Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

List of Missables and One-Time Events

Zelda EoW List of Missables and One-Time Events

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) has one-time events and may contain some missables that can be overlooked while playing. Here's a list of all missable items and events you should look out for and how to avoid getting locked out!

Are There Missables in Echoes of Wisdom?

Nothing is Permanently Missable

Echoes of Wisdom does not have any missables as the contents of the game with collectibles and quests can be revisited at any time.

Also, unlike in recent titles such as Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, there is no mechanic that replaces weapons, items, and even monsters as you progress the story in Echoes of Wisdom.

Rift-Exclusive Echoes Can Still Be Revisited

Revisiting the Stilled World to see Cloud Echoes available

Even Echoes that you think might be locked behind rifts can actually still be revisited. By finding the entrance to the Rift, Tri will let you revisit the Stilled World so that you can grab Echoes you may have missed!

List of One-Time Events

Treasure Chests in the Overworld and Dungeons


Treasure Chests that you find in the overworld, the Still World, and dungeons can only be opened and looted once. They won't be refreshed no matter how far you get into the game.

Interactive Map of Hyrule

Quests Cannot Be Replayed

Quests and the rewards they give are also one-time events, so you won't be able to redo them without creating a fresh save file.

Complete Story Walkthrough

Some Rifts Cannot Be Revisited

Similar to quests, some Rifts that you encounter during the course of the Main Quest will be inaccessible afterwards.

The rifts that cannot be revisited do not have any collectibles, ensuring that there are no missables from them.

List of Still World Rifts

Upgrades Are Irreversible

Machine in Lueburry House

Upgrades, such as the Swordfighter Form upgrades, HP increase from Heart Pieces, and Great Fairy Shrine Accessory Slot upgrades are irreversible, and permanent once you go through with the upgrade.

Swordfighter Form Upgrade Order

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

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4 Anonymous6 months

Stilled Northern Gerudo Desert Rift is not part of the main story. I think that rift shows up around the time you finish Hyrule Castle.

3 Anonymous6 months

"stilled northern desert gerudo desert rift" contains two might crystals that i did not get before completing the gerudo main story, is there a way to get those might crystals?


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