Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)

Best Echoes for Combat and Exploration

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Best Echoes for Combat and Exploration

Ensure the Best Echoes are ready in every situation in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW)! Here's a list of the Best Echoes for combat, puzzle solving, exploration, recovery, and the best elemental Echoes.

All Echo Guides
List of All Echoes Best Echoes

Best Echoes

Best Overall Echoes

Exploration Old BedOld Bed Water BlockWater Block StrandtulaStrandtula
PlatboomPlatboom Flying TileFlying Tile CloudCloud
Throwing BombfishBombfish RockRock PotPot
(Early Game)
PeahatPeahat Sea UrchinSea Urchin Sword Moblin Lv. 2Sword Moblin Lv. 2
Boomerang BoarblinBoomerang Boarblin CrowCrow ChompfinChompfin
(Mid Game)
Ball-and-Chain TrooperBall-and-Chain Trooper Darknut Lv. 2Darknut Lv. 2 Fire WizzrobeFire Wizzrobe
Ice WizzrobeIce Wizzrobe Electric WizzrobeElectric Wizzrobe
(Late Game)
Lizalfos Lv. 3Lizalfos Lv. 3 LynelLynel
Elemental TornandoTornando IgnizolIgnizol SparkSpark
Recovery Soft BedSoft Bed ZeldaZelda's Bed

These Echoes are the best for each respective category, namely: exploration, throwing, early to late game combat, elemental utility, and healing.

Exploration Echoes provide mobility for both traversal and platforming, and Combat Echoes are for eliminating various enemies present in the different stages in the game. Elemental Echoes are enables Zelda to solve puzzles and counter mechanics, and Recovery Echoes are for healing.

Best Echoes for Exploration

All Best Echoes for Exploration

Echo Criteria
Old BedOld Bed ・ Can be used to make platforms or stairs
・ Can recover HP by Sleeping
Water BlockWater Block ・ Can be used to travel vertical distances
StrandtulaStrandtula ・Necessary for traversing vertically in most 2D Sidescroller areas.
CrawltulaCrawltula ・Easily scale walls and other high obstacles.
PlatboomPlatboom ・ Can be used as an elevator that works almost anywhere.
・Can't be used in tight spaces.
Flying TileFlying Tile ・ Can be used to fly over gaps.
・Can be used to jump to hard to reach areas by timing jumps
CloudCloud ・ Similar to Beds, but can be placed mid-air
・Can reach higher places by stacking clouds

These Echoes provide the best value while exploring the different areas of Hyrule.

Since the Old Bed is unlocked near the start of the game, finding the Water Block, Platboom, and Flying Tile echoes should be your priority, as being able to use these echoes basically allows you to solve most puzzles, and reach hidden areas with ease.

Exploration Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Old BedOld Bed
Hyrule Castle Underground
Found at the same room where you found the Decorative Shrub echo.
Water BlockWater Block
Stilled Jabul Waters
After defeating Lord Jabu Jabu, enter the Still Jabul Waters rift and find the Water Block echo here.
Suthorn Ruins 1F
Encounter the enemy dangling on a rope inside the ruins.
Suthorn Prairie
Crawltulas are among the enemies found at Suthorn Prairie.
Flying TileFlying Tile
Gerudo Sanctum 2F
After entering Gerudo Sanctum 2F, head left and encounter the flying tiles.
Stilled Hebra Mountains Rift
Examine one of the clouds in the rift.
Gerudo Desert Caves
These are the moving platforms inside the caves, defeat one and grab an echo of it.

Best Echoes for Throwing

All Best Echoes for Throwing

Echo Criteria
BombfishBombfish ・Functions similarly to Bombs, letting you destroy fragile walls without having to transform into Swordfighter Form.
・Also functions as an underwater explosive.
RockRock ・ Can be thrown at enemies to deal damage
・Unlocked at the start of the game
PotPot ・Can be thrown to deal damage or make noise as a distraction
・Can be used to hide inside and move around for stealth.

