Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Bosses List: How to Beat Every Boss

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom List of All Bosses

Each dungeon contains a final boss you must defeat to progress in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW). Read on to see all bosses and where to find them, as well as tips for beating them!

All Bosses List

Dungeon Bosses

Boss Location and How to Beat
Seismic TalusSeismic Talus Appears In:
Suthorn Ruins
・Lock onto the purple sphere and attack
・When the core comes out, hit it with everything!
MogryphMogryph Appears In:
Gerudo Sanctum
・Use the statues to shield yourself when it charges
・When the statues disappear, spawn more
VocavorVocavor Appears In:
Jabul Ruins
・Use attack Echoes to expose its back
・Dodge the large whirlpools it casts to find an opening
・Use Bind to pull parts of its back during Phase 2
GanonGanon Appears In:
Hyrule Castle
・Dodge when he lunges forward and strike back
・Deflect the orange orb back at him in Swordfighter Form during Phase 2
VolvagiaVolvagia Appears In:
Eldin Temple
・Use the Swordfighter Form's Bow to shoot arrows at it
・Use echoes that can fight long distance and fly
GohmaGohma Appears In:
Faron Temple
・Attack the large eye on its back
・Use an Electric Keese to hit the green gems on its legs and take it down
SkorchiiSkorchill Appears In:
Lanayru Temple
・Attack its helmet using the correct element Wizzrobe or Keese
・Use fire when the helmet is blue, and ice when it is red
NullNull Appears In:
Null's Body
・Break its legs in Phase 1 and 3
・Make sure to get the air bubbles in Phase 2
・Pull on the Triforce in the final Phase


Boss Location and How to Beat
Dark LinkDark Link Appears In:
Suthorn Ruins
Gerudo Sanctum
Eldin Temple
・Throw Pots toward Dark Link to deal damage
・Summon monster Echoes to distract Dark Link
・Pick up Hearts that Dark Link drops
Smog BossSmog Appears In:
Eastern Temple
Hidden Ruins
・Use ranged attacks while Smog is whole
・Use Echoes to guide pieces of Smog together until it reforms
Lord Jabu-JabuJabu-Jabu Appears In:
Stilled Jabul Waters Rift
・Make Jabu-Jabu eat a Bombfish
・Defeat the smaller enemies to regain Hearts
LanmolaLanmola Appears In:
Gerudo Desert
・Bind its tail to prevent it from burrowing then attack once it flips back upright.
・Finish Lanmola with a barrage of attacks in Swordfighter Form
BarinadeBarinade Appears In:
Zora Cove
・Summon Boomerang Boarblins to tear down Barinade's defenses
・Finish Barinade in Swordfighter Form
Igneo TalusIgneo Talus Appears In:
Eldin Volcano
・Use Bind to pull off its glowing blue core
・Summon Lizalfos Lv. 3 Echo for jump attack during Phase 3
ManhandlaManhandla Appears In:
Faron Temple
・Make it eat a Bombfish Echo
・Use Bind to reveal Manhandla's weak points
Slime Eye overviewSlime Eye Appears In:
Lanayru Temple
・Use freezing Echoes to make it vulnerable
・Focus on the smaller Slime Eyes
Shadow ZeldaShadow Zelda Appears In:
Stilled Ancient Ruins
・Use the Bow of Might to shoot Shadow Zelda
・Summon support Echoes to distract enemies

Tips for Beating Bosses

General Boss Tips
CheckmarkUse Monster Echoes to Fight For You

CheckmarkUse Swordfighter Form When You Have the Chance

CheckmarkStock Up on Smoothies That Restore Hearts and Energy

CheckmarkKeep Some Fairies in Your Bottles

Checkmark Collect Pieces of Heart to Increase Your Max Heart

CheckmarkCollect Might Crystals and Power Up Your Weapons

CheckmarkComplete Rifts and Level Up Tri's Power
Wise Up.pngWise Up! There is no one way to beat a boss!
These are general tips that can be used to defeat bosses. Players are not limited to these options; they are encouraged to create their own strategies!

Use Monster Echoes to Fight For You

Lynel Echo Learned

Boss battles in Echoes of Wisdom revolve around summoning Echoes to help you take the boss down. Enemy echoes have various strengths and weaknesses, so it's a good idea to explore and learn many as you progress through the game.

All Echoes List Best Echoes

Use Swordfighter Form When You Have the Chance

Swordfighter Form Unlock

After your Echo hits a boss enough time to knock it down, it's a good idea to go into Swordfighter Form and deal heavy damage to it. Swordfighter Form has an energy gauge limit, so wait for the right opportunity and strike!

Swordfighter Form Upgrade Order

Stock Up on Smoothies That Restore Hearts and Energy

Salted Milky Smoothie

Before going into a dungeon or boss fight, it's a good idea to stock up on recovery smoothies, in case your hearts get too low. Smoothies can be obtained from any smoothie shop by combining two ingredients, and have various effects like restoring hearts, restoring energy, or giving you a defense buff.

All 69 Smoothie Recipes Best Smoothies

Keep Some Fairies in Your Bottles

Fairy Bottle

If you catch a fairy after obtaining a Fairy Bottle, you will be revived the instant your hearts run out. This can save you in a pinch, so it's a good idea to keep at least one or more with you at all times.

All 4 Fairy Bottle Locations

Collect Pieces of Heart to Increase Your Max Heart

Heart Piece

You'll have a much easier time with bosses if you take some time to explore the map and collect Heart Pieces. For every four you get, you'll increase your maximum hearts, allowing you to live that much longer against a tough boss.

Heart Piece Locations: All 40 Pieces of Heart

Collect Might Crystals and Power Up Your Weapons

Weapon Upgrades

If you collect enough Might Crystals, you'll be able to upgrade your Sword, Bow, andf Bombs in Swordfighter Form. You can upgrade them by visiting Lueberry in his house.

All Might Crystal Locations Swordfighter Form Upgrade Order

Complete Rifts and Level Up Tri's Power

Tri Level Up

Every time you clear a rift, including the Dungeons, Tri's power level will increase. Each time this happens, you get a bonus such as reduced cost for echoes, or more triangles to summon. The more echoes you can summon at a time, the easier battles will become, so leveling up Tri will provide you a big bonus.

List of Still World Rifts How to Increase Tri's Power Level

Zelda Echoes of Widsom Related Guides

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Guides and Wiki
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Walkthrough Wiki

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Guides
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Side QuestsSide Quests Tips and TricksTips & Tricks
LocationsHyrule Map & Locations Zelda Echoes of Wisdom RiftsRifts
EchoesEchoes AutomatonsAutomatons
AccessoriesAccessories ClothingClothing
MinigamesMinigames BossesBosses
Ingredients and ItemsIngredients and Items SmoothiesSmoothies
CharactersCharacters News and Game InfoNews and Game Info


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