for 1 minute 180
31 Cimbing SmoothieCimbing Smoothie Restores 2 Hearts, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 1 minute 100
32 Mixed Climbing SmoothieMixed Climbing Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 1 minute 120
33 Sweet Climbing SmoothieSweet Climbing Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 3 minutes 150
34 Milky Climbing SmoothieMilky Climbing Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 1 minute 180
35 Mango Climbing SmoothieMango Climbing Smoothie Restores 15 Hearts, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 3 minutes 200
36 Salted Climbing SmoothieSalted Climbing Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 1 minute 100
37 Radiant SmoothieRadiant Smoothie Restores 2 Hearts, Grants Glow for 1 minute 100
38 Apple Radiant SmoothieApple Radiant Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Grants Glow for 1 minute 120
39 Mixed Radiant SmoothieMixed Radiant Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Grants Glow for 1 minute 120
40 Sweet Radiant SmoothieSweet Radiant Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Grants Glow for 3 minutes 150
41 Pumpkin Radiant SmoothiePumpkin Radiant Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Grants Glow for 1 minute 180
42 Milky Radiant SmoothieMilky Radiant Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Grants Glow for 1 minute 180
43 Salted Radiant SmoothieSalted Radiant Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Grants Glow for 1 minute 120
44 Twisty SmoothieTwisty Smoothie Restores 5 Hearts, Increases Winding Speed for 1 minute 120
45 Mixed Twisty SmoothieMixed Twisty Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Increases Winding Speed for 1 minute 180
46 Sweet Twisty SmoothieSweet Twisty Smoothie Restores 10 Hearts, Increases Winding Speed for 3 minutes 180
47 Milky Twisty SmoothieMilky Twisty Smoothie Restores 13 Hearts, Increases Winding Speed for 1 minute 180
48 Mango Twisty SmoothieMango Twisty Smoothie Restores 15 Hearts, Increases Winding Speed for 3 minutes 200
49 Salted Twisty SmoothieSalted Twisty Smoothie Recovers Full Energy, Increases Winding Speed for 1 minute 150
50 Golden SmoothieGolden Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts 300
51 Golden Tough SmoothieGolden Tough Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Grants Damage Reduction for 5 minutes 300
52 Golden Chilly SmoothieGolden Chilly Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Grants Fire-Proof for 5 minutes 300
53 Golden Piping-Hot SmoothieGolden Piping-Hot Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Grants Ice-Proof for 5 minutes 300
54 Golden Electro SmoothieGolden Electro Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Grants Lightning-Proof for 5 minutes 300
55 Golden Bubble SmoothieGolden Bubble Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Extends Dive Time for 5 minutes 300
56 Golden Rapid SmoothieGolden Rapid Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Increases Swim Speed for 5 minutes 300
57 Golden Climbing SmoothieGolden Climbing Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 5 minutes 300
58 Golden Radiant SmoothieGolden Radiant Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Grants Glow for 5 minutes 300
59 Golden Twisty SmoothieGolden Twisty Smoothie Restores 20 Hearts, Increases Winding Speed for 5 minutes 300
60 Tough PotionTough Potion Grants Damage Reduction for 5 minutes 150
61 Chilly PotionChilly Potion Grants Fire-Proof for 5 minutes 150
62 Warming PotionWarming Potion Grants Chill-Proof for 5 minutes 150
63 Piping-Hot PotionPiping-Hot Potion Grants Ice-Proof for 5 minutes 150
64 Electro PotionElectro Potion Grants Lightning-Proof for 5 minutes 150
65 Bubble PotionBubble Potion Extends Dive Time for 5 minutes 150
66 Rapid PotionRapid Potion Increases Swim Speed for 5 minutes 150
67 Climbing PotionClimbing Potion Increases Wall-Climb Speed for 5 minutes 150
68 Radiant PotionRadiant Potion Grants Glow for 5 minutes 150
69 Twisty PotionTwisty Potion Increases Winding Speed for 5 minutes 150

Non-Smoothie Drinks

Item Effect Buy Price
Red PotionRed Potion Restores 5 Hearts 30
Blue PotionBlue Potion Recovers 1/4 Energy 30
Purple PotionPurple Potion Restores 3 Hearts, Recovers 1/8 Energy 50

These Potions cannot be blended, but are bought from various shops. Select shops require purchasing the shop's accessory and/or completing a main quest to stock the potion.

Smoothie Shop Locations

Hyrule Map and List of Locations

Smoothie Recipe Rewards

There are three rewards that can be obtained through the Smoothie Shop, by discovering 10, 30, and 69 smoothies. Note that the Unfortunate Smoothie combinations do not show up in the Recipe List, and thus do not count toward recipe completion for any of these rewards.

Accessories Obtained at 10 and 30 Recipes

10 Recipes Discovered
30 Recipes Discovered

Discovering 10 recipes will earn you a Survey Scope, while discovering 30 will upgrade it to the Survey Binoculars.

Receive 10 Golden Eggs for Completing the Recipes List

Creating all 69 smoothies and completing the recipes list will earn you 10 Golden Eggs.

How to Use the Smoothie Shop

Collect Ingredients and Blend Them to a Smoothie Shop

Business Scrub selling Smoothies

Smoothies can be made after you've collected enough ingredients from your progress. The ingredients can then be brought to a Smoothie Shop run by a Business Scrub.

Each Smoothie requires two specific ingredients and will have different effects once blended, consuming the selected ingredients in the process.

Unlock Recipes by Blending New Smoothies

The Ingredients needed for each Smoothie will be saved into a recipe the first time you blend them. This will make it easier to take note of the needed ingredients for your favorite Smoothie!

If you've already picked up a lot of Smoothie ingredients on your journey, try different combinations to see if you can unlock more recipes!

Combine Two Wrong Ingredients to Make Unfortunate Smoothie

Unfortunate Smoothie is a special type of Smoothie that is made through an accident. If you mix two different ingredient combinations that isn't featured in our Smoothie recipe section above, then you'll most likely get an Unfortunate Smoothie.

Unfortunate Smoothie Effect and How to Get

Complete the Recipes, Please! Side Quest to Get Survey Scope and Binoculars

Completing the Recipes, Please! Side Quest can get you the Survey Scope and Survey Binoculars, accessories that increase the drop rate of smoothie ingredients and monster stones from defeating enemy monsters or breaking objects.

You can get the Survey Scope by completing 10 recipes during the Recipes, Please! Side Quest. For the Survey Binoculars, you will need a total of 30 recipes in order to acquire it as a reward.

List of All Accessories

Purchase Smoothies Without Blending Ingredients

You can also purchase Smoothies directly without the need to blend Ingredients, after you've made that smoothie with the required ingredients at least once.

It's worth noting that the prices of the Smoothies may vary depending on the cost of Ingredients needed to blend them, with the Smoothie being more expensive if its Ingredients have high cost, so it's better to use the ingredietnts if you have them.

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6 Anonymous5 months

Fresh Milk and Chilly Cactus can also yield a Mixed Milky Smoothie

5 Anonymous6 months

You have egg and pumpkin listed on 52 and 59


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