Throwables are Zelda's early-game option to deal ranged damage, with the Rock being essentially your starting Echo to deal with enemies.

Throwables are not limited to combat only, with the Bombfish and the Pot echoes showing their worth when it comes to solving the different puzzles you come across in dungeons.

Throwing Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Suthorn Beach
Beetle Mounds are located inside a cave northeast of Gerudo Town.
Suthorn Village
Found inside the first house on the right.
Lord Jabu Jabu's Den
Found swimming in the waters inside Lord Jabu Jabu's Den.

Best Echoes for Combat

Best Echoes for Early Game Combat

Echo Criteria
PeahatPeahat ・ Can take out most early-game enemies
・Costs three Tri Power
Sea UrchinSea Urchin ・Deals Contact Damage to enemies
・Placing a row of Sea Urchins can defeat enemies like Lizalfos Lv. 3 early on
Sword Moblin Lv. 2Sword Moblin Lv. 2 ・ Shield provides additional survivability
・ Great decoy with the potential to deal high damage with its sword attacks
Boomerang BoarblinBoomerang Boarblin ・ Has good rate of fire and attacks from a safe distance
・Bind an enemy to allow the enemy to attack without getting hit
CrowCrow ・ Can deal with flying enemies with ease
・ Low-cost allows you to summon Crows in large numbers
ChompfinChompfin ・ The best Echo to use to defeat water enemies

Early Game combat echoes have low costs, but perform well in combat. While Peahats and Darknuts focus on more of an AoE approach, Wolfos and Boarblins are to be used in larger numbers to overwhelm enemies.

The Peahat is by far one of the most important early game echoes, since it deals damage that exceeds early game enemies, making it a valuable asset, even well into the mid-game.

Early Game Combat Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Sea UrchinSea Urchin
Suthorn Beach
Examine one of the Sea Urchins blocking the path to the underground cave.
Peahat Cave
This is the only enemy inside the cave.
Suthorn Ruins
Encounter this enemy from the area where you found Octorok.
Boomerang BoarblinBoomerang Boarblin
Gerudo Desert
Found in the area where you encounter the Club Boarblin.
Sword Moblin Lv. 2Sword Moblin Lv. 2
Eternal Forest
Found near the east entrance of the Eternal Forest.
Jabul Ruins
From the area with the water mechanism, head right and go down the ladder, head back up to explore the next area and find Chompfin enemies here.

Best Echoes for Mid Game Combat

Echo Criteria
Ball-and-Chain TrooperBall-and-Chain Trooper ・Deals high amounts of damage, useful against armored enemies
・Extremely useful against swarms of enemies due to AoE Spinning Attack
・Overcome slow movement by binding to it and positioning for it.
Darknut Lv. 2Darknut Lv. 2 ・ High Damage and wide attack range
・High defense makes it efficient against groups of enemies
Fire WizzrobeFire Wizzrobe ・ Reliable Echo in the midgame and lategame
・Can set enemies on fire
Ice WizzrobeIce Wizzrobe ・Useful for multiple enemies as they can freeze them
Electric WizzrobeElectric Wizzrobe ・ Can deal with multiple enemies similar to Ice Wizzrobe
・Can be used to solve puzzles

Mid game echoes focus more on using one extremely powerful echo, rather than summoning multiple echoes to overpower enemies with numbers.

Though these Echoes cost more, their firepower does not fall behind, especially the elemental Wizzrobes, which can be extremely useful, even against bosses!

Mid Game Combat Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Fire WizzrobeFire Wizzrobe
Eldin Temple 1F
Fought as a miniboss in Eldin Temple 1F.
Darknut Lv. 2Darknut Lv. 2
Hyrule Castle 1F
Darknut Lv. 2 is the only enemy you encounter in the second room once you enter Hyrule Castle.
Ball-and-Chain TrooperBall-and-Chain Trooper
Hyrule Castle B2
After unlocking the door on the second to the right part of the map, head inside and go underground, work your way up to the other side and the enemy can be encountered here.
Ice WizzrobeIce Wizzrobe
Hebra Mountain
From the entrance to Holy Mountain Lanayru, head right and encounter this floating enemy.
Electric WizzrobeElectric Wizzrobe
Faron Wetlands
After exiting the Heart Lake cave, head right and you will encounter Electric Wizzrobe on the nearby lake.

Best Echoes for Late Game Combat

Echo Criteria
Lizalfos Lv. 3Lizalfos Lv. 3 ・ All around strong attacker for single enemies in the midgame and late game.
・Can engage in combat on land, underwater, and has a high jump and long reach with spear for flying enemies.
LynelLynel ・ The strongest Echo for Late to Postgame exploration.
・Extremely handy in Slumber Dojo challenges.

Late Game combat echoes are extremely powerful, but they are also very expensive.

Lynel is by far the strongest Echo for combat, dealing insanely high amounts of damage against normal enemies and bosses alike.

Late Game Combat Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Eternal Forest
Strictly follow the hoof tracks found in the Eternal Forest to spawn Lynel. Straying off the path restarts everything.
Lizalfos Lv. 3Lizalfos Lv. 3
Wetlands Cave
Found inside the cave where you got the Armos echo. The cave can be found north of the Heart Lake waypoint.

Best Elemental Echoes

All Best Elemental Echoes

Echo Criteria
TornandoTornando ・ Gust tornadoes can knock back enemies and remove sand piles
IgnizolIgnizol ・Sets things on fire quickly
・More efficient and easier to use than Torch Slug
SparkSpark ・Can immobilize enemies submerged in water
HolmillHolmill ・Especially useful in cave puzzles and Might Crystal farming

Elemental Echoes are best used for their utility, helping Zelda solve puzzles, or provide opportunities against enemies, while not being able to quickly eliminate them.

Tornando's strong winds are useful in taking care of sand mounds, which are needed in certain areas, while the Ignizol can set things on fire, which is extremely useful for the many Torch Puzzles you will come across.

Elemental Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Suthorn Forest Cave
Ignizols can be found in a cave to the east of Suthorn Village.
Ancestor's Cave of Rest
Holmills can be found inside the Ancestor's Cave of Rest. Remove the boulder on the left side of the cave using Bind to enter the door leading to the Holmill Room.
Eastern Temple
Found just after entering the temple.
Desert Cave
Head north from where you got the Aruroda echo.

Best Echoes for Recovery

All Best Echoes for Recovery

Echo Criteria
Soft BedSoft Bed ・Has a higher HP recovery rate than the Old Bed
・Recovers 1 Heart every few seconds
ZeldaZelda's Bed ・Has a higher HP recovery rate than the Soft Bed
・Recovers 2 Hearts every few seconds

While beds are efficient echoes for platforming, they also have HP recovery properties that Zelda can take advantage of.

The Old Bed is still by far the most efficient Bed Echo for platforming due to its low cost, but if you want to recover HP faster, think of the Soft Bed and Zelda's Bed as upgrades that allow you to recover more HP in a shorter amount of time.

How to Heal and Restore Hearts

Recovery Echo Locations

Echo Map Image Overworld Image
Soft BedSoft Bed
Found in the house located in the Oasis.
ZeldaZelda's Bed
Zelda's Room
Examine the bed in Zelda's Room.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (EoW) Related Guides

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3 Anonymous7 days

Agree. Respawning Darknut Lv. 3 (sometimes near sometimes far) makes him attack immediately and he does damage multiple times. You should include this echo.

2 Anonymous11 days

Definitely agree with this. Binding it to move and jump around as it spins is a constant source of high damage that can reach almost anything. The only downside is being unable to attack underwater, but the massive range means you can usually just bind and hold it ABOVE water and it'll do just fine.


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